
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?

Recently the movie "Chosin Lake" box office fire, even straight to Hollywood, not only the movie also quickly ignited the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people, this movie shows that the soldiers of our volunteer army were starving at that time, even if they were single clothes and single clothes, 8 days and 7 nights lying on the ice and snow without eating hot meals, they never retreated from the spirit of sacrifice, in fact, the Battle of Chosin Lake was only part of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the entire Korean War Our volunteer army invested a total of 1.35 million people, more than 3 million people in rotation, and more than 180,000 people sacrificed, they fought to resist the United States and aid Korea Defending the country and resting in a foreign country, this war can be said to be the strength of the whole country to support the DPRK, so how does the DPRK support China? The author looked up information, and at that time, North Korea was worthy of the friendship of brothers and comrades. There are a few points for your reference.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, only two countries supported China, one of which was North Korea

In the 1960s and 1970s, Vietnam once declared to the world that it was the world's third largest military power, and after ho Chi Minh's death, Lê Doện became the actual helmsman of Vietnam, who was ambitious, with the support of the Soviet Union, even wanted to dominate Southeast Asia, constantly launched wars against neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia, tasted the sweetness in those small and weak countries, and even disregarded their own strength, blindly confident, wanted to swallow a snake, and dared to extend the clutches of aggression to the Chinese border guangxi, and they even crossed the border to kill and injure our border people.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?

In 1979, China was forced to launch a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, but the background of the times was that the Soviet Union once surpassed the United States in military strength, and even the Americans had to be cautious and cautious about taking a defensive posture against it, and the Soviet Union and Vietnam not only signed a military alliance agreement, but also gathered other countries in the world to encircle China, although at that time China's top level visited the United States and reached a "tacit understanding" with the United States, but the rest of the world still looked at the "eyes" of the Soviets. At this time, China needs the support of other countries, and at this time, North Korea and Cambodia have stepped forward and openly supported China. It can be seen that at the critical time, the DPRK is pulling a handful of brothers.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?

During the Liberation War, it not only provided a rest and training place for the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, but even directly sent troops to support the Democratic Coalition Army

As early as the 1946 Liberation War, Dongye suffered no losses under the attack of the Kuomintang's 200,000 troops, and in order to relocate dongye, the DPRK also set aside a place to provide the Democratic Coalition Army with logistical services such as housing, military food, and casualty care, and even directly sent Korean guerrilla members and militia members who had insisted on resisting Japan in China to participate in the war in China and help Dongye fight.

Not only that, but although Korea was not rich at that time, it often supported Higashino with warm clothing such as grain, quilts, cotton clothes, and cotton gloves. When he learned that Higashino was in urgent need of guns and ammunition, Kim Il Sung directly sent 100,000 guns to Dongye with a big hand, and sent his most reliable guard regiment leader to personally escort to China. At that time, North Korea vigorously supported China's liberation cause.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China invested 1.35 million people and sacrificed 180,000 people, how did the DPRK support China?


Sima Qian wrote in the "Chronicle of History and Cargo Colonization": "The world is bustling for profit, the world is bustling for profit, and the hustle and bustle is for profit and profit." Between countries, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, but sino-DPRK friendship is a relationship of comrades and brothers, it is condensed with blood, and resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is actually to defend the family and defend the country, because the household is in danger and the lips are cold. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea not only that, but also enabled all countries in the world to re-understand the Chinese armed forces, and Chinese people stood up, and the chairman once said: "Chinese is not easy to provoke and is not easy to handle."

Even the famous British World War II Marshal Montgomery said: Do not engage the Chinese army on land, it can be seen that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has scared the Westerners, "Although the country is big, the war will die, although the world is safe, forget the war will be dangerous", my generation should cherish the present peace, happy life, the present is not the era of peace, but living in a peaceful country. On October 25, the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we pay tribute to the martyrs of the Volunteer Army who sacrificed their lives to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

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