
Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

author:Qilu one point

Wen | Shuping

Following February 17, Zhang Guimei, a public welfare principal who changed the fate of girls in mountainous areas, and Ye Jiaying, a female scholar who has devoted her life to disseminating traditional Chinese culture, were awarded the "2020 Person of the Year who Moved China".

On March 1, Beijing time, the 78th Golden Globe Awards for American Film and Television was promulgated, and Zhao Ting became the first Chinese female director to win this award with "No Place", which also became known as the "Light of Chinese Women".

Congratulations to them! At the same time, congratulations to all female compatriots, Happy March 8th! Every day is a good day!

In March, Jinan, the wind on the shore of Daming Lake, the water of Baotu Spring, the rambling mountain flowers of Thousand Buddha Mountain, under a wash of blue sky, like a picture of Jiangnan, beautiful to people's hearts; but it is also March, if the spring wind willfully rises, it willn't set off dust, and it is also annoying.

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

Life is the same, half sunny, half gray-headed. During the Spring Festival, how lively and festive, even if you have to wear a mask and take your body temperature every time you go out, the family is also happy. I still remember going to Qushuiting Street on the first day of the New Year, the sky was dazzling blue, there were beautiful red lanterns hanging everywhere, the water flowed, the old and the young were bustling, and the mood was particularly good.

I usually have little patience to queue, that day with friends to queue up for an old shop oil spinner, waited for more than twenty minutes, fragrant, oily oil swirl before baking, there is no place to sit, just stand at the edge of the clear water of the algae, eat happily. Thirsty, bought fresh coconuts, grunted and drank, as if back in a carefree college time.

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

In those days, everyone was still keen to go to the cinema to see "Hello, Li Huanying", after watching it, just posted the ticket stub in the circle of friends, saying "crying a lot", I have always been a psychologically fragile person, scary, depressed, sad, life and death parting movies, not much to watch, most of them are with children to watch animated movies, while eating popcorn, while laughing.

My husband sometimes laughed at me as an "ostrich with its neck buried in the sand", and I laughed when I heard it. How can a person who has passed the age of establishment not know the difficulties of life? However, in the hustle and bustle of the face, I chose to lift the weight lightly.

Near the school where we live, there is a large supermarket, a few days ago, there are several counters selling clothes withdrawn, ask the reason, all answer the business is not good to do. Think about it, since the Spring Festival, I bought a bunch of spring and summer clothes online, and I really haven't visited a clothing store once. Every time I go to the school express delivery center, students line up leisurely and cheerfully to wait for the courier, which is also a scene.

Where will those who are unemployed at the beginning of the year go? In the blink of an eye it is March, Jinan's spring is the shortest, plum blossoms cherry blossoms peach blossoms and begonias, like a marquee open again, summer is coming, taking advantage of the small time of the new spring, I hope everyone can find a job to settle down.

Health anxiety is more heart-wrenching than work anxiety. On the day of the Lantern Festival, we called the old man in our hometown, and the mother-in-law suddenly said that she was hospitalized, which frightened her husband. Fortunately, it was just a small problem, stayed in the hospital for two days, the mother-in-law felt that the hospital was panicked, the meal was not delicious, and she was determined to be discharged. Instead of eating breakfast every day and going to the town hospital for injections, it seems that the problem is not big, and we are only slightly relieved.

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

These two days, and successively heard friends around me talk about the elderly sick, including middle-aged friends, every year the physical examination is more or less some health problems, this is already a topic that can not be bypassed, it is easy to cause inner panic and anxiety, I can say, but also hope that everyone must "take care of the body".

There is a hot search topic "how is the sense of life lost" that resonates with many people, I think, more need to think, is how do we balance the ubiquitous life stress and anxiety in life? The Spring Festival and Lantern Festival have just passed, and the Goddess Festival with flowers has arrived, is what we lack is only a sense of ceremony?

In the past two years, the topic of women has been very lively. Last year's "sisters riding the wind and waves" almost swept the major media topic lists. This year is no less impressive.

On February 17, the "Moving China 2020 Person of the Year" award was awarded, and Zhang Guimei's award speech was particularly touching - "In the messy mountain flowers, we found you." Nature strikes you with the wind and snow, and you sing in return; fate places you on a precipice, and you give the world a fragrance. Not afraid of crushing into dust, there is no intention of struggling for spring, with a blossoming life, to express stubbornness to the world. You are the laurel of the cliff, the plum in the snow! ”

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

At the same time, there is also a female scholar Ye Jiaying, and the award speech of "Moving China" is like this: "Tao Li Tianxia, inherit a family." You discover the secrets of poetry, and people feel your legend. Turning thousands of miles, love is involved in China. Continuing yi'an lights, the Tang and Song dynasties were passed on; following Jing'an's absolute learning, it ran through the Chinese and Western contexts. You are the daughter of poetry, you are the gentleman of elegance. ”

Although they are all weak, they and their names are the same, shining. Mr. Bai Xianyong once commented that Mr. Ye Jiaying has a kind of "innate magnificence", which is a beauty that transcends time and space, which is called "great beauty".

