
beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Shangshan is like water, is an idiom that comes from Lao Tzu: "Shangshan is like water, and water is good for all things without dispute, and it is evil to all people (wù), so it is more than the Tao." It means that the supreme character is like water, and it is not contested by all things without competing for fame and fortune. Do not see with the world in general, do not compete with the world for a while, and be soft but can tolerate the world's open-mindedness and temperament. In Taoist doctrine, water is the best and softest; the water is dense, the micro is silent, the giant is turbulent; it has no quarrel with people but it contains all things. Water has the virtue of nourishing all things, it enables all things to obtain its benefits, without contradictions or conflicts with all things.

Below, let's take a look at the "Shangshan Ruoshui" written by 20 great calligraphers in ancient times, which is very punctual! From now on, starting with Mr. Qi Gong:

8 Modern

Qi Gong | 1912-2005

These four-character works are not collection words, but mr. personal works. Mr. Qi Gong was born in the late Qing Dynasty and is known as "the last classical literati in China". In addition to his calligraphy expertise, Mr. Qi Gong is an outstanding red scholar, whose representative works include "Notes on the Dream of the Red Chamber". Qi Gong was the ninth grandson of the Yongzheng Emperor, but he was never proud of it, nor did he advertise himself as a calligrapher.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

7 Qing Dynasty

Yi Bingshou | 1754—1815

Calligraphy Yi Bingshou worships Liu Yong as a teacher, gets the brushwork of Gu Longqing, and uses the most gong in Yanlu, especially in flat painting, and strives to chase the simple and ancient Charm, forming a unique style, and the method of lishu creates a family. Sha Menghai, a close friend, said: "Yi Bingshou is the authentic book of Lishu, and Kang Youwei said that he is very right to say that he has collected the great results of the book. In fact, his works are not in good shape, and when he leaves his pen, he is separated from others in the realm of immortality. Except for the seal book, which he did not often write, the rest of the colors were higher than Deng Shiru's realm. ”

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Zhu Yun | 1626 – c. 1705

Bada Shanren was deeply influenced by Ouyang Inquiry, and later learned Dong Qichang's walking grass, and then turned to Huang Tingjian's exaggerated openness, etc., explored in many ways, and then traced the temperament of Wei and Jin calligraphy, and finally used the seal calligraphy to form their own unique style: the center is rounded, and it is gentle and colorful and thick, and it is full of Jin popularity. His calligraphy achievements were mainly changes in brushwork.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Wang Duo | 1592—1652

Wang Duo character Juesi, word awareness. Calligraphy and Dong Qichang are on a par with each other, known as the "King of the South Dong and the North", the Ming Dynasty surrendered, struggled internally, and vented in cursive. Wang Duo's cursive writing is particularly indulgent, unrestrained, vertical and horizontal, and deep-boned, which has a great impact on the whole of East Asia, and even has the evaluation of "the queen victory over the former king".

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

6 Jin

Wang Xizhi | 303–361

Character Yi Shao, Han Nationality, famous calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, known as the "sage of books", Wang Xizhi's pen, a change in the beginning and end of the Zhong Shu's pen, there is a frustrated pen action at the beginning of the pen, mostly with a square pen into the paper; and the pen at the end does not care to fold the pen to re-press, but gently lift the belt; in the speed of the pen is slow before and after; in the stroke form to seek its uniformity and tightness, the momentum is like a column. This is a huge change. After this revolution, Wang Xizhi introduced the script into the dignified and vivid stage of 'present body'.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

5 Ming Dynasty

Dong Qichang | 1555–1636

Zi Xuanzai, a native of Shanghai, was a famous calligrapher and painter and high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty, and an official to the Nanjing Libu Shangshu. Dong Qichang's calligraphy is particularly remarkable, going in and out of the Jin and Tang Dynasties and becoming his own style, and he advocates learning from the ancient to the ancient.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Xu Wei | 1521–1593

After a very cruel experience, at the end of the Ming Dynasty as Hu Zongxian's staff, the political situation was chaotic, Xu Wei was extremely depressed and crazy, he committed suicide 9 times but did not die, and he was imprisoned for 7 years for killing his stepwife. The reason why Xu Wei's calligraphy has dumped generations of calligraphers is that his works fully express the mixed and agitated subjective emotions of the calligraphers. The subjective consciousness often talked about now is already very obvious in Xu Wei's works; in addition, a clear sense of calligraphy "creation" is also revealed, although it does not put forward a clear concept and rises to the theory, but it is certain that it is different from the elegant play of the literati doctor.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

The king's pet | 1494–1533

A famous young calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty in China, a native of Suzhou, Wang Pet was erudite and versatile, good at seal carving, landscapes, flowers and birds, poetry, especially famous for calligraphy, good at calligraphy, small letters, exquisite grass, if it were not for his untimely death, the history of calligraphy would be rewritten.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Good luck with | 1461-1527

The achievements of the calligraphy art in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, represented by Zhu, Wen and Wang, lie in the fact that on the basis of inheriting the excellent calligraphy art traditions of Wei, Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan, they boldly innovated and had a unique style, breaking through the shroud of the "pavilion style" on the book world since the early Ming Dynasty, sweeping away the "mesmerizing style", opening up a new way of calligraphy art, and being known as the Ming Dynasty's "book in the future". Among the "Three Houses of Wuzhong", Zhu Yunming's calligraphy artistic achievements are the most prominent. The great calligrapher, the character Xizhe, a native of Jiangsu, one of the four great talents, because his right hand has six fingers, so he calls himself Zhishan.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

