




1.—Bob, who's___________ man with ___________invitation in hand by the door?

—He is my uncle.

A.;/a B.the; an C.the; a D./; the

2.—Susan, is that watch on the desk____________?

—No, it isn't____________ watch. It must be Brian's.

A.yours; my B.your; mine C.your; my D.yours; mine

3.—Eric, can you come back to my birthday dinner on July 7th as usual?

—Sorry, I can't. The gaokao of this year is____________ until that day because of the COVID-19.

A.put up B.put off C.put on D.put down

4.—Who's the winner of women's 200m freestyle final in Swimming World Cup 2019?

—Yang Junxuan. She swam____________ of all.

A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.much faster

5.—There are plenty of difficulties and problems in some families of the countryside.

—Don't worry. I believe things____________ soon.

A.will work out B.have worked out C.work out D.worked out

6.—It is said that the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was built in 2018.

—That's true! It connects the Chinese mainland____________ Hong Kong and Macao.

A.with B.over C.from D.between

7.—Look, the plants are green and the flowers are opening.

—Yes, it's spring now. ____________nice season!

A.How B.What C.What a D.How a

8.—Mom, ____________I watch my favorite TVshow Everlasting Classics(经典咏流传)now?

—I'm afraid you can't. You must do the dishes first.

A.need B.must C.will D.may

9.—Michael, shall we go hiking in the mountains next Sunday?

—OK, ____________it rains heavily.

A.when B.until C.unless D.if

10.—Could you please tell me____________?

—At the supermarket across from our school.

A.where can I buy some masks(口罩) B.when I can buy some masks

C.when can I buy some masks D.where I can buy some masks

A young and successful manager was travelling down a street, going a bit too fast in his new car. He was worried there were kidsfrom between parked(停着的)cars, so he slowed down. As his car passed, no kids appeared but a(n) was throwing into the side door of his car.

The manager stopped his car at once and drove back to the place where the stone had been thrown. He jumped out of the car, caught a kid and pushed himone of the parked cars. "What were you doing that for? The stone you threw is going toa lot of money. Do you know? That's my new car, my expensive new car!" the man shouted.

"Please, sir. please. I'm sorry, but I didn't knowto do," said the kid "I threw the stone because no one would stop." The kid was crying as he pointed around the parked cars. "It's my brother. His wheelchair hit a stone, and he fell out of the wheelchair. But I can't lift him up. The kid was so sad, and he went on asking the manager. "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He'sheavy for me to carry."

The manager was touched deeply, and he said nothing. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair, checked him thatwas going to be OK. "Thank you! Thank you very much!" the kid said to the manager. The manager watched the kid push his brother towards their home. It was a long walk back for the manager to his car…a long, slow walk.

Since then, hethe side door of his car. It reminds him of the stonewas thrown to the side door. It also reminds him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a stone at him to get his attention some day.

11.A.giving out B.helping out C.hanging out D.rushing out

12.A.ball B.stone C.toy D.apple

13.A.against B.into C.onto D.up to

14.A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take

15.A.angrily B.politely C.quietly D.happily

16.A.who else B.when else C.what else D.where else

17.A.so B.such C.too D.very

18.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

19.A.didn't repair B.doesn't repair C.hasn't repaired D.couldn't repair

20.A.who B.whom C.what D.which

German Visit

Dave visited his sister in Germany. He found that many Germans spoke only German, including the man who checked tickets on the train.

The man checked Dave's ticket, then said something, Dave simply nodded from time to time to show him that he understood.

When the man had gone, an English woman came and asked Dave if he spoke German.

"No," Dave answered.

"No wonder you didn't seem to be worried when they told you that you were on the wrong train," said the woman.

The Best Present

Sam thanked his grandmother for the set of drums she bought him for his birthday. "They're the best present, Grandma!" he said. "They've already helped me make some money."

“Wow!" said his grandmother. "You must have learned to play them really well!"

"Not really" said the boy. "But Mom gives me $5 asking me not to play them during the day, and Dad gives me $5 asking me not to play them in the evening.”

