
在eclipse3.4下安装visual editor


1.下载我已经集成好的Eclipse visual editor.在你的eclpse/目录下建立文件夹dropins,然后解压

下载地址 http://d.download.csdn.net/down/1401830/moliqin


Install VE 1.4 into Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede

  • Download and install one of the following standard Eclipse 3.4.2 Ganymede distributions for Java development:
- "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers"
- "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"
- "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers"
- "Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers"
  • VE 1.4 requires EMF 2.4 , which requires JDK 5.0 or later.
  • Start eclipse, then start the Install Manager.
Help > Software Updates... > Available Software

 Add Site... > 

 add the VE 1.4 Update site: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/ve/updates/1.4

在eclipse3.4下安装visual editor
  • Expand the VE site, select "Visual Editor" or "Visual Editor SDK" (if you want sources), and hit "Install..."
在eclipse3.4下安装visual editor

After restarting Eclipse, launch

Help > About Eclipse > Plug-in Details

. You should find the following VE plugins.

在eclipse3.4下安装visual editor