
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Mr. Dong Xianzhou is a Chinese painter born in the beautiful Liaoning Province, we through his works, with his gods, it should be said that his paintings attracted my attention, this is a contemporary artist facing reality, facing the current survival thinking and artistic thinking, at least in the painter Dong Xianzhou here, we see that the poetic heart is his starting point, in such a vision, a branch and a leaf are always concerned, a mountain and a river are poetry, a person and a painting originate from the heart.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Dong Xianzhou, born in 1954 in Liaoning, studied at Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 1982, studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, and graduated from the Contemporary Art Creation Research Class of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. He is currently an oil painter at the Beijing Jin Zhengde Academy of Calligraphy and Painting and a director of the China Oil Painting Research Association.

He is an outstanding representative of the third generation of Chinese oil painters, engaged in oil painting creation and research for nearly thirty years, he is good at oil painting of various themes, especially good at landscape and lotus pond, from the "Sketch Landscape" we see his skillful brush color skills, many people regard oil painting as a pure modeling tool, painting works mechanical and lack of agility. Dong Xianzhou regards oil painting as a painting language and medium, and through emotional expression and unique pictorial expression, the natural expression of the work is free and elegant. He has been invited to participate in major exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, and has won many awards in international art fairs. Many works are collected by domestic and international celebrities and institutions. His works have been published in well-known domestic art publications such as "Grand View of Fine Arts", "Art Circle", "Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Art and Auction", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Report" and so on.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

The technical return to the state of mind is unique

——Remembering the famous oil painter Dong Xianzhou

Watching Dong Xianzhou's oil paintings, the first thing I perceive is that the artistic charm is spectacular and formless. Oil painting is based on proficiency in modeling, and superb perspective and pure technical ability of light and shadow reflect Dong Xianzhou's professional standards as an oil painting artist. Dong Xianzhou's oil painting is the original quality of oil painting. Although he is an Oriental, he has become the leader of the main quality of oil painting, and he strives to grasp the mainstream direction of oil painting creation through the essential techniques of oil painting, and does not let oil painting slide into the quagmire of nothingness, or walk out of the trap of extreme impressionism.

Dong Xianzhou's oil painting creation, the attitude is rigorous, the technique is pure, you can use the simple words "real oil painting" to describe Dong Xianzhou's persistence and protection of oil painting works. Oil painting originated in the West, but under the laissez-faire brush of the West, it almost walked into the dead end of "graffiti painting", Dong Xianzhou found that the creation of extreme non-observance of the essential technique of oil painting not only lost the positive quality of the shape, but also embarked on the evil road of losing the public's viewing value and making the public abandon it ugly.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Dong Xianzhou's oil painting benefits from the inheritance of authentic techniques and has become the mainstream of oil painting creation, and the oil painting works with glittering colors are of correct quality, which not only retains the aesthetic vision of oil painting by the public, but also touches the aesthetic mood of the public's oil painting very well. Watching Dong Xianzhou's oil paintings, you get a real artistic enjoyment, rather than being dazed or even angry and "can't understand".

The public can understand Dong Xianzhou's oil paintings, which is entirely due to the artistic quality of Dong Xianzhou's cultivation of "art must not deceive the world". Some oil painting creators, using innovation as a reason, oil painting creation overemphasizes personal arbitrariness, ignores the mainstream artistic aesthetic needs of the public, and makes oil painting cloudy and foggy, which is a mystery.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Dong Xianzhou creates oil paintings, and the first artistic attitude is to show people, let people understand, and then touch people's hearts. Understanding oil painting relies on technique, touching people's hearts depends on the main idea. Each oil painting has the main idea that Dong Xianzhou wants to express, which makes his oil paintings marked by thinkers, with feelings, ideals, and the light of thinking. He uses oil paintings to express his mind, express history, express spiritual temperament and culture, full of sense of distress, but also have feelings of home and country. The deep cultural essence of oil painting through the main theme is integrated with the sense of historical depth, allowing the viewer to stand in front of the painting, such as the vast space of history and culture, with great emotions and great touches, which is the endless artistic charm of Dong Xianzhou's oil paintings.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Dong Xianzhou's freehand oil painting landscapes combine the spirit of traditional Chinese literati with modern consciousness, and we see that the pictures he controls have both a moderate grasp of the whole and the portrayal and integration of details. The main color and background color of the picture are organized harmoniously and in a seemingly disordered way, and the natural color is highly purified and transcendent. On the screen, there are different sizes, loose strokes and signs of free swing. In the replacement and transformation of shape and color, the painter's emotions can be released and cathartic, and the body taste and perception in the creation evoke the joy of his direct aesthetic again and again. Therefore, for Dong Xianzhou, landscape oil painting has become a carrier for initiating inspiration, arousing conscience, and pursuing truth.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

Dong Xianzhou, with his profound oil painting theory and practical skills, can be praised by ink masters. Because of his love for oil painting art, he became the beginning of practicing oil painting art, insisted on recording extraordinary and unique history with paintbrushes, examined the colorful culture of oil painting with his inner integrity, explained the world with oil painting, and cast the world view in oil painting, leading the viewer to embrace oil painting with a deep and gorgeous state of mind and perceive art. Painting oil painting well is not only limited to technical cultivation, but also lies in the breadth and compatibility of the artistic spirit. Dong Xianzhou is a forerunner who never stops exploring art, the walker has no boundaries, he goes out of the house, does not do the artist behind closed doors, travels in all directions, landscapes and nature, customs and customs can be deeply immersed in the painting realm.

"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou
"Focus on Outstanding Contemporary Chinese Artists" - Dong Xianzhou

In recent years, Dong Xianzhou has devoted himself to researching and exploring the development path of Chinese oil painting, constantly absorbing and integrating the classics of modern and contemporary art masters, making his artistic creation more mature, forming distinctive artistic characteristics and having the courage of everyone on the basis of profound traditional skills, and his works have high artistic value and collection value.

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