


·A7 for sharks leave where the oceans?

·the ocean is deep?

·today,the ocean water looks blue?we'll live in all.

·the oceansof the world?

·world,world,far、squid swing far below。

·the ocean surface,there.

·their home is by the ocean little many little fish live in the ocean water.

·some people take pictures in the water?

·oceans are very big,they are filled with manykinds of flat and flat flat and animals.

·on the bottomof,the ocean other.

·water.they come to the top of breathe,some fish leave deep them.

·under the water,where it is cold and dark,some of them can in lined up,you will read more about life in.

·the ocean in at home.

·in the ocean,home in the ocean.

·the the ocean is big it is big and blue as、far as you can see it is home,to manyplantand animals.

·the biggest animals in the ocean are blue whales.

·they is little animals called creel.many animals live in cold water.

·penguins swing fast,they flapped,their wings into zip zip in the water.

·mattieslive where thethe water is warm,they do not swing fast。

·when man ateah eat lots and lots of plants,,fully,then they rest。

·this 壶盖 Best far,it dicks in the 脱身。

· late its eggs,then it Disk to its ocean home。

·fullyessess,is the biggest plant,in the ocean it can grow fast。

·鱼池 of A day。

·seaorotters,can get lots of foods here,lots of 一举一举 animals,began little 想象 in the ocean。

the ocean istheir home。

·seaor otters,can get lots of Exit of First。

一举一举 First,,越南 water,,,SUP the ocean is their home。

·the ocean is their home。

·水绿植or 蹒跚。

·can 培育 of water,can 培育 of microwave of First。

·在顾头头,布置 or 蹒跚,搬上房屋房屋房屋房屋房屋上田,布置 of Exit of 床头床头床头,so of 床头床头床头上,布置 of 床头,so 扑面 we 岁数 of 仪表台,床头床头,can Get 初衷,can 上楼,上下班上下班,布置 of 上身 of 床头,床头床头.


