
Java8 特性笔记(三) Stream


本博客依据 java 8 In Action 表写

需求: 在一个列表中找出小于某个数值的对象,并依次排序取出其中的值


static List<Dish> menu = Arrays.asList(
            new Dish("pork", false, 800, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("beef", false, 700, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("chicken", false, 400, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("french fries", true, 530, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("rice", true, 350, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("season fruit", true, 120, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("pizza", true, 550, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("prawns", false, 300, Dish.Type.FISH),
            new Dish("salmon", false, 450, Dish.Type.FISH) );
     //采用的是java8 Stream
        private static List<String> getDishNameByStream(){
            return  menu.stream().filter(dish -> dish.getCalories()<400).sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Dish::getCalories)).map(Dish::getName).collect(Collectors.toList());
        private static List<String> getDishNameByCollections(List<Dish> menu){
            List<Dish> lowCallories = new ArrayList<>();
            for(Dish d: menu){
                if (d.getCalories()<400){
            Collections.sort(lowCallories, Comparator.comparingInt(Dish::getCalories));
            List<String> dishName = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Dish d:lowCallories){
            return dishName;

在这里我们能清楚的看到,实现同一功能的代码,使用java8的stream,我们能明显的节约了代码量,提高了开发效率,可能有的小伙伴认为,上面使用stream的方式太复杂了,很多东西都不懂,别着急我们会一步步深入的,上面的函数推导 也就是::部分我们在上一章节是有讲过的,有疑问的同学可以去看下我的上一篇博客


Streams are an update to the Java API that lets you manipulate collections of data in a
declarative way (you express a query rather than code an ad hoc implementation for it). For now
you can think of them as fancy iterators over a collection of data. In addition, streams can be
processed in parallel transparently, without you having to write any multithreaded code! We
explain in detail in chapter 7 how streams and parallelization work. Here’s a taste of the benefits
of using streams: compare the following code to return the names of dishes that are low in
calories, sorted by number of calories, first in Java 7 and then in Java 8 using streams. Don’t
worry about the Java 8 code too much; we explain it in detail in the next sections!
在 java8 In Action这本书中,我们看到作者是这样理解java8的stream,stream是可以并行处理的,而你并不需要关注其中的细节
Java8 特性笔记(三) Stream
Java8 特性笔记(三) Stream




static List<Dish> menu = Arrays.asList(
            new Dish("pork", false, 800, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("beef", false, 700, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("chicken", false, 400, Dish.Type.MEAT),
            new Dish("french fries", true, 530, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("rice", true, 350, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("season fruit", true, 120, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("pizza", true, 550, Dish.Type.OTHER),
            new Dish("prawns", false, 300, Dish.Type.FISH),
            new Dish("salmon", false, 450, Dish.Type.FISH) );
   menu.stream();  //这样,这个集合就是一个数据流了
  	//System,out::println 函数式推导,打印每一个值
Java8 特性笔记(三) Stream




1, 终止操作符 在源码我们会看到 terminal这个单词,就表示这个操作符执行完数据流就已经断了,后面不能再跟其他操作符了

     * Returns the count of elements in this stream.  This is a special case of
     * a <a href="package-summary.html#Reduction" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" >reduction</a> and is
     * equivalent to:
     * <pre>{@code
     *     return mapToLong(e -> 1L).sum();
     * }</pre>
     * <p>This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" >terminal operation</a>.
     * @return the count of elements in this stream
    long count();


filter 过滤
forEach 遍历每一个元素,这是一个终止操作符
limit  限制获取多少个元素
skip  跳过多少过元素
anyMatch 只要有一个满足条件就返回 True
map  遍历拿到每一个对象,进行用户需要的操作
reduce 根据一定规则计算后返回一个结果
distinct  去掉重复


  • menu.stream() 就是创建一个Stream的数据流
  • filter 就是过滤了,里面是一个Predicate的函数式接口,我的前面文章有介绍函数式接口
  • sorted 就是排序了,这里传入的就是一个Comparator
  • map 操作符在这里是去Dish的名字,然后重新组成一个数据流
  • collect 这是一个终止操作符,后面就不能再进行数据stream的操作符了,这个函数里面也是需要传入一个Collectors的参数,这个Collectors的相关操作我在后面会继续介绍