
The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

On March 12, British local time, the British government shouted to the British people, hoping that families with conditions could open their doors to 4 million Ukrainian refugees who crossed the border and provide them with food and accommodation for a year, because the Ukrainian side claimed that the current situation was even worse than in World War II. In the face of the government's "justified" demands, netizens have responded positively, and at the same time, they have also said that they cannot help much, and for the sake of refugees, the British people are not the place where they can get help and should come.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

In the wake of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the British government's response to and handling what has been described as the worst crisis since World War II has sparked resentment on some fronts.

Although Crown Prince Charles and Crown Princess Camilla, important senior members of the British royal family, wept in public, and Princess William and Princess Kate expressed their hearts and minds with the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian government was not satisfied.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

After the Ukrainian mother and daughter drove thousands of miles but could only return in front of the British border, the Ukrainian government asked the British government to do something practical, such as opening up their homes and accepting fleeing Ukrainians.

After all, Some Western officials have "revealed" that millions of Ukrainians on the road have frostbite because of the season, and many of them have left a psychological shadow, both physically and mentally, in need of help.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

Under pressure from allies, Britain's equality secretary Michael Gove will unveil a new humanitarian aid plan next Monday on behalf of the government: allow Ukrainians who have no relatives in britain to come to britain.

To this end, there will be dedicated telephone hotlines and web pages where individuals, charities, businesses and community groups provide accommodation for Ukrainians who come from afar.

After turning green, the UK will probably be able to become a little whiter.

Because the UN High Commissioner for Refugees expects that as many as 4 million Ukrainians may be displaced from their homes, compared with 67 million people in the UK by 2020.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

The British prime minister said in an interview that once Monday's plan is in place, they can do so if any ordinary British people want to welcome [refugees] to their homes.

Initially, Ukrainians can stay in the UK for 12 months, or a year.

During the year, they can work legally, apply for social benefits, enjoy public services, and be vetted to ensure safe and secure free accommodation.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

British officials say it is an unprecedented movement of people in Europe and anywhere else in the world, on a scale that has only happened during World War II and is a challenge for everyone.

Due to the overpopulation, heavy workload and rapid and complex changes in the situation, the UK Home Office decided to change the application for a visa to both online and offline, and will not biometrically identify the applicant himself.

Even so, the British Red Cross said the quickest way to do so was to cancel visas, while the Refugee Council said it was "far from enough".

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

The Government of Ukraine demanded first aid kits, the protection of women pregnant with children and children, and psychologists to help frightened people.

The current refugees belong to the second wave.

The first wave of Ukrainians who fled were capable and well-connected, who settled in other countries and soon went their separate ways, either because they either had abundant resources or had all sorts of viable contacts elsewhere that they could settle down.

The second wave of Ukrainians, who reacted more slowly, were refugees who were frostbitten on the road. These old, weak, sick and disabled people do not have any resources, are very fragile, and need more human and material support.

For the new government's new decree, netizens responded positively, but they were very social and tactful to say that they could not help.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

They said that they really wanted to help from the bottom of their hearts, which was a great thing. Hopefully, homeless people who come to the UK can be accommodated, and so can the government.

But the plan needs to be in place, not just to take people off the street, and both sides need to look up the information.

...... The UK is not the place where they should get help, these people should be taken to a place where they can concentrate on providing the help they need.

(This proposal sounds too German, but it's a bit of a no-brainer.) )

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

British netizens are worried that if they rush to send people to strangers' homes, although they may get free housing, they may also face abuse and further harm.

Other poor Britons say they are on the verge of collapse and are afraid that the increased cost of living will leave them destitute and homeless.

The British called on the ukrainians to open their homes to the Ukrainians, but the British responded positively but said they could not help

There are many Britons who do not even have a house themselves, or whose mental health needs treatment, or who are physically handicapped and in need of medical treatment, or who live in poverty and are abused by their families, who still suffer all kinds of trauma and do not get the help they need.

Here the translator suggests that the British high society may wish to exert more efforts, rather than putting the burden on the common people. After all, all Britons live under the same sky.

Image source: Mirror, Network

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