

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“三峡大坝千万不能建,不能建!”这是黄万里教授留下的警示。","en":"\"The Three Gorges Dam must not be built, it must not be built!\" this is the warning left by Professor Huang Wanli."},"description":{"content":"三峡大坝:黄万里的警示与环境平衡引子:巨大工程背后的隐忧在中国现代史上,三峡大坝是一座巨大的世界级工程,它不仅是国家的骄...","en":"The Three Gorges Dam: Huang Wanli's Warning and Environmental Balance Introduction: The Hidden Concerns Behind the Huge Project In modern Chinese history, the Three Gorges Dam is a huge world-class project, and it is not only the pride of the country."}},"items":[]}