
Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

author:Cook for love

Hello everyone, I'm the original author: Cooking for Love

It saves you effort and peace of mind to make simple and delicious dishes

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"Pancake Roll Vegetables"

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Add 300 g of plain flour and 2 g of refined salt to increase gluten.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Pour in 90 g of cold water and noodles, stirring as you pour in.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Pour in 90 g of boiling water and noodles at a water temperature of 80 degrees (half hot water, half cold water, flapjacks will not harden)

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Stir into a flocculent, knead into a large dough, wrap in plastic wrap and relax for five minutes.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

After five minutes, sprinkle the board with flour, add the dough and gently knead it.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Knead the dough into long strips and cut into eight doughs.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Knead the dough inward and knead into small buns.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Place the dough on a large plate, pour in the cooking oil and let the dough wrap in the cooked oil and soften for an hour.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

1 carrot, washed without peeling, inserted into thin wires, sprinkled with fine salt and marinated for half an hour.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

2 Dutch potatoes, peel off the outer skin, slice and then cut into thin strips.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Add chives to the bottom of the pot and stir-fry, pour in the washed potato shreds, stir-fry evenly over high heat,

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Drizzle the side of the pot with balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, water, stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with fine salt, pepper, cumin powder, and stir-fry out of the pan.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

After 20 minutes, squeeze out the carrots, add sesame oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and stir well.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

After an hour, remove the plastic wrap and remove the dough.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Brush the board with cooked oil, add the dough and gently pat and press.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

The two doughs are put together, rolled out into thin slices, placed in plastic wrap and lifted to set aside.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Do not brush the bottom of the pan with oil, add the flaky cake, burn on high heat for 1 minute, and turn the noodles with small bubbles.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

The flapjacks are turned over several times, unwrapped from one side, and flapjacked again.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Burn until the bubbles are slightly charred, plate out of the pot, like to eat soft, you can set the shape and fish out.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

The dough is placed on a large plate, wrapped in plastic wrap, and can be eaten at any time to ensure that it will not be hard.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

Flapjack rolls with shredded potatoes, shredded meat with Kyo sauce, and dipping in green onions are all particularly delicious.

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious

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Cook for love

Delicious and simple "pancake roll vegetables" is completed, the method is simple and nutritious, adults and children love to eat, come to learn, do to share happiness with the family!

Home-cooked vegetable burritos, mastering the recipe skills, opening soft and strong, really delicious