
golang chan demo讲解



func testChan() {
	ch := make(chan int)   //  不带第二个参数代表无缓冲,即如果放入了一个数据ch <- task 若没有取出数据的线程task := <-ch,线程将会挂起等待直到数据被取出

	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		go worker(ch)   //  go代表起一个协程并行运行,此处循环多少个,代表起了多少个协程执行任务
	taskList:= []int{88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 555, 666, 234, 544, 777, 888, 265, 152}

	for _, task := range taskList{
		ch <- task   //  无缓冲时每放入一个数据将会等待数据被拿走后循环才能继续

	fmt.Println("process completed!")
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(2) * time.Second)   //  等待子线程打印处理完成

func worker(ch chan int) {
	for {
		task := <-ch   //  取出数据
		fmt.Println("worker:process task = %d", task)



[Running] go run "c:\Code\Go\src\test\main.go"
worker:process task = %d 222
worker:process task = %d 555
worker:process task = %d 88
worker:process task = %d 111
worker:process task = %d 333
worker:process task = %d 99
worker:process task = %d 234
worker:process task = %d 666
process completed!
worker:process task = %d 544
worker:process task = %d 888
worker:process task = %d 777
worker:process task = %d 265
worker:process task = %d 152

[Done] exited with code=0 in 7.046 seconds

有缓冲 设置缓冲队列为10



[Running] go run "c:\Code\Go\src\test\main.go"
process completed!
worker:process task = %d 88
worker:process task = %d 333
worker:process task = %d 555
worker:process task = %d 99
worker:process task = %d 544
worker:process task = %d 111
worker:process task = %d 888
worker:process task = %d 265
worker:process task = %d 152
worker:process task = %d 777
worker:process task = %d 666
worker:process task = %d 222
worker:process task = %d 234

[Done] exited with code=0 in 4.734 seconds


func main() {
	ch1 := make(chan int, 5)
	ch2 := make(chan int, 5)
	close(ch2)  // 关闭ch2
	go func() { // 启动协程等待channel收到数据
		select {
		case <-ch1: // ch1无数据输入一直阻塞
			log.Printf("case ch1 is here\n")
		case _, ok := <-ch2: // ch2虽然无数据输入,但是ch2通道close了,这里依然能触发,但是ok为false,若是正常输入,这个ok值会为true
			log.Printf("case ch2 is here, ok = %v\n", ok)
			ch1Result := <-ch1 // ch1无数据输入一直阻塞 证明close通道后,chan不会被阻塞
			log.Printf("case ch1 is here ch1Result = %d\n", ch1Result)

	time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second)

	log.Printf("main is here\n")


[Running] go run "c:\Code\Go\src\test\main.go"
2021/04/07 14:49:02 case ch2 is here, ok = false
2021/04/07 14:49:07 main is here

[Done] exited with code=0 in 8.771 seconds

应用:可使用close chan来获取结束信号