
The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

author:Wrangler Hunting Ground Xi'an Office

When the training reaches a certain stage, the hunters must take the hounds into the wild and carry out real hunting. This is the first time a hound has entered

The real hunting work is also the first time that the hunter has hunted with a dog, and such a first time, whether it is for the dog or for the person, is not

Small challenges.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

Domestic legal hunting ground real shooting

During the hunt, the hunter performs a variety of tasks at the same time: commanding the hound, shooting the prey, maintaining the safety of the surrounding environment, keeping the hound enthusiastic, and so on. So, which task comes first? How can we maintain a balance between them? How can I better achieve my hunting goals? These are all problems that hunters need to consider and solve.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

In all of the above problems, the hunter's primary consideration should be to ensure that the hound is not irreparably harmed during the hunt. want

To do this, the hunter must shoot in a situation suitable for firing. For hounds, fear of gunfire is a common problem

It is also the biggest problem it must face and overcome, and if the hunter shoots again when all factors are suitable, it is possible

Let the hound dog adapt better, but also better ensure its safety.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

So, what kind of environment is appropriate? First of all, the hunter should choose a suitable hunting spot, one that will allow you to hit the prey

, and make the hound feel comfortable, while giving it enough opportunities to contact the location of the prey. And the most that meets this condition

The best choice should be in the designated legal hunting grounds.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

Here, the prey moves in the natural habitat environment, and in the absence of accidents, the hunter can harvest something, which can play a great positive role in both the hunter and the hound.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

What's more, the hunting grounds will assign guests a professional hunter. This hunter is very familiar with the terrain of hunting,

Know the trajectory of prey activity, know the potential difficulties in hunting, and assist in commanding hounds when needed. This will also be the case

In a way, it provides hunters with an example of how to balance the relationship between a hound, a prey, and a shooter.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

The first time a hunting dog is taken, the hunter's attention is usually more on the hound than on the prey. Even if it is

Old hunters may also fail to hit their prey several times in the beginning, and at the same time, dogs are often not perfect

Perform the task. In the face of such a situation, it is particularly important to adjust your mentality and know how to set realistic expectations

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as enough time is given, all difficulties will be solved.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

I remember that in the past, when the guide brought the dog to the guest for the first time to hunt, I rarely corrected the guest's practice, but encouraged the guest to see what stage of the development of their hound, which skills were better mastered, which behaviors needed more attention, and how to better stimulate the enthusiasm of the hound. Although even dogs with good basic training cannot perform perfectly in field hunting, it is in such actual combat that the weaknesses of early training are more likely to be revealed.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

In the first hunting with a dog, set realistic expectations, allow each other to make mistakes, and believe that you and you and the hound can better enjoy cooperative hunting.

The first time you hunt with a dog, what problems to pay attention to

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