

{"info":{"title":{"content":"永载史册!沙特大满贯:马龙0-3遭横扫!国乒出战6人已有4人出局","en":"Forever in the annals of history! Saudi Grand Slam: Malone was swept 0-3! Of the 6 players in the national table tennis game, 4 have been out"},"description":{"content":"WTT沙特大满贯比赛正在激烈进行,而今日却掀起了一场意外的风暴,国乒成员在前两日1\/32决赛全员晋级的背后,今日却接连遭...","en":"The WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam competition is in full swing, but today it has set off an unexpected storm, the national table tennis members in the first two days of the 1\/32 finals behind the promotion, but today but one after another..."}},"items":[]}