

作为去年最火的一词,元宇宙(metaverse)为我们打开了一扇全新的通往未来之门。元宇宙由 “meta”(超越)和 “verse”(universe,宇宙)两个单词拼凑而成,直译过来指的是超越宇宙。我们可以将它简单理解为一个平行于现实世界且独立于现实世界的虚拟空间。




那么对于汽车行业,元宇宙的兴起又能为之带来什么呢?本次我们特别邀请了太可尼康(Technicon Design)总经理李汉卿先生来和我们一起探讨当汽车碰上元宇宙,到底是新的机遇还是负面冲击。


Technicon Design

不受工程/成本的限制对于设计师来说是一个实现非凡想象力的大好机会。在现实和虚拟生活中的每一个物体都必须被 "设计"。从建筑、房屋、交通开始,然后深入到每个物体。同时这也将是一个扩大市场的大好机会,想象力和快速响应力变的很重要。

The interesting part is that being free from engineering/costs constrains every designer could express his creativity in different fields. Every object in the real as in the virtual life must be “designed”. I think as happened in the real world starting from buildings, houses, transportation and later going deeper in every objects. Metaverse will be a big opportunity to increase the market but we have to prepare to be very fast on realizing people dreams.






Metaverse was the most popular word last year, and this popularity has been continued until today. For designers, field, domain, and even definition of design have been expanded unprecedentedly at this time. In your opinion, is this an opportunity or a challenge? How does it affect automotive industry?







From automotive side, Metaverse is actually a more scene-based extension of the previous digital twin. From designers' point of view, it provides new world which is more direct, efficient and rapid iterative for the realization of its creativity, which will also bring possibilities of design evolution and unprecedented opportunities for design work in the industrial field.

Firstly, the diversification of design, provides a multi-participation design world.

Secondly, the reality of manufacturing process, which can verify design and manufacturing process in a virtual environment in advance by first perspective, improve efficiency and quality of manufacture, and reduce manufacturing cost.

Finally, the empathy of user experience, participation in the virtual environment in advance, providing direct input from users for flexible design and production to improve user experience.

Technicon Design devoted into developing new generation of technology information and new energy technology. Via in-depth understanding of new technologies, new domains and new applications, we will try our best to devote ourselves to provide extraordinary service to customers and users.



Zuckerberg said that the metaverse is not the Internet we see on our phones or computer screens, but an Internet that we participate in and can be in. In such an Internet environment, what kind of sparks can the automotive industry collide with?





It could be discussed in several ways.

The first one is R&D, such as Seatbuck developed by Technicon Design in 2017. The application of virtual space in R&D phase could accelerate speed of development in automotive industry potentially.

Second is manufacturing. For example, great achievements have been made from Ford who used VR technology to evaluate the vehicle assembly process. For users, metaverse connect virtual and reality, such as IOV, virtual exhibition space, etc.

In other fields, such as the diversification of car games, the user community of different car brands, the large database of OEMs, etc, may be the juncture between metaverse and automotive industry. The integration of multiple cultures, data storage, data collection, and resources sharing will become more efficient.



What are the exploring directions? Which difficulties will meet during this period as you can see? How to overcome them?


The integration of technologies such as cloud computing, regional chains, VR&AR, digital twins, etc. will become especially critical. Integration of cross-industry knowledge will become more and more important.


Some of the current automotive attempts as you know in metaverse, which are desirable?

造型通过VR的异地评审,智能座舱通过VR的人机交互都是很好的初步尝试,如何通过VR甚至是XR更好地强化研发阶段研发者,消费者与座舱的联系值得进一步的大胆尝试。太可尼康2017年自助研发的VR seatbuck通过这几年的用户反馈,使我们更有信心进行下一步的升级和换代。

VR off-site review for design phase, human machine interaction by Seatbuck are very good first steps, how to better strengthen connection between developers in R&D phase, users and seatbuck need to be more attempted. VR Seatbuck developed in 2017 by Technicon Design received good feedback from customers during these years, we have strong confidence to upgrade and update.

您可以详细介绍一下太可尼康这款VR seatbuck吗?

Can you give us detailed introduction of this seatbuck by Technicon Design?


Seatbuck by Technicon Design can realize virtual review, off-site review, layout, and CMF review in R&D design phase could better support design team to be more efficient during review process, improve better feeling of human machine interaction, realize off-site review by design centers in different countries and regions.



Zuckerberg said,"(People) could spend more time on important matters and less time on the road." Therefore, someone think metaverse is the enemy of auto industry; after all, if people can work, socialize, and play in virtual space, then they don't need to go out, so they don’t need cars any more. What do you think?


The development of science and technology is to shorten distance between people as much as possible, but the essence of life cannot be replaced by virtual world. The evolution and diversity of automobile will be more and more integrated into everyone's life.

Q = Shaw

A = Hanqing LI


太可尼康于1978 年在英国成立。致力于交通、游艇、飞机、奢侈品和工业设计领域。于2017年起加入全球工程服务咨询领导者赛科集团。

Technicon Design was established in England in 1978. Committed to the fields of transportation, yacht, aerospace, luxury and industrial design. In 2017, Technicon joined SEGULA Technologies Group which is global engineering leader of consulting service.

赛科集团业务范围涵盖汽车,航空航天,轨道运输,远洋运输,生命科学,能源制造。集团在全球30 多个国家/地区设有 140 个分支机构,赛科集团 12,000 多名员工正在为全球各行业尖端领导者提供从技术咨询,项目整包到交钥匙工程等多样化、多层次的服务。

Global business scope of SEGULA covers automotive, aerospace, rail transportation, ocean transportation, life sciences, and new energy. The group has 140 branches in more than 30 countries/regions, more than 12,000 employees who provide various service from technical consulting, work package to turn key projects for all walks of life around the world.



Specialty creates uniqueness. Technicon Design takes the field of automobile and transportation design as its core business, located in 9 countries around the world, gathering more than 350 design experts who can provide creative design to global customers with more than 40 years of international design experience.


部分图源:网络,Technicon Design

文字来源:Technicon Design