Jia Ling, the director of the Spring Festival box office dark horse and the movie "Hello, Li Huanying", was once the female man in "Joy Street" "Goddess and Female Man", but "2020 Weibo Night", standing among thousands of charming female stars, no one used her as a funny foil for green leaves.

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

There is also Zhao Ting, who won the Golden Globe Award for Best Director on March 1 with the movie "No One's Land", in the award video, Zhao Ting combed two thin braids, did not apply fat powder, smiled, and delivered the appearance of the award speech, which was really unique and impressive.

Subsequently, I searched for Zhao Ting's relevant information, her every appearance in the camera, but also simple almost plain, the whole person from the inside out emitted a charming light, many media comments said that it can be seen that Zhao Ting is very strong and confident in her heart, there is no appearance anxiety, body anxiety, age anxiety.

We have an old saying, "Born from the heart", people who are strong and confident in their hearts are indeed beautiful and dazzling. Who doesn't love a delicate face like a flower? However, the beauty of youth is like the spring light outside this window, how easy it is to be fleeting! After a few years, what can stop people's eyes must be the appearance of a person's inner light and value.

What about ordinary people? Ordinary people are the same, confident people, everywhere they go with their own filters, sparkling. And these women's role models, although distant and difficult to replicate, bring us the same inspiration and courage. Seeing them, I sincerely feel that life is diverse and beautiful.

"Mom is really a fan of confidence!" This is a sentence that my daughter often laments, and I will treat me as if she were praising me. Isn't that an inner balance? In addition to the pressure and anxiety of reality, there is another wide inner world, giving us faith and strength, we can appreciate the beauty of the stars in the sky, and we are also fearless of our own fire-like weakness.

"I understand the reason, but I'm still mad." Friend Meiyan is fast and fast, she is the representative of excellent female compatriots around me, but the two children are her weaknesses, and it hurts to poke. The eldest immediately went to junior high school, where to go to middle school became the top priority in her heart; the second was only more than a year old, almost all of them were carried by nannies, raised like piglets, and it was very sorry to think about it.

"I don't have the skills," Mei Yeon said. She goes to work every day, has to go back and forth twice through Quancheng Square, does not block the traffic, and spends almost two hours on the way to and from work, not to mention, where is the time when there is no traffic jam? The nanny hired by the family had just resigned a few days ago, more than five thousand yuan a month, and there was no one to keep.

"Every day is blind busy", this is her husband's original words. She also felt that she didn't do anything every day, and she was tired, seeing where others went to play on the weekend, dressed beautifully and eating a big meal, she felt that it was all "other people's children" and "other people's lives", anyway, her life was like fighting, she was anxious all day, her temper was like eating gunpowder, often a little thing was detonated, making no one happy.

I laughed, such a living situation and ambivalence is normal, how to balance in the end? There is no standard answer. But at the beginning of psychological internal friction, remember to wake up in time, work is only a part of life. There is a saying that "a bird does not cultivate or plant, but it does not starve to death." "The anxiety of work and survival is more important than we expect in life. Try to adjust your vision of life, and maybe you will have a much easier and happier life.

Emotional | people come early in the spring, every day is a good day life is half joy, half is bitter your confident look, sparkling desire is a little less inner freedom a little more

Similarly, a person is not born strong at heart. I myself am not a fan of self-confidence at all, and I often think, what if the article is not well written? If you continue to dwell on it, you will be extremely frustrated. Then there is only one stupid way, work hard every day, today's self is better than yesterday's self, where is there anything to worry about?

Heidegger said, "Man, poetically inhabited." When the outside world is dazzling, slow down appropriately, and with peace, independence, and freedom, it will grow into a different enthusiasm and poetry. Goddess Day, you might as well try it, we don't need so many punch cards at all, and meaningless formalism.

For example, the Lantern Festival to eat tangyuan, originally only planned to buy two packs to taste, listen to the clerk to drink to buy 8 packs of ordinary tangyuan, send 2 packs of rose tangyuan, the result of buying 10 packs of tangyuan refrigerator can not be stuffed, why bitter?

A public account writer criticized that buying, buying, buying, and buying is "just a house full of gorgeous garbage", which made me blush. Whether it is this Goddess Festival or other festivals in the future, I hope that I can try my best to do subtraction, less desire, and more room for inner freedom.

The movie "Every Day is a Good Day" said, "Listening to the rain on a rainy day, mobilizing no feeling, devoting yourself to the whole body, feeling that moment; enjoying the snow on a snowy day, feeling the heat in the summer, and realizing the biting cold in the winter, every day is a good day, which is the original meaning." "Spring is warm and blossoming, may we be fearless, our hearts free, and every day is a good day!"

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