

{"info":{"title":{"content":"靠一个角色吃一辈子,6位演员今差距太大,唯有一人被赞德艺双馨","en":"relies on one role to eat for a lifetime, and the gap between the 6 actors is too big today, and only one person is praised by both virtue and art"},"description":{"content":"文|槐夏编辑|洲洲影视娱评竟然有人造谣赵雅芝去世!这种人实在可耻。不过好在赵雅芝也是积极回应,并晒出自己的美照。一说起赵...","en":"Text|Huaixia Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review: There are rumors that Zhao Yazhi has died! This kind of person is really shameful. But fortunately, Zhao Yazhi also responded positively and posted beautiful photos of herself. Speaking of Zhao..."}},"items":[]}