
Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

author:Lili Reviews Agency
Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe
"The camera records the facts, and it's another thing to be trustworthy."

"Love like Physical Evidence" is a film full of sadness, and its uniqueness is not in the plot; it focuses on the feelings between three people, and under the director's long lens, you can't know who is the real protagonist, maybe each of them is.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

This film exposes the world in his eyes from the perspective of Martin, a blind man, who is lonely and lonely. All his life he has sought trust between people, and because of his sense of insecurity, he desperately craves love, but because of too much love, he is full of suffocation.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Lonely in Martin's world, he has been looking for a window into the light, recording the truest stories with his camera. He wants to prove that he is in the light, but he is contradictory, in order to preserve and know the truth, but also to hurt people who really care about him.

Three protagonists, one longs for truth, one for companionship, and one for trust. Essentially, they all have an inseparable connection.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Martin was unable to open his heart and lungs due to the shadow of his childhood. Celia, on the other hand, entered the atrium of his heart with enthusiasm and unknowingly took the role of Martin's mother.

After meeting Martin, Celia's whole person also changed, she liked the man in front of her who was simple in heart and full of curiosity about everything, and when others expressed sympathy for Martin's suffering, she treated Martin as a healthy person.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

It also gives Martin the strength to cheer up, but her complex personality prompts him to imprison his love and try to trap Martin. He wanted Martin to become dependent on himself. So much so that she pulled on the dog's necklace that Martin felt overwhelmed.

Andy is another salvation for Martin, who often knows each other better between the same sexes, and Martin appreciates that Andy is his only friend and that he can explore for himself what the truth is in the photo.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

And respect Martin and let him rekindle the hope of life. Perhaps, the two did not happen the next thing, and it will not be like a stranger.

Under the director's lens, each protagonist is imperfect, and they are living according to their own hearts. Sometimes I can be seduced, so that I can lose myself and really break this emotional line.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Among them, what makes me think the plot is the most ingenious is the design of andy's character. He seems more like a second incarnation of Martin, a substitute for Celia.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Celia was the first to walk into Martin's heart and the one he wanted to avoid. But due to the suffocation of love, he can't really face her, and can only germinate another fantasy.

Just as Andy appeared, pulling him out of the endless whirlpool. When many people watch this movie, they think that he is not a simple movie, because its elements are mixed a lot, like a friendship film and like a love movie.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

You can't know what the core of the film is about?

But from the intertwined line of the protagonist, it is not difficult to see that the emotional line exists independently. Around love and loss, Martin meets Andy with real courage, but due to the same sex, he can't open his heart.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

It is precisely because of his escape that Celia has the opportunity to take advantage of the void, and the story between the three people is more complicated. It has to be said that Andy is one of the means of celia's revenge.

Celia's love is deformed, and she wants to control him and hide him in an impregnable castle, but ignores his inner needs.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

It is not so much the story of Celia and Martin as it is about seeing the essence through the phenomenon. The core idea that the director wants to express is not so simple.

It is not to create love in order to talk about love, but to support the establishment of the entire film framework through a tiny fragment.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

This is also the empathy of the movie, we watch not only a story, but the real story that happened to us, although the movie storyline is very plain, but still let us feel the indescribable charm.

Love is both a curse and a shackle, attached to Martin and several of the protagonists. They don't know how to love, they're just using their own way to get attention, but what they don't expect is that they end up causing irreparable harm.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

The film starts with the camera and ends up returning to itself. The friendships forged from a single photo will also disappear in an instant, and each of us will face a dilemma, but the real obstacle is our hearts.

In the end, Martin forgave Andy but failed to forgive Celia, maybe you want to ask me why? The story draws an imperfect ending.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

I think this mystery has been solved since the beginning of the film. After losing, you can have a different life. For Martin, Celia was a shadow.

He once treated her as a normal friend, but unconsciously, she became a role that could replace his family.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Andy is different, from the moment he appears, he tells his purpose. Maybe he didn't know why Martin had left him, but what he could do was give him great care.

In this film, Martin is not flattered, and the relationship established by the three people also collapses due to trust, which is Martin's self-defense and the neglect of the other two.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

It is not only about the proposition of love, but it is presupposing love in an extreme situation, stripping out other influencing factors. Just to explore itself, when the relationship between people is maintained, tension and stimulation will suffocate our love and collapse.

"Love like Physical Evidence" chose to let the protagonist establish this sense of trust, although the character image is not so ideal, but it still occupies a place in the film world with profound intentions.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

The film is also very sad hugo Vivian, telling his own story by creating a personal character. The concept of trust runs through the film from beginning to end, and the bridge originally built by the protagonist is also estranged because of various contradictions.

Martin's character determined that he could not trust wholeheartedly or love others wholeheartedly, and although there was light in his life that broke into his life, it disappeared by the time he built up his defenses.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Originally Martin's path to self-redemption, but on a path of never looking back, Andy and Celia both try to pull him back, but he has drifted away in his own world.

The film is not only telling the story of Martin the Blind, but also about every person who is abandoned. In this unknown relationship, regret and looking back are crushed in every second of the film, which makes people feel empathy.

Imprisoned in love? Possessive, suffocating love often makes it impossible to breathe

Each of us will be careful with the people we trust, eager to give everything we have and enjoy every joy, but the sadness behind it can only be understood by those who have experienced everything. Possessing and not being able to do so is no longer love.

Thanks for watching!

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