
比利时熊猫双胞胎过生日!Panda twins celebrate their third birthday


几天前,宝弟和宝妹在比利时Pairi Daiza(天堂动物园)享用了水果、蛋糕和竹子来庆祝他们的三岁生日!天宝的弟弟和妹妹出生于2019年8月8日,当时他们分别只有160克和150克重。现在,他们已经长得和他们的妈妈好好一样大了,大约有70公斤重!

A few days ago, Bao Di and Bao Mei celebrated their third birthday with some fruit, cakes and bamboo! Tian Bao’s little brother and sister were born on 8 August 2019, when they only weighed 160 and 150 grams respectively. Now, they've grown as big as their mother Haohao at around 70kg!

比利时熊猫双胞胎过生日!Panda twins celebrate their third birthday

© Pairi Daiza / 比利时天堂动物园

比利时熊猫双胞胎过生日!Panda twins celebrate their third birthday

© Pairi Daiza / 比利时天堂动物园

比利时熊猫双胞胎过生日!Panda twins celebrate their third birthday

© Pairi Daiza / 比利时天堂动物园

比利时熊猫双胞胎过生日!Panda twins celebrate their third birthday

© Pairi Daiza / 比利时天堂动物园