4 Yuan Dynasty

Zhao Mengfu | 1254–1322

Zi Ang, Han ethnicity, Songxue Dao people, Zhejiang Huzhou people. Famous calligraphers, painters and poets from the late Southern Song Dynasty to the early Yuan Dynasty, grandson of Zhao Kuangyin, the eleventh grandson of the Song Taizu and the descendant of the Zhao Defang faction of the Qin King.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

3 Tang Dynasty

Sun Guoting | 646–691

A native of Zhejiang, he was a famous calligraphy theorist and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. The book "Book Genealogy" (including inkblots in the world) occupies an important position in the history of ancient calligraphy theory and has a great influence to this day.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Liu Gongquan | 778–865

The Culture of the Tang Dynasty is magnificent, and the calligraphy art is famous. In the early Tang Dynasty, there were Ou, Yu, Chu, and Xue; Sheng Tang had Zhang Xu, Yan Zhenqing, and Huai Su; In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, there were Liu Gongquan and Shen Chuanshi. Liu Gongquan took the banner of the letter from Yan Zhenqing, created his own "willow body", and climbed to another peak. "Willow body" and "Yan body" are equally famous, and called "Yan muscle willow bone". Famous calligrapher, high-ranking official and poet of the Tang Dynasty. Liu Gong calligraphy combines Yan Zhenqing and Ouyang Qian, with strong bones, presenting his own will, and is unique.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Yan Zhenqing | 709–784

Zi Qingchen, a native of Xi'an, was a famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, a famous minister, and a loyal martyr. Its orthography is broad and thick, the writing is vigorous and powerful, and the "Yan Body" script has a great impact on future generations.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Chu Suiliang | 596-659

Zi Dengshan, a native of Hangzhou, was a famous politician, calligrapher and appraiser of the Tang Dynasty. Chu Suiliang undertook the Sui Dynasty Calligraphy, integrating the predecessors, chu characters are beautiful and clear, rigid and soft, and bone rhymes are integrated.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Ouyang inquired | 557 to 641

With Yu Shinan, he is famous for his calligraphy, and his calligraphy is dangerous in the middle of the flat, and is known as "European Body". His calligraphy achievements are the most in calligraphy, with dangerous pen strength and unique structure, which is called "European body" by posterity. Its source is from Han Li, the backbone is strong, the law is rigorous, it sees danger in the middle of the flat, it sees elegance in the rules, the strokes are interspersed, and the arrangement is appropriate. The calligraphy is "Jiucheng Gong Liquan Ming" and so on, and the xingshu is most famous for "Dream Dian Ti" and "Zhang Han Ti".

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

2 Song Dynasty

Rice | 1051-1107

Ziyuan Zhang, self-signed name Mi or Qian, Hubei Xiangyang people, Northern Song Dynasty famous calligrapher, painter, calligraphy and painting theorist. The calligraphy is used both on the front and side, which is extremely varied, the gesture is heroic, and it has a great influence on future generations.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Su Shi | 1037–1101

Zi Zhan, a resident of Dongpo, Sichuan, whose ancestral home was Luancheng, Hebei, was a famous writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Huang Tingjian | 1045–1105

Calligraphy, especially cursive, leads cranes into the grass, is strong and easy to open up the New Territories. Huang Tingjian's calligraphy was originally taught by Zhou Yue in the Song Dynasty, and later under the influence of Yan Zhenqing, Huai Su, Yang Ningshi and others, and inspired by the style of Jiao Shan's "Crane Ming", cursive writing formed his own style. Huang Tingjian's large character writing is condensed and powerful, the structure is peculiar, almost every word has some exaggerated long paintings, and try to send them out, forming a new method of knotting in the middle palace and diverging from the four edges, which has a great impact on future generations. Structurally, it is obviously influenced by Huaisu, but the twists and turns of the pen are completely different from the rhythm of Huaisu.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

Cai Xiang | 1012-1067

Cai Xiang calligraphy is thick and dignified, simple and elegant, and it is a self-contained. The exhibition volume of Cai Xiang calligraphy, suddenly felt a spring breeze on the face, full of beautiful and gentle atmosphere. His calligraphy was highly respected by the people of the time before his death, and he was extremely prestigious, and the people who most admired his calligraphy were Su Dongpo and Ouyang Xiu. From the perspective of calligraphy style, Su Shifeng is full of ups and downs; Huang Tingjian Mi Fu jun mai bold, their style of writing is its own style, Su, Huang, and Mi are known for their grass and kai, and it is Cai Xiang who likes to write rules and regulations.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

1 Sui Dynasty

The monk Chiyong | Birth and death unknown

A famous calligrapher and monk of the Southern Dynasty, he was called "Yong Zen Master". Zhiyong was a descendant of Wang Xi, and his calligraphy had a profound influence on calligraphy in later generations. The famous "Yongzi Eight Laws" was founded by Zhiyong and set a model for future generations. The work "True Grass Thousand Character Text" is a classic textbook for future generations to learn books.

beauty! 20 great calligraphers write "Shangshan is like water"

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