




Will humans ever live on Mars?



Dan Bradbury

Do you think humans can really build civilization on Mars?

Can, as in “totally possible within the laws of physics”? Yes, of course. We have the engineering prowess to invent the technology to do so.



Can, as in “right now”? No. As a general rule, if we haven’t done it EVER, then we don’t have the technology. We can send probes (barely, at that). We haven’t sent people. Entire processes and technology would need to be invented to do that. As I mentioned, if we took the limit off the top of spending, then that would make it happen sooner.

Can, as in “will we ever”? I think so. I don’t think we’ll colonize Mars. I think that —based on any obxtive view of history— we become less and less comfortable with perils the more technology we have to remove them.



To that end, I think that 1000–3000m diameter rotating ships in space with the ability to maneuver out of the way of obxts and the ability to harness energy from the sun will be our future. We may not even be “human” at that point, perhaps rotating will be a worthless thought. If we remain much as we are, then some form of gravity, a large interior space (a few kilometers across) with an internal light source and heavily regulated environment will be the aim.

为此,我认为未来需要直径1000 - 3000米的太空旋转飞船,这些飞船能够避开物体,并能够利用太阳的能量。到那时,我们甚至可能不再是“人类”,旋转可能是一个毫无价值的想法。如果我们保持现状,那么某种形式的重力,一个巨大的内部空间(几公里宽),内部光源和严格监管的环境将是目标。

Ernest W. Adams

What is the likelihood that humans will eventually live on Mars?

For short periods on a scientific outpost, good.

For their whole lives on a permanent colony, not good. Any population living on Mars will require assistance from Earth indefinitely.

Also it’s a pretty lousy place to live regardless. I don’t think many people are going to want to raise their children in a place where they’ll never see a flower or an animal.





Sebastian Boyd

can we survive on mars?

While it is true Humans cannot survive on Mars without a spacesuit and special equipment, it does not mean we can’t live there.

Mars has all the resources necessary to sustain civilization as we know it. Iron, Carbon, Water Ice, Silicon, and just about every other element needed to support industry on Earth can be found in various forms on Mars. Using these resources, we can manufacture plastics, metals, electronics, with which we can make clothing, habitats, vehicles, computers, solar panels, wire, piping, containers, or anything else we require.




In the shorter term, it is possible to produce both Oxygen and rocket fuel (Methalox) on Mars using the well known Sabatier Reaction, which uses hydrogen (Either imported or split from locally mined water ice) and the planet’s plentiful Carbon Dioxide atmosphere to produce Methane and water, which can then be split through electrolysis into Oxygen for breathing and Hydrogen to use as fuel or be fed back into the reactor to make more Methane and water.

As for growing food, tests have been performed growing wheat, beats, carrots, and many other crops in simulated Martian soil with moderate success. However it is known that Martian soil lacks much of the nitrogen that plants need to be healthy. This can in fact be remedied very easily by mixing the soil with specially treated solid waste (yes poo) exactly as is done to fertilize fields on here on earth, as human waste is very high in nitrogen and other things plants need to grow, such as helpful bacteria.



Other commonly cited obstacles to human exploration and settlement of Mars are Radiation, low gravity, and prolonged isolation. However, all of these are solvable problems.

It is my understanding that the radiation received from a three-year round trip to the red planet is sufficient to increase the risk of cancer by about 1%, meaning that if you sent a someone who smokes on such a mission and they gave up the habit in the process they would be reducing their risk of cancer by more than 25%. On the surface radiation can be reduced to terrestrial levels simply by burying the habitats people live in or even putting sandbags on top.

The Gravity issue is the most difficult to answer. Mars’ gravity is about one-third that of Earth’s, and while the effects of zero g’s on the human body are well known to be fairly adverse, we don’t know if the gravity on Mars is enough to avoid these effects, but we also won’t be able to find out unless we go.




The psychological issues are mostly easily avoidable. being in stressful, high risk situations away from home is something thousands of soldiers go through daily, and the prospect of leaving home and family to explore and settle a dangerous new world is one countless pilgrims, pioneers, and frontiersmen embraced over three hundred years ago.

The question of Mars is no longer how or even why, it is when and who.



Michael Laitman

I wrote about the idea of humans moving to Mars in an article I once published in KabNet. I’m posting the article here as it has what I have to say on the topic:

A Vision of Humans on Mars in the Year 2100

This is a story about our journey to Mars.

It’s the year 2100. Over 11 billion people inhabit the planet. Heightened global warming caused the sea to rise over coastal regions and islands, displacing hundreds of millions of people.

Many of them didn’t make it.

Diseases, impoverished conditions, famine and wars caused the deaths of millions more in the process.

Hope seems bleak on planet Earth. But as always the case throughout history, people await, still hopeful for better times.

Testimonials of Mars’ first inhabitants portray it as humanity’s safehaven. In the meantime, on Earth people suffer ecological, economic, social and psychological peril.







