

{"info":{"title":{"content":"6大巨星崩了,马龙比林高远梁靖崑还惨!王皓面如死灰!奥运难办","en":"The 6 superstars have collapsed, and Ma Long is even worse than Lin Gaoyuan and Liang Jingkun! Wang Hao's face is like ashes! The Olympics are difficult"},"description":{"content":"在乒乓球界,中国国乒一直是无可撼动的霸主,但在最近的沙特大满贯比赛中,他们却遭遇了前所未有的挫折。就在北京时间5月7日,...","en":"In the table tennis world, China's national table tennis has always been the unshakable hegemon, but in the recent Saudi Grand Slam match, they have suffered unprecedented setbacks. On May 7, Beijing time,..."}},"items":[]}