
By asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to xinghua village, and the Ming dynasty people said that it was changed to five better prefaces, two revisions to Du Mu's "Qingming", three revisions to Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", and the Qing Dynasty people's evaluation of Xie Hazel IV, and the closing words of the lyrics were implicitly included

author:Old street taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > preface</h1>

Du Mu's seven-sentence poem "Qingming" is often discussed, how to change it to five words, how to change it to long and short sentences.

When reading the Ming Dynasty talent Xie Hazel's "Four Ming Poems", I saw that he specifically mentioned this issue. Moreover, he proposed his own revisions, but he was ridiculed by the Qing Dynasty.

The old street is recorded here, and everyone sees if it makes sense.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" >, a modification to Du Mu's Qingming</h1>

Xie Hao said:

 Du Muzhi's "Qingming" poem says: "By asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy refers to the apricot blossom village." "This work seems to be in the painting, but the temperament is not high. Or Yi Zhiyue: "Where is the restaurant, the apricot blossom village on the river." This has a grand Tang tone, which is given to the dial: "The sun oblique people are planning horses, and the wine shops are apricot blossoms in the west." "No questions and answers, the situation is self-explanatory. 

Du Muzhi's "Qingming" is a seven-sentence poem:

During the Qingming Festival, the rain is pouring, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

Where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy refers to the apricot blossom village.

Xie Hao believes that although the original work is good and has a sense of picture, it is not high. Someone changed the seven absolutes to five absolutes, and the last two sentences are:

Where the restaurant is, the apricot blossom village on the river.

Xie Hao said that this change will have the taste of Sheng Tang. However, he only said half a song, and the first two sentences did not know what they were. I guess I roughly remove the first two words.

In addition, Xie Hazel also mentioned his modified five absolutes:

Wild water is bright and lonely, and the flat swallow is low.

The sun oblique people plan horses, and the wine (wanton) apricot blossom west. Four Views

And said: "No questions and answers, the scene is self-seeing", there is no need for a question and an answer, love language and scenery language, naturally presented.

Such a revision shows that it is not simply based on the original poem, but the poet assumes that he is immersed in the scene and starts from the eyes of the individual.

How do you think that the two changes that Xie Hazel said are compared with the original work?

By asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to xinghua village, and the Ming dynasty people said that it was changed to five better prefaces, two revisions to Du Mu's "Qingming", three revisions to Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", and the Qing Dynasty people's evaluation of Xie Hazel IV, and the closing words of the lyrics were implicitly included

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" >2</h1>

Xie Hao also mentioned the revision of Liu Yuxi's Huaigu

 Liu Yuxi's poem "Huaigu" says: "In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people.

  Or Yi Zhiyue: "Wang XieTang Qianyan, now the home of the people." "This work does not hurt the temperament. Yu Zhizhi said: "Wang Xie's luxurious spring grass, whose house did the swallows fall in front of the hall?" "This is not a strange language, but it is not detailed.

Xie Hao mentions Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", which is this "Wuyi Lane":

Wild grass flowers by the Suzaku Bridge, the sunset at the mouth of Wuyi Lane.

In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people.

He said that some people changed the seven absolutes of this song to five absolutes, and looking at the last two sentences, it is estimated that the first two words are subtracted:

(Wild grass flowers by the bridge, the sunset at the mouth of the alley.) Wang Xietang Qianyan, now the home of the people.

In addition, he said that he also had a changed one, but it was still seven:

Wang Xie luxury spring grass, in front of the swallow in front of the hall fell in who's house?

Because the third sentence has "grass", the first two sentences must have changed a lot. It is estimated that like changing Du Mu's "Qingming", Xie Hazel changed his poem not simply to change a few words on the basis of the original work, but to assume that he was immersed in the scene, using the original meaning, and redoing a poem.

However, Xie Hazel's poems have seven laws of "Sending Shu Chun of Wang Jun" cloud:

The temporary official office has a smoke glow, and the relativistic mind sits obliquely. The sabre should be self-strengthening, and the sword should be more powerful.

Old Song Gu Jian Green Pine Nuts, Junai Qiutang White Lotus Flower. Wang Xie's wind and currents turned north, and whose house was the swallow of the Temple.

The last two sentences are the same as Xie Hazel's rewritten poems, and I don't know if he has another seven-piece poem.

How do you feel about this modification?

By asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to xinghua village, and the Ming dynasty people said that it was changed to five better prefaces, two revisions to Du Mu's "Qingming", three revisions to Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", and the Qing Dynasty people's evaluation of Xie Hazel IV, and the closing words of the lyrics were implicitly included

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > Third, qing dynasty people evaluate Xie Hazel</h1>

1. About Xie Hazel's "Wuyi Lane"

Regarding Xie Hazel's reform of Liu Yuxi's Wuyi Lane, the Qing Dynasty man He Wenhuan had different views in the "Poetry of past dynasties":

Liu Yuxi's poem said: "In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people." The magic lies in the words "old" and "ordinary".

Si Mingyun: "Or there is a person who has changed: 'Wang Xietang Qianyan, now the home of the people of Fei.'" Point gold into iron." Xie Gong also elaborated: "Wang Xie's luxurious spring grass, whose house will the swallows fall in front of the hall?" It's especially bad.

He Wenhuan said that Liu Yuxi's two poems are all in the words "old" and "ordinary". As Xie Hazel said, the change was simply to replace gold with iron.

For Xie Hazel's own modification of "Wang Xie luxury spring grass, whose house did the swallows fall in front of the hall?" He Wenhuan said, "It is particularly bad", which means that it is worse than the point of gold into iron.

