
Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

"Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"—— Oil Painting landscape research exhibition in southern China


Zhang Zuying

After nearly a year of meticulous preparation and touring exhibitions in four places in China, the "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers - Oil Painting and Landscape Research Exhibition in Southern China" was grandly opened at the National Centre for the Performing Arts. As the final exhibition of the touring exhibition, this exhibition concentrates more than 170 excellent works created by more than 100 artists from all over the country, especially the works of many important first- and second-generation famous oil painters, which enhances the academic quality and height of the exhibition, and makes this exhibition a national thematic exhibition on southern themes.

Different from the familiar oil painting landscape paintings that mainly express objective nature, the "Southern China Oil Painting Landscape Research Exhibition" mainly appears three concepts from the name of the exhibition, namely "South", "Oil Painting Landscape" and "Research", especially the new concept of "Oil Painting Landscape" is specially proposed. As the organizer of the exhibition, we will briefly explain the above concepts:

About "The South". The south in this exhibition refers to the south of the Yangtze River, east of the coast, including Jiangsu, Shanghai until the southwest of Yunnan, Guizhou and other more than a dozen provinces, these areas of diverse natural ecology and regional beauty, as well as deep and long, colorful cultural history and folklore, for artistic creation to provide rich living resources and spiritual sources.

About "Oil Painting Landscape". This is a new concept proposed in this exhibition, which is both an academic highlight and an academic difficulty, which was first proposed by a group of artists living in the south. The general subject matter (genre) of oil painting is classified as oil painting figures, oil painting landscapes, oil painting still lifes, etc., and landscape painting is an important genre form in traditional Chinese painting. "Oil painting landscape" is actually a combination of oil painting landscape and landscape painting, two different forms of artistic expression in China and the West, trying to introduce oil painting landscape into the cultural care of Chinese landscape spirit, so that it has the characteristics and connotations of Chinese cultural spirit, so as to achieve the characteristics and height of Chinese landscape spirit, so as to distinguish it from oil painting landscape in the general sense. This is the cultural self-confidence of Chinese artists, which should be in line with the direction of national cultural development in the new era.

About "research". The research significance in this exhibition is mainly reflected in two places, one is to explore the artistic expression of southern themes in the form of oil painting. In the past many years of oil painting habits, it is believed that the scenery of southern China is not suitable for oil painting to express, or that oil painting is not easy to express the southern scenery. In fact, many oil painters have been exploring and studying how to use oil painting to express the southern scenery, and have also created many excellent works, and this exhibition is the first time to focus on the exploration and creation of several generations of oil painters in the southern scenery. Although it is a special study on southern themes, it is a concentrated display of representative artists' works nationwide, and its research value is of great significance to reflect the current situation and development level of contemporary Chinese oil painting. The second is the proposal of the concept of "oil painting landscape" and the in-depth exploration in practice, which can be seen as the continued research and exploration of contemporary oil painters on the basis of the exploration achievements of previous generations of painters.

In recent years, everyone has been talking about what is meant by "national spirit" and "Chinese characteristics". I think that the two are not empty concepts, but contained in the vast land of China, embodied in regional characteristics and humanistic customs. Therefore, digging deep into the spiritual characteristics of various places is the embodiment of the spirit of Chinese; the spiritual exploration of the natural scenery in the south is, in a certain sense, the pursuit of the spirit of Chinese culture. This exhibition is precisely to show the characteristics of contemporary Chinese oil painters who created Chinese culture under the influence of Western art, thus completing the historical transition from the carrier of Western culture to the carrier of Chinese culture. In the current unstable situation of the new crown epidemic in China, this beautiful exhibition showing the magnificent rivers and mountains, mountains and rivers of the motherland, and the humanistic customs will surely bring the blessings and hopes of the capital audience full of vitality and early spring sunshine, and look forward to being appreciated and liked by everyone!

Researcher of China Academy of Arts

He is a life member of the Academic Committee of the China Oil Painting Society

April 2022

Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

The sunset is brilliant


Oil on canvas


Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

The mountains wake up


Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

The second call of the distant mountains


Year 2000

Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

The Series of Love Poems in Ladderta: Hatsune Ushidaka

Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China


National Centre for the Performing Arts

Chinese Oil Painting Society


Southern Oil Painting and Landscape Research Institute of Hunan Normal University

National Centre for the Performing Arts


Jiangsu Phoenix Painting Material Technology Co., Ltd

Hainan Southern Academy of Fine Arts

Supporting units

Xiamen China Children's Art Museum

Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Art Museum

Hainan Provincial Museum

Wuxi Phoenix Art Museum

Beijing Zhenyuan Culture Media Co., Ltd


National Art Museum of China

Beijing Lu Xun Museum

CAFA Art Museum

Wu Zuoren International Art Foundation

Hung Museum of Art

Family of Mr. Dong Xiwen

Family of Mr. Yang Sun

Mr. Su Tianci's family

Mr. Zhang Qinruo's family

Mr. Chen Junde's family

Beijing Baixian Yaji Culture Communication Co., Ltd

Zhang Zuying | "Symphony of Mountains and Rivers"——Afterword to the Exhibition of Oil Painting and Landscape Research in Southern China

Exhibition time

April 2-May 18, 2022

Exhibition venue

National Centre for the Performing Arts (East & West)

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