
The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry


Talking about ancient and modern times, digging deep into the history of Hebei that you don't know, hello everyone, I am "Qing Shi Jun", welcome to pay attention to the "Qing Shi Guan", every day to bring you fresh, interesting, dry goods full of historical stories.

Today, we are talking for you about the story of what happened in Hebei during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

1942 was the most arduous year of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in southern Hebei. After the Eighth Route Army engaged in a sabotage operation, the enemy's strongholds on the lines of communication were uprooted and the lines of communication were destroyed. In order to retaliate against the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, the enemy dispatched a large number of troops to conduct large-scale operations against the Ji'nan Military Region.

At the beginning of April 1942, the enemy dispatched a large number of troops, and at first everyone thought that it was just a general sweep by the enemy, but it was not expected that it was the enemy's encirclement operation, in a vain attempt to destroy the military and political organs of the Eighth Route Army in southern Hebei. In late April, the party and government organs of the Ji'nan Military Region assembled in the area of Shilizhuang, and the enemy's encirclement circle had been formed, and it was imperative to break through from the weak points of the enemy's defense.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

After reconnaissance, the enemy forces in the north were the most powerful, the east was a canal, and the coastal strongholds were guarded by Japanese troops, and it was also very difficult to break through. The situation in the west and south is better, and the west is still a guerrilla zone, which is the most suitable direction for the breakthrough.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

The brigade organs and units of the cavalry regiment and the newly formed Seventh Brigade broke through to the northwest, and the military district organs and local party committees and 21st regiments broke through to the southwest. The special task force stayed behind. After the battle deployment was completed, the cavalry regiment, led by regimental commander Zeng Yuliang and political commissar Kang Yuchun, rushed to fight the enemy group.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

Lieutenant General Fan Chaoli

Zhang Xingde, commander of the special agent company, and others led their troops to defend the enemy on the Qingliang River, but were forced to retreat due to the enemy's tight defense. Zhang Xingde and others died heroically. The 21st Regiment was also forced to retreat.

By noon, the enemy had occupied several villages on the outskirts, and the party and government organs were compressed into a narrow strip. At this time, there was intelligence showing that the enemy in the southern area of Wang Xingcang and Liu Xingcang was weak, and only more than 100 Japanese troops and two companies of puppet troops were guarded, and their strength was weak. Moreover, the enemy in Wucheng County poured out of the nest, and the power behind it was empty.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

Lieutenant General Liu Zhijian

Fan Chaoli, Liu Zhijian and others immediately decided to break through here.

At this time, a strong wind blew. Yellow sand and storms also covered the cavalry regiment warriors who charged forward. The enemy stationed here never expected that the Eighth Route Army would break through here, they panicked, and the main force of the Eighth Route Army successfully passed through the defense line here, and the main force was transferred. While in the village of Wang Xingcan, the cavalry encountered a fire blockade by an enemy squad. Company commander Han Yongzheng led his troops to approach the enemy position on foot, slashed the enemy machine gunners with large knives, annihilated the Japanese squad, and won the opportunity for the breakthrough of the follow-up troops.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

Major General Yu Chun

Some of the soldiers of the cavalry regiment at that time were old Red Army soldiers who had experienced the operations of the Western Route Army and the Long March. In the fierce wind and yellow sand of the sky, everyone raised their sabers and shouted the slogan "This is not the Ni family camp" and heroically rushed to the enemy position. This life-and-death battle in the Ji'nan Military Region ended in the victory of the Eighth Route Army, and everyone took advantage of the rapid and courageous cavalry charge to break through successfully. This battle retained the backbone strength of the Ji'nan Military Region and the revolutionary flame, and military and political leaders, including Fan Chaoli and Liu Zhijian, became senior generals after the founding of New China.

The story of 1942: The main force of the Eighth Route Army broke through in Hebei under the cover of wind and sand and cavalry

Martyr Yi Liangpin

Of course, in this brutal anti-encirclement and suppression operation, many old Red Army cadres, brigade and regimental commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army, and commanders of military sub-districts also died heroically. This includes famous martyrs such as Yi Liangpin and Yang Hongming. In today's Hebei land there are still landmarks commemorating them.

Okay, today we're done with our story, so stay tuned to our next post. You can also leave a message to tell the story you want to hear, want to know the history, we try to meet your requirements, tell you.

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