A Lady's Complaining

A lady named Linda went to the post office and started complaining that she'd got home to find a note from the postman. It said, "I've tried to send a package(包裹)but nobody was in.”

"My husband was home all day!" she said unhappily.

When she got the package, she opened it right away. "Oh, I'm so excited! It's my husband's new hearing aid(辅助设备)!"

21.What language did Dave probably speak?

A.German. B.Russian. C.English. D.French.

22.From the second story, we can infer(推断)that_______________.

A.Sam was good at playing the drums

B.Sam's parents didn't enjoy the sound of his drums

C.Sam's grandmother couldn't play the drums well

D.San would give the drums back to his grandmother

23.There was something wrong with Linda's husband's_______________.

A.ears B.eyes C.heart D.mouth

In the search for clean, renewable(可再生的)energy, wind power might be the perfect choice. People have been using the power of the wind for centuries. Since ancient times, wind power has been used to move ships, grind grain(碾谷)and so on. Around the end of the 19th century, the invention of the wind turbine(涡轮机)made it possible to use wind to produce electricity.

The first advantage of wind power is that it is a renewable resource(能源). No matter how much wind we use to produce electricity, it will never run out. Secondly, wind power is a clean resource of energy, meaning it produces electricity without harmful emissions(排放物). Thirdly, although wind turbines can be very tall, each uses only a small piece of land. This means that the land below can still be used.

Yet, wind energy has some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that the large spinning blades(螺旋桨叶)of the wind turbines can be dangerous to birds. The second is that the turbines also create noise pollution. The sound may make the people nearby uncomfortable. The third, wind can not provide a supply(供应)of energy. Even the windiest places on earth are sometimes peaceful. Without a strong wind, wind turbines are not able to produce electricity. That means wind power isn't suitable as the only resource of electricity.

Although wind energy has certain disadvantages, there is no reason why we should give up this renewable and clean resource of energy. Wind energy certainly is one of the bright hopes of our future.

24.When did people start to use wind to produce electricity?

A.Several centuries ago. B.At the beginning of the 19th century

C.In the mid-19century. D.At the end of the 19th century

25.How many advantages are mentioned in this passage?

A.Two B.Three C.Five. D.Six.

26.What's the main idea of the third paragraph(段)?

A.The advantages of wind energy. B.The disadvantages of wind energy.

C.The history of wind energy D.The development of wind energy.

27.The underlined word "constant" means_____________ in Chinese.

A.连续的 B.短暂的 C.无害的 D.一次性的

Paul, a carpenter(木匠), was over 60 years old, He was ready to retire(退休). He told his boss that he was about to leave the house building business because he wanted to live a relaxing life with his wife and enjoy family life. The boss was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build one more house. Paul said yes, but not long after that it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He didn't care about the work, and he used bad materials to build the house. It was a terrible way to end his job.

When Paul finished his work and the boss came to check the house. Then he handed the front-door key to Paul, "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

Paul was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home that wasn't built very well.

After Paul moved into the house, he found everything wasn't going well. One day, his wife fell over and hurt herself. She complained, "Look! The floor isn't smooth at all. The stairs are broken and there is something wrong with the window." "Sorry, it's my fault." said Paul, “I should have tried my best to build it well, but…”

So it is with us. Sometimes, we don't give the job our best effort. When looking back at what we have done, we find that we are now living in the house we have built. So we should build our lives in a responsible way. Your attitudes(态度)and the choices you make today help build the "house" you will live in tomorrow.

28.What was Paul going to do after retiring?

A.To move to a big city B.To live with his children.

C.To enjoy family life D.To travel around the world.

29.Which statement of the following is NOT true?

A.Paul was more than 60.

B.Paul accepted the house from his boss.

C.Paul was serious about his last work as usual

D.Paul was asked to build one more house before retiring.

30.How do you feel about the boss?

A.He's careless. B.He's honest. C.He's mean. D.He's kind.

