

     Exception handlers should provide some context and preserve the original exception

处理异常时,需要进行两个操作: 1、使用context减缓复制的问题 2、保留原始异常信息,进行堆栈问题的追踪( stack trace )


try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info("context"); }         // Non-Compliant - exception is lost
try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info(e); }                 // Non-Compliant - context is required
try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info(e.getMessage()); }    // Non-Compliant - exception is lost (only message is preserved)

try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info("context", e); }      // Compliant(符合规范)

try {
  /* ... */
} catch (Exception e) {                                                   // Non-Compliant - exception is lost
  throw new RuntimeException("context");

try {
  /* ... */
} catch (Exception e) {                                                   // Compliant
  throw new RuntimeException("context", e);

一般性的异常,所有问题都必须要处理,但是对于一些特殊的异常,必须使用传播( propagation ),而且这时的传播是允许的。

try {
  /* ... */
} catch (RuntimeException e) {            // Compliant - propagation of the specific exception
  throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {                   // Compliant - catching of the general exception
  LOGGER.error("...", e);

受控制的Exception转换成Runtime Exception减缓受控异常的传播。

try {
  /* ... */
} catch (IOException e) {            // Compliant - propagation of checked exception by encapsulating it into an unchecked exception
  throw new MyRuntimeException(e);
