
Xiong Bingqi: If vocational education is still inferior, it is meaningless for high schools to be included in compulsory education First: the inclusion of high schools in compulsory education does not solve educational anxiety, can parents accept their children to go to vocational colleges and universities? Second: as long as vocational education is inferior and the problem of education hierarchy is not solved, educational anxiety will never disappear.

author:Teacher Li talked about the most authentic education

A few days ago, Professor Yao Yang of Peking University proposed to reform our school system, from the current nine-year compulsory education to ten years of compulsory education, and the high school is also included in the compulsory education, in Professor Yao Yang's view, the cancellation of the tutoring class can not fundamentally eliminate the anxiety of parents, it must be reformed from the system, so that children can easily enter high school, so that parents will not be crazy to make up lessons for their children.

Many netizens are still very supportive of Professor Yao Yang's views, but education expert Xiong Bingqi believes that the reform of the education system cannot fundamentally solve the problem of education and anxiety, for the following reasons:

The inclusion of high schools in compulsory education has been proposed many years ago, but even if children have the opportunity to go to high school, are they still facing the problem of diversion after high school? Don't some children still have to go to vocational colleges?

The current employer recruitment of academic qualifications is basically what 985, 211, and even look at the student's first education, in this case, which parent can hope that their children go to higher vocational colleges? But can these shunted children get into any good school? Don't you still have to go to higher vocational colleges?

To put it bluntly, the inclusion of high schools in compulsory education is nothing more than a delay in the diversion of children for three years, and the final fate is the same. In the future, I will still have to go to vocational colleges, and after graduation, my academic qualifications will still be discriminated against, and I will still be at the lowest end of my academic qualifications, and many employers will still look down on them. What is the point of such a delayed shunting?

Xiong Bingqi: If vocational education is still inferior, it is meaningless for high schools to be included in compulsory education First: the inclusion of high schools in compulsory education does not solve educational anxiety, can parents accept their children to go to vocational colleges and universities? Second: as long as vocational education is inferior and the problem of education hierarchy is not solved, educational anxiety will never disappear.

In the view of Xiong Bingqi experts, the biggest problem in education at present is that vocational education is inferior and the grading of education is serious, as long as these problems are not solved, even if the university undergraduate is included in compulsory education, it will not play any role.

China's vocational education is discriminated against by many people, look at the vocational schools everywhere, the development is not as good as the ordinary high schools everywhere, the local government does not pay attention, and the quality of education can not go up. In addition, China's university hierarchy is very serious, many units only recognize 985, 211 degrees, and even graduate doctoral enrollment also depends on whether the first degree of undergraduate is 985, 211 colleges, this kind of academic qualification hierarchy has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, resulting in serious discrimination in the society, the general two or three students are still discriminated against by employers? Not to mention the schools of higher vocational colleges?

The current education is actually a hierarchical function, the students are naturally divided into three, six, nine, etc., if this hierarchical problem is not solved, educational anxiety and inner volume problems can not be solved.

Xiong Bingqi: If vocational education is still inferior, it is meaningless for high schools to be included in compulsory education First: the inclusion of high schools in compulsory education does not solve educational anxiety, can parents accept their children to go to vocational colleges and universities? Second: as long as vocational education is inferior and the problem of education hierarchy is not solved, educational anxiety will never disappear.

Simply put, the current skilled workers and status are too low, which is the main reason why parents are reluctant to let their children go to vocational colleges.

Chinese parents, trying to cultivate their children is nothing more than hoping that their children can find a good job in the future and be able to live a decent life, but the current vocational colleges obviously cannot meet the needs of parents.

Even if the child graduates from vocational college, he will still be subject to various discrimination when employed, even if the child is fortunate enough to be assigned to a factory, but the status and treatment of skilled workers are very low, 996 may be the norm, all kinds of five insurances and one gold can not be guaranteed, in this case, which child wants to be a worker? Many parents have said: I would rather my children do a small business than go to the factory as a worker, subject to all kinds of inhuman management, not to mention, can not earn any money.

Xiong Bingqi: If vocational education is still inferior, it is meaningless for high schools to be included in compulsory education First: the inclusion of high schools in compulsory education does not solve educational anxiety, can parents accept their children to go to vocational colleges and universities? Second: as long as vocational education is inferior and the problem of education hierarchy is not solved, educational anxiety will never disappear.


Personally, I agree with the views of xiong Bingqi experts that if we want to reform, we must fundamentally reform and directly eradicate it to the end. Now that the tutoring class has been cancelled, we have found that parents will still find ways to make up lessons for their children, which shows that the ban on tutoring classes cannot reduce the burden. It is also estimated that high schools will be included in compulsory education, and everyone will still squeeze their heads to make up classes, because everyone does not want their children to go to vocational colleges, and everyone's educational anxiety still exists.

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