






分析increment()方法,可以看到该方法就是对add(long x)的封装,那么具体来分析一下这个方法

public void add(long x) {
        Cell[] as; long b, v; int m; Cell a;
        if ((as = cells) != null || !casBase(b = base, b + x)) {
            boolean uncontended = true;
            if (as == null || (m = as.length - 1) < 0 ||
                (a = as[getProbe() & m]) == null ||
                !(uncontended = a.cas(v = a.value, v + x)))
                longAccumulate(x, null, uncontended);

这里重点是casBase(b = base, b + x),来看一下它做了什么

final boolean casBase(long cmp, long val) {
        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, BASE, cmp, val);


最后来看一下当上述条件无法全部满足时调用的longAccumulate(x, null, uncontended)方法

final void longAccumulate(long x, LongBinaryOperator fn,
                              boolean wasUncontended) {
        int h;
        if ((h = getProbe()) == 0) {
            ThreadLocalRandom.current(); // force initialization
            h = getProbe();  //返回当前线程的threadLocalRandomProbe值
            wasUncontended = true;
        boolean collide = false;                // True if last slot nonempty
        for (;;) {
            Cell[] as; Cell a; int n; long v;
            if ((as = cells) != null && (n = as.length) > 0) {
                if ((a = as[(n - 1) & h]) == null) {
                    if (cellsBusy == 0) {       // cells数组中对应位置没有数据则插入新对象
                        Cell r = new Cell(x);   
                        if (cellsBusy == 0 && casCellsBusy()) {
                            boolean created = false;
                            try {               // Recheck under lock
                                Cell[] rs; int m, j;
                                if ((rs = cells) != null &&
                                    (m = rs.length) > 0 &&
                                    rs[j = (m - 1) & h] == null) {
                                    rs[j] = r;
                                    created = true;
                            } finally {
                                cellsBusy = 0;
                            if (created)
                            continue;           // Slot is now non-empty
                    collide = false;
                else if (!wasUncontended)       // CAS already known to fail
                    wasUncontended = true;      // Continue after rehash
                else if (a.cas(v = a.value, ((fn == null) ? v + x :
                                             fn.applyAsLong(v, x))))         //对该位置的cell元素进行累加
                else if (n >= NCPU || cells != as)
                    collide = false;            // At max size or stale   //判断数组大小是否大于核数
                else if (!collide)
                    collide = true;
                else if (cellsBusy == 0 && casCellsBusy()) {         //对cells数组进行扩容,直接扩容为2倍
                    try {
                        if (cells == as) {      // Expand table unless stale
                            Cell[] rs = new Cell[n << 1];
                            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                                rs[i] = as[i];
                            cells = rs;
                    } finally {
                        cellsBusy = 0;
                    collide = false;
                    continue;                   // Retry with expanded table
                h = advanceProbe(h);
            else if (cellsBusy == 0 && cells == as && casCellsBusy()) {  //cellsBusy这里是做为一个自旋锁来使用的
                boolean init = false;
                try {                           // 初始化cells数组大小为2
                    if (cells == as) {
                        Cell[] rs = new Cell[2];
                        rs[h & 1] = new Cell(x);
                        cells = rs;
                        init = true;
                } finally {
                    cellsBusy = 0;
                if (init)
            else if (casBase(v = base, ((fn == null) ? v + x :
                                        fn.applyAsLong(v, x))))      //对base进行CAS操作
                break;                          // Fall back on using base