31.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Building Your House B.Being Good to Others C.A Good Carpenter D.A Bad House

Looking for Crafts(手艺)is a documentary about the story of 199 Chinese Craftsmen. We can watch it online. Although it doesn't show beautiful pictures or exciting scenes, it quietly tells the story of traditional Chinese Crafts and their special skills. After watching the film, the warmth and faith(信念)of the traditional culture may deeply touch you.

Zhang Jin, the director of the documentary is from the countryside of Hunan. After living in a modern and busy city for many years, he became to miss the traditional crafts of his hometown, so he made a decision to record them. He sold his apartment and invited two friends to join him and travelled all over China. The film was made without professional filming machines or much money. Yet its accented narration(带有口音的旁白)made people feel at home.

In the film you can see an 80-year-old man who makes paper umbrellas with bamboo for the Dai people. Making umbrellas is a long process that includes six steps, but he has continued with his hobby for 60 years. After watching the film, many people wanted to buy such an umbrella, but the old man was dead.

It's easy to notice that the hands of these craftsmen are full of winkles(皱纹)—these craftsmen are using their lives to protect our culture heritage(遗产). From making a piece of clay to creating a musical instrument, these crafts are hard work.

True artists give up their own comfortable lives to produce what's in their heart, which is believed to be the real meaning and the purpose of making this documentary. The film reminds people the importance of the crafts. And it has also caught a lot of attention.

I hope these ancient and wonderful skills will still be alive forever.

32.What can we know about Looking for Grafts?

A.It's an action movie.

B.It tells the story of Chinese directors.

C.It has lots of nice pictures in it.

D.It can be watched on the Internet.

33.Why did Zhang Jin decide to make the documentary?

A.Because he wanted to be famous.

B.Because he needed much money.

C.Because he hoped to work with his friends.

D.Because he missed the traditional crafts of his hometown.

34.The old man started to make paper umbrellas at the age of____________.

A.20 B.40 C.60 D.80

35.What does the writer advise us to do?

A.To make more documentaries. B.To protect our culture heritage.

C.To make things by hand. D.To give up our comfortable life.


W: Hi, Mo Hua.

M: Well, I'm writing to my pen pal.

W: Oh, is it a girl or a boy?

M: A girl. She is in Italy.


M: I am going to tell her about the Communist Party of China(中国共产党).

W: Really? Then do you remember when our Party was set up?

M: Certainly!We've just celebrated her 99th birthday.

W: What did you do during the celebration?

M: We were singing red songs, reading poems and dancing with our teachers..

W: What did your headmaster say then?

M: He told us that our Party had had a long hard time. She had dealt with tons of problems. At last, she led us Chinese people from victory to victory, and built a New China.

W: She makes our country become stronger and stronger!

M: I think so. I believe our lives will be richer and richer under the leadership of our Party!

W: I agree.

A.Our headmaster gave us a wonderful speech, too.

B.What are you doing?

C.Where do you want to go?

D.What do you want to tell her?

E.On July 1st, 1921.

F.Our Party is so great!

G.How's it going?


The story took place two years ago. I was infifth grade. That year, I was only 11 years old, a little girl. One night, my(father)car was broken by a thief. Even worse, all of the things in the car(steal), including my schoolbag. It had my small drawing board, school textbooks and notebooks in it. I was really sad.

I had to go to schoolnothing the next day. My teacher, Miss Taylor, was very kind to me. She gave me a new drawing board after I told her what had happened. She also handed me some crayons. She asked meI'd like to draw something on the drawing board. I didn't have any ideas. But I really thanked her for her kindness.

I didn't start to draw anything yet, something even(good)happened. Miss Taylor got a call from the office. After she put down the phone, she said with(excite). "Helen, a miracle(奇迹)has happened! Someone found your bag!"

I ran to the office and got my schoolbag. When I opened it, I saw that all my things were still inside. A teacher in the office said, "You are(luck). A couple found your schoolbag on the side of the road, and they found the address on your drawing board. So they(bring)the bag to school just now.”

It shows that there are lots of people who are kind. There is no need for us(lose) faith just because of one bad apple. The world is still so beautiful.






