
The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

It was an era of literary heyday: the Tang and Song dynasties coexisted with six of them, the four scholars of Sumen came to the fore, and the literati of the Great Song Dynasty came out one after another, leaving a brilliant page in Chinese history.

A thousand years ago, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty was Bieliang

A meeting of the ages sang the absolute sound of the great Song Dynasty literati

This year, The Horse Du Wei Wang Yi

Invite Su Shi, Su Rui, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, Qin Guan, and Li Gonglin

Sixteen other literati and celebrities gathered in the West Garden

Water and stone babbling, wind and bamboo swallowing, furnace smoke square, grass and trees are self-exhilarating

The joy of the world is nothing more than that

The history is called "West Garden Elegant Collection", and it is called "Lanting Assembly"

A literary beauty that has been passed down through the ages

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Millennium later, in the Qingming of 2022

The West Garden Collection was re-excavated

Ouyang Xiu, Fan Zhongyan, Su Shi, Mi Fu, Lu You, Xin Shuyi, Qin Guan, Li Qingzhao...

Legendary names after legend

Shines again in "Qingming Wonder Tour"

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

First, the world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy

"Sheng Song scattered the tourists, and began to feel the spring sky."

Drape the curtain. The double swallow returned in the drizzle. ”

Ouyang Xiu retired to Yingzhou in his later years, and the strife and turmoil of his life were already outside his body

But the ambitions and experiences of the past are still evocative

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

At that time, he spoke out for the sake of fan wenzheng, but he was both degraded

At the parting table, Fan Zhongyan laughed at himself:

"Last night because of looking at Shu Zhi, laughing at Cao Cao Sun Quan Liu Bei.

Exhausted the organs, in vain, only three parts of the world.

Qu Finger carefully pondered, scrambling, Liu Ling drunk? ”

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

But how can the two people who have the hearts of the people of the world be decadent?

Fan Zhong drowned in Baling County, not to be happy with things, not to be sad with himself

"The world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy"

Ouyang Xiu in Chuzhou, self-proclaimed "drunkard"

Do practical things, send affection to the landscape, and enjoy with the people

"People know that they are happy from the too guarded to swim, but they do not know that the joy of the too guard is also"

Don't worry about the road ahead and don't know yourself, this magnificent righteousness of asking for the people's lives

It's your brightest identity

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

2. Do you know? Do you know? It should be green fat red thin

When I first met Qin Shaoyou

Li Qingzhao is still a young girl who does not understand the world

"Last night the rain was stormy, and the heavy sleep did not consume the wine"

Begonias outside the door are blooming

After a night of wind and rain, did it wither away early?

I was afraid of the spring breeze in the land, which hurt the heart of the flowers

The girl's mind was tactful, and she hurried up to check it out

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

"Refers to the cold jade Sheng cold, blowing through the small plum spring thoroughly."

Still, still, people and poplars are thin. ”

A visiting adult suddenly spoke to her heart

"Do you know? Do you know? It should be green fat red thin. ”

A rebuttal drew the adult's applause

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Then she learned

It turned out that qin Shaoyou, one of the four bachelors of Sumen, was

He went out with his father, Li Gefei

One kind of begonia, two small orders, three lyricists

This is both the sympathy of the literati and inkers

It is also a line of inheritance

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Third, stay until the spring breeze in February and March, a light of tea to reward the sound

"I don't hate this flower that flies away, I hate the West Garden, and it is difficult to embellish the red."

Originally in the West Garden of Wang Yi's horse

Sixteen scholars listened to the music and sang poems

The sea of clouds listens to the wind, and the rain falls on the dust

Dongpo was still singing

"The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the characters of the ancient winds and currents" su Dongpo, a great literary hero

Mi Fu is still that

"The pen blade rolls up the Water of the Three Gorges, and the ink color dyes all over the Ten Thousand Gorges Spring"

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

After the "Wutai Poetry Case" occurred, even if he was as open-minded as Su Shi

I can't help but be sad

"Spring is three points, two points of dust, and one point of running water."

