
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong

Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong

The new era needs literary and artistic masters, and it is also completely capable of creating literary and artistic masters! The new era needs a literary and artistic peak, and it can also cast a literary and artistic peak! In the long history of China for 5,000 years, there is a brilliant brilliance of artistic changes and amazing creativity everywhere, and it is their brilliant brilliance that enables Chinese civilization to live endlessly in the long river of history.

Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong

Mr. Bao Weidong's hobbies are martial arts, literary creation, calligraphy and music. Mainly engaged in cursive writing, the scientific research projects I presided over have won the second prize of the ministerial level, and many academic papers have been included in the international academic papers collection. His hobbies are literary creation and calligraphy, and his literary works have been published in "World Chinese Olympic Dedication", "Red Memory", "Famous Sayings of Chinese and Foreign Philosophy", "Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper", "Calligraphy Newspaper", "World Art Classics (Masterpieces)" and so on. In 2017, he was hired by Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting As a contract calligrapher, and in 2021, he won the honorary title of "Meritorious Artist" who collected the world's first digital video to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party, and was invited as a specially invited artist, and in the same year, his personal calligraphy works were evaluated by three teachers including Pan Shenliang of the Palace Museum in Beijing. The calligraphy works are collected by more than 10 revolution memorials, archives and museums, including the Nanliang Revolution Memorial Hall. In late June 2021, he participated in the video recording of CCTV middle school students organized by the Organizing Committee of the New Journey for the Motherland, and won the honorary title of "Most Influential Artist" In July of the same year, his personal calligraphy works were included in the "100 Years of History, Zhongyu Sales Road - 100 Years of Chinese Famous Masterpieces" stamp album produced by the China Philatelic Art Network and the National Ceremony Artist Stamp Production Organizing Committee. His achievements have been included in the classics of Contemporary Chinese Photography, the Dictionary of Successful Chinese Figures, and the Builders of the Republic.

"Countermeasures for the Sustainable Development of Wildlife Resources in Xiaolongshan Mountain" was published in Gansu Forestry Science and Technology, No. 4, 2000

"On the Sustainable Development and Countermeasures of State-run Farms and Gardens: A Case Study of Xiaolongshan Forest Area" was published in Gansu Science and Technology, No. 12, 2008, 153-155

"Black-crowned Falcon Found in SoutheastErn Gansu" was published in the Journal of Zoology, No. 4, 2019

Works by Bao Weidong

Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong
Chinese and great talent in the context - the famous calligrapher Bao Weidong

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