One morning. Adam bought a train ticket At 9:00 he takes the train from Liverpool

to London. When he got on the train, it had already been full of passenger. There

were no free seats. Then, he saw a man selling toys. He sudden had a plan. He bought

a toy snake and threw them into the carriage(车厢). All the people were scared when

they saw the "snake". Some of them ran out of the carriage quickly as they could

He saw a empty berth(卧铺) and lay down. He soon fell asleep. When he woke up,

he found the train wasn't moved and thought it had stopped at a station.

He asked for a railwayman, "Which station is it?" The man replied, "It's Liverpool.

There was a snake in this carriage. so it was separated or left behind here;

the other carriages of the train have already left Liverpool to London."

61. 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友John对你们学校最近开展的“书香校园”活动(the Scholarly Campus activity)很感兴趣,请用英语给他写一封信,介绍此项活动。


1. 活动的目的:鼓励多阅读;

2. 活动的形式:读书班会、阅读俱乐部、分享读书感想(experience);

3. 对活动的看法;

4. 推荐中国名著:西游记



1. 包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。

2. 80词左右,语法正确。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

3. 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称。

Dear John,

How is everything going?


Best wishes to you.


Li Ming









考查物主代词。yours你的,名词性物主代词;your你的,形容词性物主代词。由上文“is that watch on the desk…”可知,空格后没有名词,故此处应用名词性物主代词yours,在句中作表语。my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。由下文“ it isn't…watch ”可知,空格后有名词,故此处应用形容词性物主代词my,作定语修饰名词watch。故选A。




考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴;put off延迟;put on穿上;put down放下。根据“until that day because of the COVID-19”可知此处表达高考延迟,用动词短语put off。故选B。



考查副词的最高级。fast快的(地),形容词或副词的原级;faster更快,形容词或副词的比较级;fastest最快,形容词或副词的最高级;much faster快得多。分析语境可知,这里缺少一个副词修饰swam;根据问句中the winner“获胜者”和答句中of all“在……所有之中”可知用最高级,所以这里用副词的最高级。故选C。






考查介词。with和;over在……之上;from从;between在二者之间。根据“connects the Chinese mainland”及“Hong Kong and Macao”可知此处表示连接,用动词短语“connect…with…”。故选A。



考查感叹句。分析语境可知,这里是感叹句;根据句意和空后nice season可知,这里用“What a/an+形容词+名词单数+(主谓)!”的结构。形容词nice“美好的”是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以不定冠词用a。故选C。



本题考查情态动词。need需要,must必须,will将要,may可以。根据I'm afraid you can't. You must do the dishes first.可知,此处表示请求允许,用情态动词may,故选D。




考查连词辨析。when当……时;until直到;unless除非;if如果。下文“it rains heavily”表否定的条件,故应用unless连接,即除非下大雨,否则我们就去远足。故选C。



考查宾语从句。根据Could you please tell me,可知本题考查宾语从句,在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项A、C是疑问句语序,排除掉;再根据答语At the supermarket across from our school.,可知上文应是询问地点的,所以引导词应用where,when是询问时间的,排除B选项;故选D。














giving out分发;helping out帮助……摆脱困难;hanging out出去消遣;rushing out冲出。结合句意和常识可知,他放慢车速是恐怕孩子突然从盲区冲出来,自己来不及反应。故选D。



ball球;stone石头;toy玩具;apple苹果。根据下一句“The manager stopped his car at once and drove back to the place where the stone had been thrown.”可知他开车回到扔石头的地方,所以这里提到的应该是石头。故选B。



against紧靠,倚着;into到……里面;onto朝向;up to多达。结合语境可知,经理当时生气地抓住扔石头的小孩,把他推着紧靠在路旁停着的车上问话。所以用介词“倚着”against。故选A。



spend花费,人作主语;cost花费;物作主语;pay支付,人作主语;take花费,用在“做某事花费某人多长时间”的结构中。根据句意和语境可知,本句是The stone作主语,石头把经理的新车砸了,要花很多钱。故选B。






