


public class Thread implements Runnable {
  public enum State {
         * Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.
         * <p>
         *  尚未启动的线程的线程状态。

         * Thread state for a runnable thread.  A thread in the runnable
         * state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may
         * be waiting for other resources from the operating system
         * such as processor.
         * <p>
         * 可运行线程的线程状态。处于可运行状态的线程正在Java虚拟机中执行,但它可能正在等待来自操作系统的其他资源,例如处理器。

         * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.
         * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock
         * to enter a synchronized block/method or
         * reenter a synchronized block/method after calling
         * {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.
         * <p>
         *  线程阻塞等待监视器锁的线程状态。处于阻塞状态的线程在调用{@link Object#wait()Object.wait}后等待监视器锁进入同步块/方法或重新输入同步块/方法。

         * Thread state for a waiting thread.
         * A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the
         * following methods:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>{@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout</li>
         *   <li>{@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout</li>
         *   <li>{@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}</li>
         * </ul>
         * <p>A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to
         * perform a particular action.
         * For example, a thread that has called <tt>Object.wait()</tt>
         * on an object is waiting for another thread to call
         * <tt>Object.notify()</tt> or <tt>Object.notifyAll()</tt> on
         * that object. A thread that has called <tt>Thread.join()</tt>
         * is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.
         * <p>
         *  等待线程的线程状态。线程由于调用以下方法之一而处于等待状态:
         * <ul>
         *  <li> {@ link Object#wait()Object.wait}没有超时</li> <li> {@ link #join()Thread.join}没有超时</li> <li> {@ link LockSupport #park()LockSupport.park}
         *  </li>。
         * </ul>
         *  <p>处于等待状态的线程正在等待另一个线程执行特定操作。
         *  例如,在对象上调用<tt> Object.wait()</tt>的线程正在等待另一个线程调用<tt> Object.notify()</tt>或<tt> Object.notifyAll )</tt>
         * 。
         * 调用<tt> Thread.join()</tt>的线程正在等待指定的线程终止。

         * Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.
         * A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of
         * the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>{@link #sleep Thread.sleep}</li>
         *   <li>{@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout</li>
         *   <li>{@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout</li>
         *   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}</li>
         *   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}</li>
         * </ul>
         * <p>
         *  具有指定等待时间的等待线程的线程状态。由于调用指定正等待时间的以下方法之一,线程处于定时等待状态:
         * <ul>
         * <li> {@ link #sleep Thread.sleep} </li> <li> {@ link Object#wait(long)Object.wait} with timeout </li>
         *  <li> {@ link #join .join} with timeout </li> <li> {@ link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}
         *  </li> <li> {@ link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}。
         * </ul>

         * Thread state for a terminated thread.
         * The thread has completed execution.
         * <p>
         *  终止线程的线程状态。线程已完成执行。