2. About Xie Hazel's Reform of "Qingming"

As for Du Mu's "Qingming" poem, the Qing Dynasty man He Pei wrote "Wrinkled Water Xuan Ci Zhen" and commented:

The words are not sick from shallow straightness, such as Du Mu Qingming's poem "Borrowing to ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy refers to the apricot blossom village". There is no high policeman, and he is pointing at a distance, slightly picturesque.

He Pei believes that this song is originally shallow and straight, but in the fourth sentence, the shepherd boy does not say a word, and has a pictorial meaning. Although He Pei did not evaluate Xie Hazel, from Xie Hazel's five absolutes, it was a pictorial meaning, otherwise it would not be called "Four Scenic Pictures":

Wild water is bright and lonely, and the flat swallow is low. The sun oblique people plan horses, and the wine (wanton) apricot blossom west.

As for one sentence and one intention, Xie Hazel also mentioned:

Du Zimeishi: "The sunrise fences the east water, and the clouds give up the north mud." Bamboo sings and mourns, sand dancing pelicans. "This sentence is one meaning, and one sentence is also a calculation. Gai Jiayun poem: "Fight the yellow warbler, and Mo Jiao will raise his hooves on the branches." When crying, the concubine dreams, and does not get Liaoxi. "This one is one meaning, and one sentence is not a poem.

It can be seen that Xie Hazel's "Four Scenic Pictures" is a bit like learning from Du Fu, and uses Du Fu's poetry method to change the "Qingming" poem. Only after the change, although the sense of picture is strong, it seems to have nothing to do with "Qingming".

He Pei (born and died unknown), character Huang Gong, trumpet barberry Zhai, alias Bai Feng Zi ren, Jiangnan Danyang people. About the qing dynasty Saint Zu Kangxi was alive around twenty years ago.

He Wenhuan (date of birth and death unknown), zi shaomei, number also fu, Qianlong period Jiashan people, Qing Dynasty literary scholar, edited the "Poetry of the Past Dynasties".

Xie Hao (1495~1575) Ming Dynasty cloth poet, character Mao Qin, the number of the Four Ming Mountain people, The People of the Mountains, Shandong Linqing people. Xie Hazel, together with Li Panlong and Wang Shizhen, was one of the "Seven Sons of the Later" and advocated the poetry modeling of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. But later he and Li Panlong had a bad relationship and were stripped of their names as "Seven Sons".

By asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to xinghua village, and the Ming dynasty people said that it was changed to five better prefaces, two revisions to Du Mu's "Qingming", three revisions to Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", and the Qing Dynasty people's evaluation of Xie Hazel IV, and the closing words of the lyrics were implicitly included

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="84" >4</h1>

Regarding the revision of Du Mu's "Qingming", later generations often have comments, such as subtracting the first two words from each sentence:

It rains a lot, and pedestrians want to break their souls. Where are the restaurants? Remote refers to the apricot blossom village.

Old Street also had games before, similar to implicit lyrics. Enter it here for a smile.

1. "Mountain Flower Seed Qingming"

Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls, and it rains during the Qingming Season. Tie the willow boat crossing the wilderness, gradually dusk.

Asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to the apricot blossom village. The bamboo flute rode back and entered the smoke cloud.

◎●○○●●△,⊙○⊙●●○△。 ⊙●⊙○◎⊙●,●○△。

◎●◎○○●● ,◎○⊙●●○△。 ⊙●◎○○●● ,●○△。

2. "Fishing Song Of Qingming"

During the Qingming Festival, the rain is pouring, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Want to borrow the question, the restaurant door, the shepherd boy remotely pointed to the apricot blossom village.

⊙◎⊙⊙●◎△, ⊙⊙○◎●⊙△。 ⊙◎● ●○△, ⊙⊙◎◎●⊙△。

3. "Remembrance of Jiangnan Qingming"

Qingming rain, a flash of dance. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy remotely pointed to the apricot blossom village, and the long road secretly destroyed the soul.

○⊙●,⊙●●○△。 ◎●⊙○○●●,⊙○○●●○△。 ○●●○△。

4. "Huanxi Sha Qingming"

Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls, rain during the Qingming Season, and sweep the mountains and clouds outside the old monk's pagoda.

Asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to the apricot blossom village and sounded a bamboo flute for dusk.


⊙●◎○○●● ◎○⊙●●○△, ◎○⊙●●○△ 。

5. "Asaka Tso Qingming" 

During the Qingming Dynasty, the rain is pouring, and the xingzi wants to destroy the soul. The ancient road west wind is thin and horses, and the eunuch tour has become accustomed to dust.

Mountains and rivers, restaurants, bamboo flutes. But the shepherd boy pointed out that the apricot blossoms bloomed in the mountain village.

⊙○⊙●●○△,⊙●●○△◎●⊙○⊙● ◎○◎●○△。

⊙○◎●,⊙○◎●,◎●○△。 ⊙●◎○⊙●,⊙○◎●○△。

By asking where the restaurant was, the shepherd boy pointed to xinghua village, and the Ming dynasty people said that it was changed to five better prefaces, two revisions to Du Mu's "Qingming", three revisions to Liu Yuxi's "Huaigu", and the Qing Dynasty people's evaluation of Xie Hazel IV, and the closing words of the lyrics were implicitly included

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="150" > concluding remarks</h1>

The predecessors commented on poetry, each with their own understanding, each with its own good. Some think it's good, and some think it's bad. Xie Hao thought that Tang poetry could be changed better, but posterity thought that he "turned gold into iron".

Looking at the various poems and words of the predecessors, there is often a dispute between right and wrong. You also need to read more and understand more, mention that you know it.

@Old Street Taste

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