


Tasmanian tiger: Scientists hope to revive marsupial from extinction


图片来源,盖蒂图片社 A Tasmanian tiger photographed in Australia's Hobart Zoo (undated)



Researchers in Australia and the US are embarking on a multi-million dollar project to bring the Tasmanian tiger back from extinction.


The last known one, officially called a thylacine, died in the 1930s.


The team behind the bid say it can be recreated using stem cells and gene-editing technology, and the first thylacine could be reintroduced to the wild in 10 years' time.


Other experts are sceptical and suggest de-extinction is just science fiction.


The thylacine earned its nickname of Tasmanian tiger for the stripes along its back - but it was actually a marsupial, the type of Australian mammal that raises its young in a pouch.


上图:塔斯马尼亚虎是世界上最大的肉食性有袋动物 图片来源,约翰·古尔德

澳大利亚和美国的科学家小组计划从具有相似DNA的活有袋动物物种中提取干细胞,然后使用基因编辑技术“带回”灭绝的物种 - 或者非常接近它的近似物种。

The group of Australian and US scientists plan to take stem cells from a living marsupial species with similar DNA, and then use gene-editing technology to "bring back" the extinct species - or an extremely close approximation of it.


It would represent a remarkable achievement for the researchers attempting it, and require a number of scientific breakthroughs.

“我现在相信,在10年后,我们可以拥有第一个活着的袋狼婴儿,因为它们在近一个世纪前被猎杀灭绝,”墨尔本大学领导这项研究的Andrew Pask教授说。

"I now believe that in 10 years' time we could have our first living baby thylacine since they were hunted to extinction close to a century ago," said Professor Andrew Pask, who is leading the research from the University of Melbourne.


The population of Tasmanian tigers declined when humans arrived in Australia tens of thousands of years ago, and again when dingoes - a species of wild dog - appeared.


Eventually, the marsupial only roamed free on the island of Tasmania, and was ultimately hunted to extinction.


The last captive Tasmanian tiger died at Hobart Zoo in 1936.


最后一只圈养的塔斯马尼亚虎于1936年在霍巴特动物园死亡 图片来源,盖蒂图片社


If scientists were to succeed in reviving the animal it would mark the first "de-extinction" event in history, but many outside experts are doubtful of the science behind it.

“复活是一门童话般的科学,”澳大利亚古代DNA中心的副教授Jeremy Austin告诉悉尼先驱晨报,并补充说,该项目“更多地是吸引媒体关注科学,而不是关于做严肃的科学”。

"De-extinction is a fairytale science," Associate Professor Jeremy Austin from the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA told the Sydney Morning Herald, adding that the project is "more about media attention for the scientists and less about doing serious science".


The idea of bringing back the Tasmanian tiger has been around for more than 20 years. In 1999, the Australian Museum started to pursue a project to clone the animal, and various attempts have been made at intervals ever since to extract or rebuild viable DNA from samples.


This latest project is a partnership between scientists at the University of Melbourne and Texas-based company Colossal.

这家美国公司去年成为新闻头条,计划使用类似的基因编辑技术使猛犸象复活 - 这是一项尚未实现的技术壮举。

The US firm made headlines last year with its plans to use similar gene editing technology to bring the woolly mammoth back to life - a technological feat yet to be pulled off.


塔斯马尼亚虎是人类的警示故事 图片来源,约翰·古尔德

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