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RMB 399 to buy three grain little pure and fresh and titanium soup pot

The eve of the recommendation, this delicious soup, nutrition society, home to the parents to eat, special friends.Yam soup without meat, lotus is relatively light soup, but it was not a bit low nutritional value.Yam can play a role of nourishing, and mushroom can increase its fresh fragrance, again tie-in eggs, nutrition is very comprehensive.


Other friends like to drink soup, home must be saddled a three ears of grain, stew made this dish, it is very simple, prepared ingredients into the pot, after heating, immediately can cook well, can also use it at ordinary times the noodles or pink, can save a lot of cooking time.

The < title > < / h1 > yam lotus soup 】 【

1/5 five, food preparation: mushrooms, carrot, green vegetables ding right amount, a few of yam, egg 1

Accessories: vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper and half spoon

The production process:

1, rinse it ahead of time, mushroom into the large bowl of preparing began to soak, soaked it, mushroom and don't need too much, it is ok to 4 ~ 5.


2, carrots, peel and dice it wash, diced vegetables, mushroom and after soaked, and dice it, mash the yam peel it, cut it into the end.


3, take out three grain ears milk pan, add vegetable oil, put it after heat, add cubed carrots and mushrooms butyl stir fragrance, then add the right amount of water.


4, the fire boil, yam mud that is put in the pound continued to stir, stir it, and then find a bowl, into an egg, stir into the egg mixture.


5, constantly to stir the egg mixture to the pan, add 1 spoon of salt and pepper seasoning half spoon, stir it until flavor, then put the vegetables Ding Fang inside.


6, the fire began to cook, bring to a darker color, this time can to the pot, a nutrition delicious home cooking and yam lotus soup is made ready.


Food carving tip:

1, Chinese yam, lotus soup production, the key is to choose in advance, mushroom and soaked it, a little better quality xianggu mushroom, fragrance is thick.

2, when selecting ingredients, which surface yam yam directly, soft hard iron yam, not easy rotten, but face yam moist, more suitable for making soup.


[this article by "small talk about food carving" original, images are taken by himself. Without permission shall not delete, change theft, 】 if a
