
HashMap、TreeMap、Hashtable、LinkedHashMap四者比较1. Map概览2. HashMap3. TreeMap4. Hashtable5. LinkedHashMap


1. Map概览

HashMap、TreeMap、Hashtable、LinkedHashMap四者比较1. Map概览2. HashMap3. TreeMap4. Hashtable5. LinkedHashMap

    在Java SE中,Map有四种常用的实现:HashMap、TreeMap、Hashtable和LinkedHashMap。我们可以使用一句话来分别描述各种实现,如下:

    ① HashMap是作为哈希表(hash table)实现的,其中的键(key)和值(value)没有顺序。

    ② TreeMap是基于红黑树(red-black tree)结构实现的,其中的元素根据键(key)进行排序。

    ③ LinkedHashMap保留了元素的插入顺序。

    ④ Hashtable是同步的,这一点和HashMap不同。


2. HashMap


class Dog {
    String color;
    Dog(String c) {
        color = c;
    public String toString(){	
        return color + " dog";
public class TestHashMap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashMap<Dog, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<Dog, Integer>();
        Dog d1 = new Dog("red");
        Dog d2 = new Dog("black");
        Dog d3 = new Dog("white");
        Dog d4 = new Dog("white");
        hashMap.put(d1, 10);
        hashMap.put(d2, 15);
        hashMap.put(d3, 5);
        hashMap.put(d4, 20);
        //print size
        //loop HashMap
        for (Entry<Dog, Integer> entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey().toString() + " - " + entry.getValue());


white dog – 5
black dog – 15
red dog – 10
white dog – 20

    这里请注意,我们添加两次”white dogs“,这本该是个错误,但HashMap却照常执行。这就有点儿说不通了,我们现在不知道到底有多少”white dogs“。


class Dog {
    String color;
    Dog(String c) {
        color = c;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return ((Dog) o).color == this.color;
    public int hashCode() {
        return color.length();
    public String toString(){	
        return color + " dog";


red dog – 10
white dog – 20
black dog – 15

    究其原因,HashMap中不允许存在两个完全相同的元素。默认的,Object类中的hashCode()和equals()方法会被调用。默认的hashCode()方法为不同的对象分配不同的增速,而当两个变量引用同一个对象时,equals()方法返回true。如果你对此了解的不是特别清楚,请查看文章 《the hashCode() and equals() contract》。

    查看文章《the most frequently used methods for HashMap》,如iteration、print等等。

3. TreeMap


class Dog {
    String color;
    Dog(String c) {
        color = c;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return ((Dog) o).color == this.color;
    public int hashCode() {
        return color.length();
    public String toString(){	
        return color + " dog";
public class TestTreeMap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog d1 = new Dog("red");
        Dog d2 = new Dog("black");
        Dog d3 = new Dog("white");
        Dog d4 = new Dog("white");
        TreeMap<Dog, Integer> treeMap = new TreeMap<Dog, Integer>();
        treeMap.put(d1, 10);
        treeMap.put(d2, 15);
        treeMap.put(d3, 5);
        treeMap.put(d4, 20);
        for (Entry<Dog, Integer> entry : treeMap.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue());


Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ClassCastException: collection.Dog cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
at java.util.TreeMap.put(Unknown Source)
at collection.TestHashMap.main(TestHashMap.java:35)



class Dog implements Comparable<Dog>{
    String color;
    int size;
    Dog(String c, int s) {
        color = c;
        size = s;
    public String toString(){	
        return color + " dog";
    public int compareTo(Dog o) {
        return  o.size - this.size;
public class TestTreeMap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog d1 = new Dog("red", 30);
        Dog d2 = new Dog("black", 20);
        Dog d3 = new Dog("white", 10);
        Dog d4 = new Dog("white", 10);
        TreeMap<Dog, Integer> treeMap = new TreeMap<Dog, Integer>();
        treeMap.put(d1, 10);
        treeMap.put(d2, 15);
        treeMap.put(d3, 5);
        treeMap.put(d4, 20);
        for (Entry<Dog, Integer> entry : treeMap.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue());


red dog – 10
black dog – 15
white dog – 20

    在本例中,TreeMap是按照键dog size进行排序的。

    如果“Dog d4 = new Dog("white", 10);”被替换为“Dog d4 = new Dog("white", 40);”,那么输出的结果会变成:

white dog – 20
red dog – 10
black dog – 15
white dog – 5


4. Hashtable


5. LinkedHashMap



class Dog {
    String color;
    Dog(String c) {
        color = c;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return ((Dog) o).color == this.color;
    public int hashCode() {
        return color.length();
    public String toString(){	
        return color + " dog";
public class TestHashMap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog d1 = new Dog("red");
        Dog d2 = new Dog("black");
        Dog d3 = new Dog("white");
        Dog d4 = new Dog("white");
        LinkedHashMap<Dog, Integer> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<Dog, Integer>();
        linkedHashMap.put(d1, 10);
        linkedHashMap.put(d2, 15);
        linkedHashMap.put(d3, 5);
        linkedHashMap.put(d4, 20);
        for (Entry<Dog, Integer> entry : linkedHashMap.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue());


red dog – 10
black dog – 15
white dog – 20


red dog – 10
white dog – 20
black dog – 15

原文地址:HashMap vs. TreeMap vs. HashTable vs. LinkedHashMap