
Story: Sensen (original) Sensen

author:Waiting for you FM

Text | Wind chimes gust

Story: Sensen (original) Sensen

Sensen and my son, two little twelve-year-old teenagers, clasped their hands together, stood under a large magnolia tree, the large white flowers blooming on the tree emitting a sweet smell, and from time to time there were bees hovering overhead. They were red-eyed and agreed on a time for the next meeting.

Sen Sen is the son of my good friend, and my son is less than a month apart, this time they have been together for more than twenty days, and the beautiful nature of him, like a beautiful jade, shines all the time.

One night, Senson brushed his teeth and my son asked, what does your mouth taste like? He squinted his small eyes and smiled for half a day. Then I said, I think the hand sanitizer smells good, just want to taste it, I brushed my teeth with hand sanitizer. I was shocked when I heard it and asked, Sensen, do you feel uncomfortable? He said, no, it's cool! I've also drunk alcohol and it's all right. One day he got up in the middle of the night to drink water, touched a bottle on the table, lifted it up and drank it, drank it twice, felt a fever in his throat, turned upside down in his stomach, and the medical alcohol his mother bought that day was casually placed on the table. Later, I threw up in the middle of the night and slept until noon the next day. I asked, Sensen, aren't you afraid? He said that if he wasn't afraid, he was uncomfortable, and then he fell asleep and woke up completely fine.

When eating, he always said, I can't eat more, my chin is already three layers. But whenever I saw him eating, I felt that the food was really sweet and delicious. His eyes were smaller, and he said, I'm too fat, the flesh has plugged my eyes, and my mom and dad's eyes are very big. All his clothes were black, and his mother bought him other colors, which he said, didn't like, didn't look good. Ask him why, he said, black looks thin! He cares more about his fatness.

Story: Sensen (original) Sensen

One day, he and my son each took a skateboard to the riverfront park two or three miles from my house, where there was a slope, up and down, which was particularly exciting. They played until a little after noon, soaking wet and coming back with great interest. The two men took off their clothes and immediately took a shower. Just after lunch, the two people took skateboards again, braved the big sun, and set off with great interest.

On both sides of the Jinshui River, there are viewing roads that are more than one meter higher than the water surface, and the viewing road can accommodate up to two people side by side, and the viewing road is a two- or three-meter-high embankment, made of irregular stones. The two children had a sudden idea, the race climbed, Sensen tried many times failed, and even thought of a strange move, standing on the guardrail pier of the viewing road, jumped forward violently, and fell to the edge of the river embankment, but his hand did not fall, and he quickly fell down. Left left leg was covered in blood. I said, Sensen, don't climb, your arm was injured when you were a child. On his flushed face, those little eyes looked at me stubbornly. Later, he climbed several more times, and finally climbed the embankment.

We ate steak together, Sensen cut the steak thinly, and his son cut all the steaks before eating. I said, why don't you cut it bigger, why don't you eat it while cutting it? Sensen said that steak is to be savored, and if you eat it too fast, you can't taste it. The son said that after all of them were cut and eaten, they felt the most comfortable. When I finished eating like a cloud, the two children were taking small bites! For a moment, I felt rough. For a long time, I always felt that time could not be wasted, but I never wasted time on such a beautiful thing like a child.

Story: Sensen (original) Sensen

The faucet switch was broken, and I found a switch of a decent size, but it was not turned off too tightly each time, ticking water. Sen Sen once twisted the switch, and twisted the switch off. When he installed, he adjusted the direction, but he did not expect that the faucet was tightly sewn and much more convenient to use.

He had a teddy dog, and every morning at six o'clock, he got up on time to take the dog downstairs, circled the neighborhood for half an hour, and at six o'clock in the evening, took the dog downstairs. Later, the dog was sent back to his hometown, and he seemed to have lost a good partner, especially missing the days of being a shoveler.

Sensen is sometimes at home alone, and he will scramble eggs, fried rice, or underground strips. One morning, Sensen saw my fried eggs, took the initiative to ask for help, and saw his fried eggs, I was really ashamed of myself.

My son took the mobile phone, I criticized him, he said that he was watching homework, the voice was particularly loud, I was so angry that I hit his hands, he cried non-stop, he didn't even eat. I called Sensen to eat, and he didn't eat either. He blushed and asked me, Auntie, if there is a psychological shadow when you are beaten up? I didn't know how to answer for a moment. In fact, the child himself is not much wrong, I beat him just to establish the majesty of the adult, where to think that he will not have a psychological shadow?

Children's hearts are pure and immaculate, while we adults are covered with a layer of ashes and filth. We love to measure right and wrong by our own scales, but in fact, sometimes, how important is that?

Sensen, the child, taught me this lesson.

Story: Sensen (original) Sensen


About the Author: Wind chimes, waiting for you fm anchor. Engaged in the most glorious career under the sun for 20 years, amateur writing. His works have been published in magazines such as People's Literature and Essays. Calm on the outside, indifferent on the inside, I hope to meet more people by waiting for you fm.

Pay attention to the headline number "Waiting for you fm", more wonderful waiting for you every day. This article is the original work of "waiting for you fm", please indicate the source when reprinting.

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