Life is in the world, and things that are not satisfactory are often eight or nine

The more you experience, the more you understand the value of your friends

"Mountains and rivers are not heavy enough, the emphasis is on meeting confidants"

Hopefully, by the next spring, we can

"Half of the mountain house is waiting for the bright moon, and a light of tea rewards the sound."

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Fourth, a willow is heavier than heaven and earth

It rains a lot during the Qingming Dynasty

Qingming no guests do not miss home

Chinese the Qingming Festival, there is a unique oriental aesthetic

Sacrifice ancestors, cautiously pursue the distance

"Qingming guest, love the sound of rain, a willow, heavier than heaven and earth."

The spiritual support from the hometown, the inheritance of the faith of the loyal filial piety

Unconsciously, a kind of family spirit cohesion was completed

Wherever you go, this force silently supports you

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

"There are bitter tears on the old marks on the clothes, and the joy between the eyebrows is yellow."

He and Jun, Chi Shang, look for spring, flowers like snow. ”

It is the love that I cherish more and more for my loved ones after half a lifetime

"People beg for concubines, and Shi Gan burns the unjust marquis to death."

It is a choice of the soul facing the righteousness of life and death

"Yellow flowers and white hair are tied together, and people look at them coldly."

It is willing to insist on oneself and not to be self-righteous and self-righteous

These chinese virtues that have been modeled through the ages and the oriental charm of the world

Deeply immersed in the blood and spirit of all the people of our country

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

5. Wang Shibei fixed zhongyuan day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Naiwong

Since the beginning of Chinese civilization

Home and country are inseparable concepts

People with lofty ideals all regard it as their duty to secure the country and the world

After three years of Jiatai, Lu You and Xin Zhiyi finally met

The Southern Song Dynasty was in a corner of the country, and the Central Plains were not under the iron horse

Two patriotic poets, one

"Lying down at night to listen to the wind and rain, the iron horse glacier into a dream"

A "drunken lamp to see the sword, dream back to blow the horn company camp"

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Until the release of the old man, Jiaxuan also reached the age of flower armor

Xin was summoned to Lin'an by the imperial court to consult on the anti-Jin plan

"Zhongyuan Linfeng scrambled for himself, and the remnants of the dogs and sheep were frightened.

But let the small trial out of the Yu, Qing Shi heroic can be majestic. ”

However, until his death, Lu You could not see the unification of the country

"Wang Shi Bei Ding Zhongyuan Day, the family sacrifice has not forgotten to tell Nai Weng."

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

This sad will

It is a concentrated embodiment of the patriotic spirit since ancient times

The sacrifices of countless benevolent people who have fought for the country for thousands of years

It indicates the historical inevitability of the eventual unification of the country

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

Sixth, spring light or old spring light

At the end of "Qingming Wonder Tour"

Wang Yi reunites with Mi Fu and others in the West Garden

But things have long been wrong, and the good times are no longer good

Mi Fu sighed, "Those who are surging in the realm of fame and fortune and do not know how to retreat, how easy it is to obtain this elegant realm!"

Brothers, all are erudite and discerning, brilliant words, good ancient and knowledgeable, majestic and unworldly!

Even if it is a thousand years later, it should be admired by the world! ”

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

A gathering a thousand years ago, why do we still admire it?

Not only was it shocking to the "West Garden Elegant Collection"

It is also because of the Great Song Dynasty literati during the prosperous period of Wenzhi

The wind and bones and heroic spirit that have not faded for thousands of years

And this is the eternal pursuit of the noble personality of the Chinese

It is also a clear text code with a continuous Chinese context!

The West Garden Collection in "Qingming Wonderful Tour": the heroic spirit of the literati style and bones, and the clear text code of the Chinese context that has lasted for thousands of years

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