
Viewpoint || Xiong Bingqi: "The first degree" degrades talents one by one, which is a concept of academic discrimination created by the "only academic qualification theory"

author:Translation Teaching and Research

Source of this article: Educational Thought Network

Transferred from: Moxiang Academic

Viewpoint || Xiong Bingqi: "The first degree" degrades talents one by one, which is a concept of academic discrimination created by the "only academic qualification theory"

According to media reports, the official website of the Ministry of Education released a message on September 29, and the Ministry of Education recently replied to netizens' questions about whether the first degree after graduation is a college or a bachelor's degree. According to the reply, academic qualifications refer to people's learning experience in receiving scientific and cultural education and skills training in educational institutions, and the concept of "first education" is not used in the relevant policies and documents of the national education administrative department. What we say about "academic qualifications" in the management process usually refers to the highest or final academic qualification obtained by an individual.

As early as 2014, the Ministry of Education made a similar reply, pointing out that if we must emphasize the "first degree", primary and secondary schools are also academic qualifications. However, in recent years, in the job search, many job seekers have encountered the dilemma of "first education". Employers should not only look at the final (highest) education, but also check the "three generations of academic qualifications" and look at the "first degree". This is the concept of academic discrimination created by "only academic qualifications" employers. To break the "only academic qualifications", we must eliminate the discrimination of "first academic qualifications".

At present, the popular concept of "first degree" in the workplace mainly refers to the "starting point education" of the higher education stage, that is, after completing high school studies, whether it is a college or a bachelor's degree; whether it is a full-time higher education or a part-time undergraduate education; a full-time undergraduate education, what is the specific school, is it "double first-class", or 985, 211, one, two. This is "one grid and one grid to reduce talents". If the job seeker is a doctoral graduate of a 985 university, it is also necessary to look at his master's degree school and undergraduate graduation school.

This kind of looking at the selection of "first degree" also has the tendency to further move the "first degree" down. The Ministry of Education said that if we must emphasize the "first degree", primary school, middle school is also a degree, it is understood that in the employment of some employers, there has been a situation of looking at high school qualifications, after looking at undergraduate graduation schools, further look at which high school comes from.

There is no doubt that the more advanced (downward) the "first degree" evaluation, the more serious the "famous school complex" of students, the more single choice of talents, and the intensification of education. In the "first degree" evaluation system, excellent talents must be students of famous schools all the way - famous primary schools, famous junior high schools, famous high schools, famous universities, even if the "double first-class" university doctoral graduation, master's degree, undergraduate from an ordinary two colleges, is not recognized or discounted.

This is also one of the important reasons for the phenomenon of "middle-class panic" and "high score re-reading" in the college entrance examination in recent years. Although the road to further education of secondary vocational graduates has been opened, they can read higher vocational schools, they can "specialize in upgrading" after graduating from higher vocational education, and they can read professional masters after graduation, however, the discrimination of "first education" has made many parents and students think that the study experience of secondary vocational and higher vocational education is a "stain on academic qualifications", so they are reluctant to read secondary vocational and higher vocational schools. Students who can instinctively enter a good undergraduate college and university would rather choose to repeat their studies and enter 211 and 985 colleges and universities with higher scores, also because they want to get a good-looking "first degree", which is more realistic and meaningful than "changing" the identity of the school after graduation.

There are many reasons for the discrimination of "first degree", and fundamentally speaking, the theory of only academic qualifications is becoming more and more intense. Simply screening talents according to academic standards will first look at the highest (final) degree; when the highest (final) degree is the same, then look at the second higher degree; and then look forward to the so-called first degree. This is like sorting the scores of the college entrance examination, in the case of the same total score, it is also necessary to rank specifically according to the level of the single subject score such as the number of words. This guides students to plan their academic development with the goal of entering famous schools, and there are so many famous schools, and the competition for opportunities in famous schools is becoming increasingly fierce.

At present, China is promoting "double reduction", and in order to effectively reduce the academic burden of students, it is necessary to break the "only academic qualification theory" in the evaluation of talents. First of all, education departments at all levels should clean up the practice of education and schools, such as the 985 project and the 211 project that were promoted before, there is a problem of labeling schools with identity labels; the "double first-class" construction that is currently being implemented emphasizes the need to overcome the drawbacks of "identity solidification" and "lack of competition" in the construction of the 985 and 211 projects, but there are still places and schools that take this as a new identity label for schools. In order to fundamentally eliminate discrimination in academic qualifications, there can be no longer the thinking of building famous schools and developing education and grading education and schools.

Secondly, it is necessary to reverse the orientation of "only famous schools" and "only academic qualifications", especially in recent years, some local governments have emphasized the tendency of undergraduate "first education" when introducing talents. Last year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Education Evaluation in the New Era," which requires that party and government organs, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises take the lead in reversing the orientation of employing people based on "only famous schools" and "only academic qualifications," establish a mechanism for the use of talents that is oriented by morality and ability and with the demand for posts as the goal, change the situation of "high consumption" of talent, and form a good situation of eclectic reduction of talent. This needs to be effectively implemented, give play to the role of education supervision, and seriously investigate the responsibility of party and government organs, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises that have "only famous schools" and "only academic qualifications" to guide the use of people.

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