

{"info":{"title":{"content":"珍贵老照片:趴在美军床下的梦露,女人赤裸上身为士兵表演助兴","en":"Precious old photos: Monroe lying under the bed of the American army, a woman performing naked for the sake of soldiers"},"description":{"content":"德军战败后,她们却成为了法国人民泄愤的对象纳粹对犹太人的歧视达到了无以复加的地步,他们视犹太人为次等生物,不给予任何尊严...","en":"After the defeat of the German army, they became the object of anger of the French people, and the Nazi discrimination against the Jews reached an unprecedented level, and they regarded the Jews as inferior creatures without any dignity..."}},"items":[]}