who else还有谁;when else还有什么时候;what else别的什么事;where else别的什么地方。根据下文“It's my brother. His wheelchair hit a stone, and he fell out of the wheelchair. But I can't lift him up.”可知小孩的哥哥从轮椅上摔了下来,但是小孩扶不动他,所以小孩当时既着急又伤心,不知道其他还能做什么。故选C。



so如此;such这样的;too太;very非常。根据句意和空后to carry可知,这里用too…to…“太……而不能”。故选C。






didn't repair一般过去时;doesn't repair一般现在时;hasn't repaired现在完成时;couldn't repair一般过去时,无法修复。根据语境和since then“从此以后”可知,本句应用现在完成时。故选C。



who指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语;whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语;what一般引导名词性从句;which指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。分析语境可知,这里缺少定语从句的引导词;先行词the stone“石头”指的是物,且在定语从句中作主语,所以用which来引导定语从句。故选D。






判断推理题。根据第一个故事中“When the man had gone, an English woman came and asked Dave if he spoke German. ‘No,’ Dave answered. ”可知David能和英国女性交流,推断出他可能会说英语。故选C。


判断推理题。根据第二个故事最后Sam说的话“But Mom gives me $5 asking me not play them during the day, and Dad gives me $5 asking me not to play them in the evening.”可知Sam的父母为了不让Sam打鼓,都分别给了Sam钱,所以可以推断出Sam的父母不喜欢他的打鼓声。故选B。


细节理解题。根据第三个故事中“I've tried to send a package(包裹)but nobody was in.”和“It's my husband's new hearing aid(辅助设备)!”可知Linda的丈夫自身听力不好,再加上旧助听器不工作了,所以邮递员送包裹都没有听见。故选A。







细节理解题。根据第一段“Around the end of the 19th century…made it possible to use wind to produce electricity.”可知,大约在19世界末,人们开始使用风能发电。故选D。


细节理解题。根据第二段“The first advantage of wind power…Secondly…Thirdly”可知,文中一共提到了三条风力发电的优势。故选B。


主旨大意题。根据第三段“Yet, wind energy has some disadvantages”及全段内容可知,本段主要介绍了风能发电的缺点。故选B。


词句猜测题。根据第三段“Even the windiest places on Earth are sometimes peaceful. Without a strong wind, wind turbines are not able to produce electricity”可知,即使是世界上风最大的地方,有时也没有风,没有强风,风力涡轮机就不能发电,就不能提供连续的能源供应,故划线部分constant意为“连续的”。故选A。







细节理解题。根据“he wanted to live a relaxing life with his wife and enjoy family life.”可知Paul退休后打算享受家庭生活,故选C。


理解判断题。根据“but not long after that it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He didn't care about the work, and he used bad materials to build the house.”可知Paul对他的最后一份工作没有像往常一样很认真的对待,故选C。


推理判断题。根据“Then he handed the front-door key to Paul, "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."”可知老板在最后送给了Paul一幢房子,由此可知,老板是很善良、仁慈的,故选D。


标题归纳题。本文通过讲述一名即将退休的木匠的故事,告诉我们这就像人生一样,生活也是由自己打造的一项工程,所以我们应该以一种负责任的方式来构建我们的生活。你今天的态度和选择会帮助你建造明天的“房子”。结合选项,可知A选项 “Building Your House.建造你的房子”符合题意,故选A。







细节理解题。根据第一段中“We can watch it online.”可知我们可以在网络上观看这部纪录片。故选D。


细节理解题。根据第二段中“After living in a modern and busy city for many years, he became to miss the traditional crafts of his hometown, so he made a decision to record them.”可知导演在繁忙的城市生活多年后,开始怀念家乡的传统工艺,所以决定拍摄记录下来。故选D。


计算题。根据第三段中“In the film you can see an 80-year-old man who makes paper umbrellas…he has continued with his hobby for 60 years.”可知纪录片中,八十岁的老人把制作纸伞这个爱好延续了六十年,所以老人在二十岁的时候就开始制作纸伞。故选A。


