
In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

During the outbreak of The Second World War in the last century, there were many famous and widely circulated battles, such as the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Midway, etc., which have very deep historical significance, like the Battle of Stalingrad changed the situation in World War II, the Soviet army changed the situation in World War II, the Soviet army turned from a decline to a victory, constantly reduced the space for German activities, and finally was driven out of the Soviet Union, while retreating back to Germany, directly locking in victory.

In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

In this confrontation, a brutal encirclement and annihilation war broke out, more than 50 soviet generals were killed, and the commander was also reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused. After Hitler launched the Barbarossa Project in 1941, the army attacked in three ways in different positions, when the barbarossa area was the most intensive and the pressure was also the greatest, and the Soviet army had lost many soldiers due to insufficient preparation.

In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

Zhukov saw such a scene and believed that continuing to resist would only increase the number of casualties, that the German offensive could not be stopped, and that a strategic retreat was necessary. As a result, Stalin did not agree to this, and demanded that Zhukov stick to the end and resolutely not lose Barbarossa. However, Zhukov had already retreated, and he had no intention of fighting, resulting in a continuous increase in casualties, and Stalin dismissed him in a fit of rage and let other commanders take the top.

In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

The Germans, who had the initiative, had firmly encircled the so-called positions of the Soviet army, and used mechanized troops to fight the vanguard, betting on the road of withdrawal. In the end, the Soviet army had exhausted its strength in a desperate breakthrough, more than 50 generals were killed, and the commander was also reduced to a prisoner of the German army after a few escapes. Seeing such a situation, Stalin did not expect that Zhukov had escaped the disaster because of his dismissal.

In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

Everyone should know which big war it is, which is the famous "Battle of Kiev". The defeat of this battle seriously damaged the morale of the Soviet army, so that the subsequent operations could not withstand the German attack, until the retreat to the Moscow line to stabilize the situation, the follow-up Soviet army slowly accumulated strength, and prepared to fight with the German army to the death, only then there was a reversal of the situation, once Moscow lost, the Soviet Union was finished.

In the battle of World War II, 50 generals were killed, the commander was reduced to a prisoner, and Stalin was confused

In addition, everyone should be more curious about one point, that is, why did the Soviet Union have so many generals at that time? In fact, at that time, the army adopted the policy of putting the capable first, the general's moisture was very high, it was not valuable at all, there were only a few who had strength, and the others were all full, adding up to at least a few hundred generals, which was quite exaggerated.

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