



What are the best java books for beginners? This is the first question that comes in our mind when we think to start learning java programming. To make you task easier here in this article I have made a list of some top java programming books on the basis of their popularity. These books are written for easy learning and are highly recommended for beginners. 什么是最适合初学者的Java书籍? 这是我们考虑开始学习Java编程时想到的第一个问题。 为了使您的工作更轻松,本文在此列出了一些热门的Java编程书籍,以其受欢迎程度为基础。 这些书是为易于学习而编写的,强烈建议初学者阅读。

初学者的5本最佳Java书籍 (5 Best Java Books For Beginners)

Java:初学者指南 (Java: A Beginner’s Guide)


If you will ask any java programmer to recommend any good book for learning Java then he/she would definitely recommend this book. Herbert Schildt is well known author for writing great books related to programming technologies. This book will help you to learn all core concepts of Java like inheritance, multithreding, exception handling, etc. in practical manner. 如果您要求任何Java程序员推荐任何学习Java的好书,那么他/她肯定会推荐这本书。 赫伯特·希尔德(Herbert Schildt)是著名的作家,他写了与编程技术有关的好书。 本书将帮助您以实用的方式学习Java的所有核心概念,例如继承,多重处理,异常处理等。

Java –完整参考 (Java – The Complete Reference)


This is another popular java book written by Herbert Schildt. I would highly recommend this book as I have also learnt Java concepts from this book. Java – The Complete Reference is the most selling and popular java book in India. This book will help you to learn all core and advance Java concepts.

这是赫伯特·希尔德(Herbert Schildt)撰写的另一本流行的Java书籍。 我强烈推荐这本书,因为我也从这本书中学到了Java概念。 Java –《完全参考》是印度最畅销和最受欢迎的Java书籍。 本书将帮助您学习所有核心和高级Java概念。

头先Java (Head First Java)


This book will help you to learn java fundamentals in very interactive and fun approach way. It provides various humorous images, memorable analogies and mind-bending exercises that helps in remembering difficult concepts easily. Head First Java is written by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. Kathy Sierra is a well known programming instructor and expert Java trainer. 本书将帮助您以非常互动和有趣的方式学习Java基础。 它提供了各种幽默的图像,令人难忘的类比和弯弯曲曲的练习,有助于轻松记住困难的概念。 Head First Java由Kathy Sierra和Bert Bates编写。 Kathy Sierra是一位著名的编程讲师和Java专家培训师。

用Java编程 (Programming With Java)


This book offers a comprehensive coverage of all basic concepts of Java programming. Each and every concept is explained with good examples and programming exercises. E Balagurusamy is a well known, trusted and popular author in India. Apart from Java he has also written books on C and C++ which are the best selling programming books in India.

本书全面涵盖了Java编程的所有基本概念。 每个概念都通过良好的示例和编程练习进行解释。 E Balagurusamy是印度著名,受信任和受欢迎的作家。 除了Java外,他还写过有关C和C ++的书籍,这是印度最畅销的编程书籍。

Java核心:一种集成方法 (Core Java: An Integrated Approach)


This book covers all core concepts in a methodical way. It will help you to understand all important java concepts like OOP, generics, I/O, exception handling, etc. This book also provides various questions that are asked in interviews.

本书以系统的方式介绍了所有核心概念。 它将帮助您理解所有重要的Java概念,例如OOP,泛型,I / O,异常处理等。本书还提供了面试中提出的各种问题。

If you know about some other best java books then please mention them in comment.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2014/10/top-5-best-java-programming-books.html
