
Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

It is said that "walking thousands of miles and reading thousands of books" is the best way for a person to open the pattern.

Li Xiang is by no means ambiguous in raising his daughter.

Looking at her daughter Wang Shiling's list of sky-high living expenses, we will find that a large part of the expenditure comes from "vacations". From childhood to adulthood, the place where Wang Shiling punched the most on Weibo was not a shopping mall or an amusement park, but a place of interest and museums around the world.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

If a child is immersed in the atmosphere of museums and exhibitions from an early age, he will have a broader sense of tolerance, a higher global view, and a more detailed observation of things.

However, at the moment of the epidemic, it is difficult for parents to take their children to travel through the country. In terms of reading, children themselves are limited by their current cognitive level and reading ability, and it is still difficult to generate interest and maintain habits in the short term.

The May Day holiday is coming soon, this "online class generation", what way can we make up for the gap in the world?

Today, I've put together seven treasure documentaries for you. Through vivid images, these documentaries quietly introduce the knowledge of humanities, history, geography, nature, art and other disciplines to children.

01 Forbidden City 100

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Suitable for children over 5 years old, this documentary is 6 minutes each episode, which is not hurtful to the eyes, and the content is very attractive.

It departs from various objects of the Forbidden City, peeps at leopards in tubes, and shows children the fascinating history of the Forbidden City.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Take the introduction of the stone lion in front of the Taihe Palace, which is introduced in the documentary:

"Their heads and bodies are round, and the base is square, reflecting the geographical understanding of the ancient Chinese people in the place of heaven and circle." "They have 45 buns on their heads, echoing the title of Emperor Nine-Five."

It not only visually describes the shape of the object, but also extends its cultural meaning, geographical cognition and so on at that time. Frankly speaking, taking the children to the scene to step on the spot, neither we nor the tour guide may be able to talk so carefully.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Mr. Liang Sicheng said, "The culture of each ethnic group will produce its own architecture, just like the Forbidden City is the greatest integrator of Chinese culture. ”

Such a classic selection of films, the May Day holiday can be brushed up with children!

02 The British Museum You Didn't Know

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

As one of the four largest museums in the world, the British Museum has a collection of more than 8 million pieces. In previous years, as long as they were lucky enough to set foot on this land, parents would definitely take their children to punch in this place.

However, the collection we see in the field accounts for only 1% of the museum's collection. Where did the rest of the collection go?

This official joint production of NHK and the British Museum takes us to reveal more unknown masterpieces, taking us to peek into the deeper historical truths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Japan.

It can be said without modesty that watching such a documentary, the capital that children share with their classmates after taking leave also has it!

03 The Jewel of the Louvre

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

If the Easter egg documentary of the British Museum stimulates children's interest in history through mysterious collections, then the Louvre, which is also one of the four major museums in the world, sows seeds for children's hearts from an artistic point of view.

In this film, we can not only see the world's three treasures of art, "Mona Lisa", "Venus" and "Victory", but also come into contact with a large number of ancient relics of Greece, Rome, Egypt and the East.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Someone once said, "If you only look at each exhibit for 6 seconds, it will take three months to see all the collections of the Louvre." ”

In fact, we spent money on the tickets, and it was difficult to complete the 6-second appreciation of the Louvre's classic collection when we went to the scene to enjoy it. In "The Treasures of the Louvre", the Dean of the Institute of Research of the University of London in Paris personally guided us and told the audience the story behind the treasures.

If we are fortunate enough to be able to visit the site in the future, with this little preview, our children will also become a small expert.

04 Vatican Museums

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

The Vatican covers an area of 0.44 square kilometers and has a permanent population of about 800 people. This small city-state has a national museum comparable to the British Museum in London and the Louvre.

The collection is the result of centuries of collection and accumulation by the Roman Catholic Church.

The "Genesis", "The Last Judgment", "Athens College" left by the Renaissance, etc., are all works of art that tourists rush to punch in.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Now, under the leadership of Professor Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, we can also get a glimpse of these classic works.

In addition, there are some museums on the official website that can also find the entrance to the cloud tour. While watching documentaries with the baby, while immersing in tourism, we can also achieve a stay at home to travel the world.

In addition to museum documentaries worth watching, there are also some intellectual documentaries that can also enlighten children's interest in science, aesthetics and so on.

05 Beautiful Chemistry

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Children will begin to be exposed to the subject of chemistry at the beginning of junior high school. Many teachers will tell parents that the addition of chemistry is a key stage in the change of children's grades.

Parents who want to take precautions and cultivate their children's interests in advance may wish to take their children to watch this documentary.

Here, boring chemical knowledge and chemical reaction formulas are presented in a very impactful art form.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Many viewers left comments in the barrage: "If I had watched it earlier, my chemistry scores might not have been so bad." ”

This documentary can be watched for free on the B station, and interested parents can take their children with them to feel the beautiful chemical reaction.

06 The Story of Mathematics

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

When it comes to math, many parents may have their heads up. There's a documentary that starts at the pyramids of Egypt and goes all the way to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the market in India, and Oxbridge. By telling the history of mathematics, children can re-understand the meaning of mathematics in interesting applications.

Remember a classic example from this documentary that said:

There are many concubines in the emperor's harem, how can the rain and dew be evenly touched? The mathematical application here is a combination of permutations, which suddenly introduces the usually boring theoretical knowledge fascinatingly.

Boring brushing will harm the child's learning motivation, and perhaps it will be a better way for the child to experience the fun of mathematics.

07 "Ah, Design"

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

The score of this film on Douban is as high as 9.5, and children over 4 years old can understand it.

It tells the knowledge of physics, ergonomics, and aesthetics in the form of observations, and each episode makes people "head up". The most important thing is that "Ah, Design" will guide children to think for themselves while telling the story.

For example, when talking about why soy sauce bottles have stomata, they demonstrated the state of finger plugging and letting go of stomata, and guided the children to contact the concept of "pressure" step by step.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

Then, the show let the audience continue to observe, asking the question of why the bottle has a "waist".

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

By analogy with Coke and the forked waist movement of people, we simply bring to the knowledge of "ergonomics":

This waist design is more suitable for people to grasp.

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life
Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

This show is full of dry goods, and the knowledge involved is buckled one by one, which looks very enjoyable.

Are these wonderful documentaries enough for children to watch for a while?

Can't get out on May Day? These high-scoring documentaries can help children open up the pattern of life

In fact, education is not a process of indoctrination, and it is more important to consciously stimulate the internal drive of children. In the process of watching during the holiday, if parents can watch with their children, communicate and share together, they will also exercise their children's thinking and expression skills!

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