
Huizhou Zhongkai Helenburg project arrears of more than 200,000 yuan, the labor department intervened after the settlement has been resolved

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Lei Mingjian, a reporter who worked at the Helenburg project site in Lilin Town, Zhongkai New District, Huizhou City, and others recently reported that the wages of 8 temporary workers, including him, were owed for several months without payment, totaling more than 200,000 yuan. Late on the night of September 6, after mediation by the local labor department, Lei Mingjian and others had received wages.

According to Lei Mingjian and others, they and the contractor Zhang Mou is a fellow villager in Hubei, from March this year, Zhang took them to Huizhou Zhongkai New District Lilin Town Helenburg real estate project site to do external wall decoration, "we do not have labor contracts and badges, the contractor usually just sends us some living expenses, now the work has been done but the boss always uses various excuses to drag not to give money, a few months later, we have been owed more than 200,000 yuan of sweat and blood and sweat."

Lei Mingjian said that his own salary arrears were more than 24,000 yuan, which he planned to pay for his children's tuition and miscellaneous expenses, but now that they have been in school for several days, they still can't get the money.

Huizhou Zhongkai Helenburg project arrears of more than 200,000 yuan, the labor department intervened after the settlement has been resolved

Lei Mingjian and others did not have a badge or labor contract, and only had this settlement form signed by the foreman

In response to Lei Mingjian and others' complaints about wage arrears, on September 4, Nandu reporters contacted the staff of the Lilin Project in Shanghai, who said that Lei Mingjian and other workers were found by Manager Zhang of the Huizhou Branch of the Fourth Company of the Seventh Bureau of China Construction through a labor service company. In a telephone interview with Nandu reporters, the manager surnamed Zhang said that they were checking the relevant accounts with the labor service company, "This external wall project has not been completely completed so far, and we do not have the problem of arrears of workers' wages."

On the afternoon of September 8, the relevant person in charge of the Labor Security Institute of Lilin Town, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, replied to the Nandu reporter that on August 24, 2021, the human resources working group of Lilin Town received complaints from Lei Mingjian and 8 other people that Huizhou City's Helen Source Construction Phase I Project owed 8 people 213,980 yuan in wages for repairing the outer wall, and immediately sent staff to the Helen Source Construction Project to investigate and collect evidence.

The relevant person in charge of the Labor Security Institute of Lilin Town, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, said that after investigation, Lei Mingjian and 8 other people were indeed temporary workers for internal wall repair hired by Helen Yuanzhu in Helensburgh. From June to August 2021, Helen Yuanzhu Phase I owed Lei Mingjian and 8 other people 213,980 yuan in internal wall maintenance wages. After verification with the person in charge of the first phase of Theron Source Construction Project, the project leader promised to pay the arrears of workers' wages within 15 working days.

On the evening of September 6, the Helen Yuanzhu Phase I project paid off the arrears of workers' wages, and after contacting the complainant Lei Mingjian and other workers, it was confirmed that the arrears of workers' wages in the first phase of Helen Yuanzhu had arrived.

Late on the night of September 6, Lei Mingjian told Nandu reporters that after the local labor department mediated, they had received the arrears of wages.

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