




the legacy of industrialism

in engels' first book, the condition of the working class in england in 1844, he described the appalling way of life of the workers, or proletariat, in manchester, london, dublin, and edinburgh, and found similar situations in all these cities. he reported filthy streets with pools of stagnant urine and excrement, filled with the stench of animal putrefaction from the tanneries. widespread cholera outbreaks occurred, along with constant epidemics of consumption and typhus. workers were packed into one-room huts or the cellars of damp houses that had been built along old ditches to save the house-owner money. they lived in conditions that defied consideration of cleanliness and health, engels said-and this manchester, "the second city of england, the first manufacturing city of the world."



the proletariat were worked to the point of exhaustion, wearing cheap clothing that gave no protection against accidents the climate. they could buy only the food spurned by the bourgeoisie, such as decaying meat, wilted vegetables, "sugar" that was the refuse of soap-boiling firms, and cocoa mixed with earth.


when work disappeared and wages failed, even this meager diet proved impossible, and many workers and their families began to starve; this caused illness and a continued inability to work, should work become available. doctors were unaffordable, and very often entire families starved to death. the worker, engels explained, could only obtain what he needed- healthy living conditions, secure employment, and a decent wage- from the bourgeoisie, "which can decree his life or death." he was insistent that this hugely exploitative, capital-owning class should therefore take immediate steps to change workers' conditions and stop its careless murder of entire social class.





#社会学##历史# #英文#
