
For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

author:Nickname Tea Network
For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

There are six categories of tea: red tea, white tea, green tea, oolong tea (green tea), yellow tea, black tea, and reprocessed tea. Black tea is red soup red leaves, the taste is mellow and sweet; white tea is simple in process, sweet in taste, the more fragrant it is; green tea is clear soup green leaves, the taste is fresh; oolong tea is fragrant and high-flavored alcohol, seven bubbles of afterscent; yellow tea is yellow soup yellow leaves, fresh alcohol back to sweet; black tea is mellow and smooth, chen xiang is significant, in addition, green tea, yellow tea brewing water temperature is 85 °C, other tea brewing water temperature is 100 °C.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

The taxonom of tea is mainly proposed by Professor Chen Rafters, Chen Rafters (1908 ~ 1999), tea scientist, tea industry educator, tea expert, is one of the founders of China's modern higher tea education.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

In 1979, he wrote the article "Theory and Practice of Tea Classification", proposed a new classification method, and systematically divided tea into six major tea categories: green tea, yellow tea, black tea, white tea, green tea and black tea.

According to the production method and the degree of oxidation (fermentation) of tea polyphenols, it can be divided into six categories, green tea, white tea, yellow tea, green tea (oolong tea), black tea, black tea.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

In fresh leaves of tea plant: moisture 75%~78% Dry matter: 22%~25%

Among them, the organic content: alkaloids (caffeine): 3% to 5%, organic acids: 3%, amino acids (theanine-based): 1% to 4%, pigments, vitamins, aromatic substances, etc. are below 1%.

Sensory manifestations of chemicals

Caffeine: bitter taste; amino acids: fresh taste; tea polyphenols: astringent taste; sugar: sweet.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

(The map is only displayed on the distribution of tea leaves, if there is any abnormality, please contact the correction in time)

1. Southwest Tea District

The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is the center of tea plant origin. Rich in resources of tea varieties, the production of black tea, green tea, tuo tea, pressed tea and Pu'er tea, etc., is one of the main bases for the development of large-leaf red crushed tea in China.

2. South China Tea Region

There are various types of tea tree varieties such as trees, small trees, and shrubs. The district mainly produces black tea and oolong tea. It is also an important production base for the production of special teas such as oolong tea, white tea, Liupao tea, and flower tea.

3. Jiangnan Tea District

The tea planted is mainly of shrub type, and a few are small tree type. It is the main tea producing area in China, and the annual output accounts for about 2/3 of the total output of the country. Such as West Lake Longjing, Huangshan Maofeng, Dongting Biluochun, Junshan Silver Needle, Lushan Cloud and Mist and so on.

4. Jiangbei Tea District

It is planted with shrub-type medium-leaf and small-leaf tea plants. The green tea produced has the characteristics of high aroma, strong taste and resistance to brewing, such as Xinyang Maojian and so on.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

Tea naming is one of the important procedures for tea classification, and it can be associated with naming and classification, such as Zhengshan small black tea, "Zhengshan small seed" is the name, "black tea" is the classification; and then such as jasmine silver needle, "jasmine" is the classification, "silver needle" is the naming.

At present, the naming of tea in China mainly has the following bases: according to the different names of tea leaves, such as melon slices, finches tongue, pine needles, Mao Feng, Mao Jian, etc.; according to the different names of tea making technology, such as fried green, baked green, sun-dried green, Junmei, Gongfu tea, flower tea, etc.;

According to the different varieties of tea plants, such as oolong, daffodils, Tieguanyin, hairy crabs, etc.; according to the different naming periods, such as Mingqian tea, pre-rain tea, spring tip, autumn fragrance, winter tablets, etc.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

Tea with high tenderness, use lower water temperature, the coarser the older the tea, use higher water temperature.

The speed of water, the strength of the water, the steeping time will affect the way the substance leaches and the concentration of the tea soup... Figure out the variables that affect the tea soup, and you can control the taste of a cup of tea as you wish.

Green tea and yellow tea can be brewed at 85 °C water temperature, or they can be brewed with a glass tea set.

