
A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

Those who have studied the history of World War II know that the Battle of Stalingrad was an important turning point in the Soviet Union and Germany in World War II, and it was also one of the landmark events of the imminent victory of the anti-fascist campaign, when the commander of the German group in the South said: "This battle has caused us to lose a quarter of our troops, which is equivalent to breaking our backbone", so the Battle of Stalingrad has always occupied a very important chapter, and many people have gone forward to study the reasons for the victory of the Soviet Union.

A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

In fact, because of the small projected on a small battle in the Battle of Stalingrad, the basic reasons for the Victory of the Soviet Union can be known, and this battle has always been praised as a "god-operated" battle - 23 soldiers held a building for 58 days, making the building stand still, and after the end, there were no casualties, all survived, and this battle is the famous and often forgotten "Battle of the Defense of the Pavlov Building".

The building was not originally called by this name, and it must be said that in the summer of 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad, no house in Stalingrad was spared, but between Lenin Street and Soviet Road, there was a red building that stood, and after a period of reconnaissance, the Soviet platoon commander Pavlov found that it was extremely important to them - the view was wide, it was a natural artillery observation post, and there was a dock for Soviet supplies to the east.

A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

Unfortunately, this building was in german hands at that time, fortunately the German army did not find its importance, the defense was still lax, Babov after careful consideration, with his few brothers, resolutely prepared to take this place on September 26, it should be known that although the German defense was lax, it did not mean that they were not strong, after a fierce street battle, Bapulov only had 4 brothers left, but everything was worth it.

Because soon the Soviet command also found that this place was the only commanding height of the fruit, which was extremely important for blocking the German offensive stronghold, so it sent some squads to support, plus the survivors of the building, there were finally 23 Soviet troops here, of which 6 were Russians, 6 were Ukrainians, as well as Georgians, Tajiks, Uzbeks... Some weren't even soldiers, just survivors inside the building, but at this moment, they were all fighting for the Soviet Union.

A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

Then Pavlov and the other soldiers began to think about how to make the most resources in their hands, lay out one of the strongest fortifications, although the red brick building fortunately did not collapse, but there was still a wall seriously damaged, after discussion, they first added four layers of barbed wire to the building, placed an anti-tank gun on a wooden platform, dug indoor trenches and outdoor trenches, used sandbags as cover to form a heavy machine gun position, blocked all windows and left only hidden firing holes...

In addition, they also dug through the building and the flour mill not far away, received strong logistical support, and set up a lot of entertainment in the basement, such as playing cards, reading, studying, to change their mood, to ensure that they had the energy and perseverance to win the defense war, in short, they exhausted all methods, both serious and calm to face the difficult battle in this bloody battle, and on September 27, the German army sent a division to launch an attack.

A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

The German way is simple and rude, after understanding the importance of this building, tanks, artillery, dive bombers, infantry are not stingy to stuff here, but it is so magical, under the arrangement of the Soviet army, this building is not moving, once the German army finally rushed to the door, the result was hit back by anti-tank guns, in short, this building has become a "nail household" in their eyes.

The "Nail Household" stubbornly resisted until November 25, when the German army was unable to defend itself and could not devote so much energy to dealing with a building, Paulus had to turn from offensive to defensive, the entire Battle of Stalingrad was coming to an end, the mission of these 23 Soviet soldiers was naturally completed, and after the sudden cessation of artillery fire, it was their grand cheers, the cheers of all their intact.

A miracle in the history of war: 23 men blocked a division for 58 days, stood still, and all survived

Later, in order to commemorate this small but great battle, in order to recognize The bravery and wisdom of Pavlov, this building was specially named "Bapulov Building", which still stands in the city of Stalingrad today, symbolizing the spirit of the former Soviet Union - "dare to fight hard battles, be good at fighting big battles, and be able to win battles", and this summary is also the fundamental reason why the Defense Of The Bapolov Building, the Battle of Stalingrad, and the Soviet Union was able to win.

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