
小李Talk | 每周学点Mathmatica(5)——变量的命名

小李Talk | 每周学点Mathmatica(5)——变量的命名



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Today, the editor brings the Learn Mathmatica every week -- Variable Usage. Welcome to visit! This tweet usually takes about 3 minutes to read. Please read patiently.

01 变量的命名

Mathematica中有许多常用的内部数学函数,如三角函数—Sin[x],绝对值函数—Abs[x],指数函数—Exp[x]等。除此之外,还包括许多内部常数,如圆周率π—Pi,自然对数的底数e—E,虚数单位i —I,度—Degree等。

Mathematica has many commonly used internal mathematical functions, such as trigonometric function Sin [x], absolute value function Abs [x], exponential function Exp [x], etc. In addition, it also includes many internal constants, such as pi Pi, the base e-E of natural logarithm, imaginary unit i-I, degree Degree, etc.


These commonly used internal mathematical functions and constants begin with capital letters.


In order to avoid confusion, we try to use such a naming rule when defining variables, starting with lowercase letters followed by numbers or English letters.


If we do not know the internal mathematical functions or common variables in Mathematica, and mistakenly use the internal mathematical functions or common variables as our user-defined variables, the software will pop up the corresponding prompt.


For example:

当我们在不了解内部常数自然对数的底数e—E,虚数单位i —I时,误将其用作自定义变量。那么软件在执行相应操作时,就会有橙色字的提示,如下图所示:

When we do not know the base e-E and imaginary unit i-I of the natural logarithm of the internal constant, we mistakenly use it as a user-defined variable. When the software executes the corresponding operation, it will display an orange prompt, as shown in the following figure:

小李Talk | 每周学点Mathmatica(5)——变量的命名


If we follow the custom naming rules starting with lowercase letters, we can avoid this problem.

小李Talk | 每周学点Mathmatica(5)——变量的命名

02 常用内部数学函数

指数 Exp[x] 正割 Sec[x]
对数 Log[a,x] 余割 Csc[x]
开方 Sqrt[x] 实部 Re[z]
绝对值 Abs[x] 虚部 Im[z]
正弦 Sin[x] 正切 Tan[x]
余弦 Cos[x] 余切 Cot[x]



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