Other teas can be brewed at a water temperature of 100 °C, or they can be brewed with tea sets such as lid bowls and purple clay pots.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

The specific amount of tea is as follows: (take the cover bowl as an example)

Brew white tea, pour 5 grams of tea;

Brew black tea, pour 5 grams of tea;

Brew rock tea, throw 8 grams of tea;

Brew Pu'er, pour 7 grams of tea.

In short, the secret to making a good cup of tea is: brew more and think more.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

The principles of tea storage are light avoidance, moisture-proof, sealing, anti-odor and so on.

1. Green tea

The shelf life of green tea is not long, generally 12 to 18 months, so it should be drunk in time after purchase, or stored in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

2. White tea

White tea has the characteristics of aging and fragrance, room temperature, sealed (three-layer packaging method) preservation.

3. Yellow tea

Same with green tea, sealed refrigerator refrigeration;

4. Green tea

Sealed at room temperature, protected from light, moisture and high temperature.

5. Black tea

Sealed at room temperature, protected from light and moisture.

6. Black tea

Room temperature preservation, light protection, moisture-proof, tea storage environment to maintain ventilation, can be stored for a long time.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

Green tea is to be fried, and the technical term is called "killing green".

Fresh leaves under the pot of frying, a substance called "enzyme" in the leaves because of the high temperature death, green tea can not be fermented, so green tea has always maintained a green and oily appearance.

After being stir-fried, the original grass flavor in the fresh leaves dissipates and evolves into the unique fragrance of green tea, and some also have the aroma of fried chestnuts.

In addition, there are a small amount of green tea that uses steam to kill the green.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes


White tea has a well-known saying, called "no stir-frying, no kneading, natural natural".

The process of white tea can be said to be the least procedural of the six major tea categories, but it is not simple.

Drying white tea is not to expose white tea to the sun, but to dry white tea indoors and outdoors according to weather conditions.

The intensity of daylight, temperature, and the thickness of the spread need to be carefully grasped, and it can be dried to a certain extent.

During the drying process, the white tea is slightly fermented, producing a faint floral fragrance and pure sweetness, as well as the aroma of sun exposure.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

Stuffy yellow

The production of yellow tea is very similar to green tea, but with an additional "stuffy yellow" step.

Before or after the drying of yellow tea, wrap it in gauze or straw paper while it is hot, so that the yellow tea can be gently fermented under the action of moist heat.

Therefore, the color of the tea made is obviously yellow, with a stuffy cooked aroma, and the taste is less fresh and more mellow than green tea.

Yellow tea processing is very difficult, smouldering yellow is not in place or too much, can not come out of the taste of yellow tea.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes

4. Oolong tea

Oolong tea "Shake"

After the fresh leaves are slightly spread out to soften, it is necessary to use a bamboo sieve to "shake the green".

The leaves sway in a bamboo sieve and collide with the fermentation, producing a rich floral fragrance.

The edge of the leaf is more fragile, the collision turns red, and the center of the leaf is always green, and finally the formation of oolong tea "seven points green three red" and "green leaf red trim", which is semi-fermentation.

In addition to shaking the green by hand with a bamboo sieve, there is also a machine that is put into a roller-like machine to shake the green.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes


The production process is not killed, but directly withered, kneaded, and completely fermented, so that the tea polyphenols contained in the tea leaves are oxidized into thearubicin, forming the dark red tea leaves and red tea soups unique to black tea.

The taste of black tea is relatively sweet, warm, and the soup color is golden or red.

For beginners, these tea knowledge must learn the classification of tea according to the physical and chemical components of tea tea distribution tea origin name tea brewing tea expiration date and storage of six major tea core processes


Fresh leaves are simply fried, and their own enzymes have basically lost their activity under the action of high temperatures.

Then the leaves were stacked together and called "Wo Heap".

Countless microorganisms contaminated with tea leaves continue to multiply and metabolize, produce a large number of calories and highly active enzymes, under the action of damp heat, promote the rapid fermentation of leaves, fermentation is very thorough, forming black tea is different from other tea color, aroma, taste.

At the same time, black tea is rich in endoplasm, so it can also be stored for a long time.