判断推理题。根据最后一段中“The film reminds people the importance of the crafts.”可知这部纪录片就是提醒人们工艺的重要性,希望人们了解手艺人的创作艰难,重视对文化遗产的保护。故选B。








根据“I'm writing to my pen pal”男士正在给笔友写信,可知女士询问男士在干什么,B选项“What are you doing你正在干什么”符合语境,故选B。


根据“I am going to tell her about the Communist Party of China”可知讲述男士将要告诉笔友的事情,D选项“What do you want to tell her你想告诉她什么”符合语境。故选D。


根据“when our Party was set up”可知女士在询问党成立的时间,E选项“On July 1st, 1921在1921年的7月1日”符合语境。故选E。


根据“What did your headmaster say then”可知此处与班主任有关,A选项“Our headmaster gave us a wonderful speech, too我们的班主任也给我们一个出色的演讲”符合语境。故选A。


根据“She makes our country become stronger and stronger”可知此处是对党进行评价,F选项“Our Party is so great我们的党如此棒”符合语境。故选F。



43.were stolen







50.to lose



句意:我在读五年级。根据“fifth grade”可知此处表示“五年级”,序数词前面用定冠词the。故填the。




句意:更糟糕的是,轿车里的所有东西被偷了,包括我的书包。句子是一般过去时态,主语“all of the things”是复数名词,主语与动词之间是被动关系,表示“被偷”用一般过去时态的被动were stolen。故填were stolen。




句意:她问我,我是否想要在画板上画一些东西。“asked me”后面是宾语从句,根据“I'd like to draw something on the drawing board”可知此处表示不确定的概念,用if或者whether引导宾语从句,表示“是否”。故填if/whether。


句意:我还没开始画任何东西,更好的事情发生了。根据前文讲述老师给了作者新画板和新画笔,可知此处讲述的是更好的事情“Someone found your bag有人找到了作者的书包”,此处用good的比较级better表示“更好的”。故填better。








句意:只是因为一个坏苹果,我们就失去信念是没有必要的。此处是固定结构“There is no need to do sth. ”表示“做某事是没必要的”,此处用动词不定式to lose。故填to lose。



53.sudden→ suddenly












句意:当他登上火车,已经满是乘客。根据be full of可知,满是乘客,因此用复数名词,故把passenger改为passengers。


句意:他突然有了一个计划。修饰动宾短语had a plan,用副词,故把sudden改为suddenly。


句意:他买了一个玩具蛇,然后把它扔进车厢里。此处代指a boy snake,是单数形式,故把them改为it。


句意:他们中的一些人尽可能快地跑出了车厢。as+形容词/副词+as one can/could“某人尽可能......”,故在carriage和quickly之间加as。




句意:当他醒来的时候,他发现火车不动了,以为它在一个车站停下来了。此处主语the train与谓语move之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故把moved改为moving。


句意:他问了一个铁路员工:“这是哪一个车站?”根据“Which station is it?”可知,此处表示询问,用及物动词ask,故删去for。






How is everything going? I'm so glad that you are interested in the Scholarly Campus activity in our school. Now I can't wait to tell you something about it.

Our school has held the Scholarly Campus activity recently. The purpose of the activity is to encourage us students to read more books. We have organized several activities, such as holding class meetings, opening rending clubs, sharing reading experiences and so on. Now the idea of Scholarly Campus is so well-received that you can find students read books all over the school yard.

As for me, I have taken an active part in the activity. I think it is very important for us students to do more reading. At the same time, I'd like to recommend you to read Journey to the West, one of the most famous novels in China. I'm sure you will like it.

1. 题干解读:该题目属于书信作文写作,在写作时承接开头,点明写作目的;第二段具体介绍了活动的目的和形式;第三段说明了自己对活动的看法;最后问候结尾。

2. 写作指导:本文主要用第一人称来介绍“书香校园”的活动,时态采用一般现在时。在介绍活动目的和活动形式时,还介绍了活动的影响,详细生动;在介绍自己对活动的看法和推荐名著时,衔接流畅,条理清晰。