
The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one

author:The Secret History of Fish and Sheep
The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


The Inspector Gentleman Becomes Absurd Emperor: Oh, man

There are two emperors in Chinese history whose titles are "Jiao", one is the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, and the other is the Jin Dynasty Emperor Guanyan Liang that we are going to talk about today.

Yan Liang had three major wishes in his life: first, military and political affairs were dictated by me; second, to conquer the Southern Song Dynasty and unify the world; third, the beauty of the world was exclusive to me. If you want to realize these three wishes, the only way out is to become an emperor! However, Yan Liang was not a grandson and could not inherit the throne.

But there is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of those who have a heart! Until Yan Liang usurped the throne, he had been the chancellor of the Xizong Dynasty. During this period, Yan Liang sold his fame and reputation, bought people's hearts, and lived a very disciplined life, with only one wife and three concubines. Yes, there were only four daughters-in-law in that era, which was already a life checkpoint. The majority of male compatriots should not be envious, after all, reincarnation is a technical job.

Yan Liang's hand was very long, not only tilting towards the opposition, but also reaching into the harem. The woman who was in contact with Yan Liang in the harem was none other than Empress Pei Man of Emperor Xizong. You say that this person is really quite capable, and the harem has an affair, but it is still the queen of the people, you say that the angry people are not?

In 1149, Yan Liang staged a coup d'état, killed Emperor Xizong, and established himself as emperor. In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening to him, he strictly forbade the harem to interfere in politics. The empress, on the other hand, had always regarded herself as a virtuous wife and mother, and she not only saved her position and life in the case of Wanyanliang's absurdity, but also was able to return to Shangjing's parents' family after Wanyanliang was killed, and received two thousand yuan of supply from Kim Sejong every year.

This singable empress was a disciple of the Shan clan, and she gave birth to the crown prince Guanyan Guangying for Guanyan Liang. After Yan Liang became emperor, the number of harem beauties increased day by day. The queen's favor was not as good as a day, and the two rarely saw each other later.

However, Empress Tudan did not envy the other concubines, nor did she use all her heart to mutilate the heirs in the palace, and even often interceded with the emperor for other concubines. From this point of view, Uranara's Yixiu should indeed learn from empress Dowager Shan.

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


Princess Chen Alihu: A man as his name suggests, a life of fierceness

Among the concubines that Empress Tudan had come forward to save was Ali Hu. Princess Chen Ali Tiger as her name suggests, she is known for her beauty and her posture is very charming. Before she entered the palace, she had two husbands, the first named Ahodi, although the two were very husband and wife in name, but the marriage did not last long. After Ah Hudi was killed, Ali Hu remarried to the Zong mu nan family and had a son and a daughter. But the good times did not last long, and Nan Jiafujun was killed in battle.

Marrying twice is nothing in Ali Hu's life, and the more exciting ones are still to come. When Yan Liang followed Emperor Zong of Liang in his attack on the Song Dynasty, Ali Hu's name reached his ears. However, at that time, Yan Liang's power was not big enough to take Ali Hu from the hands of the Zong family Nan family. Among them, the main family of the Southern Family of the Clan Family, that is, Ali Hu's father-in-law, Tu Gesu, was particularly repulsive to this matter.

If you think about it, it's not hard to understand. Your own son died fighting for the country, and you, the son of the royal family, are now coming to snatch your daughter-in-law. Whoever puts it on will also be repelled.

However, this is not the case. In 1149, after Yan Liang became emperor, he forcibly incorporated Ali Hu into the harem and made him a concubine. And the little nine-nine in Turksu's heart was also known to everyone.

What calculation was Turksley playing in his heart? It turned out that after the death of his son, Tu Gesu served as a marshal supervisor and stationed in Beijing. Uprooted from home, his wife and concubines are not around, and Ali Hu is a famous beauty. Therefore, Tu Gesu locked Ali Hu in the attic and did not let her meet with outsiders, while he could not help his daughter-in-law's beauty and had been committing incestuous adultery with her. The reason why he did not want to hand over Ali Hu to Yan Liang was because he was reluctant to let Ali Hu leave him.

Seeing this, you may scold The Dog of Turgot, but Ali Hu is not a fuel-saving lamp. This is vividly reflected in her own daughter.

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


Alcoholic Princess Zhao: Greedy cup out of favor, contending with women

When the emperors of the past were deeply trapped in the gentle countryside of beautiful women, they did not forget to hold wine in their arms. But Guan Yanliang is very special, not only does he not love wine, but he even dislikes wine to the extreme. But Ali Tiger from the grasslands was so drunk that he often got very drunk. Yan Liang persuaded her many times, but Ali Hu hu hu hu accepted it and resolutely did not change. Therefore, shortly after Ali Hu entered the palace, Yan Liang no longer spoiled her.

Ali Hu had a son and a daughter with her second husband, and the daughter was named Chongjie. One day, when he had just turned fifteen, he entered the palace to visit his mother and stay in the palace. Fifteen years old was a watershed for women to become adults in ancient times, and reaching fifteen years old meant that women could marry and have children.

As the saying goes: it is better to come early than to be coincidental. The beautiful young Chung Is seen by Yan Liang, who knows that this is ali hu and her ex-husband's daughter, but he still uses obscenity to possess Chung. When Ali Hu heard about this, he was furious. But she was so angry that she was not full of beauty, but her daughter was heavy.

Ali Hu could not suppress the anger in his heart and went straight to the Zhaohua Hall where his daughter was located. Seeing the heavy section, he directly slapped the heavy section on the face. He scolded, "I have already remarried someone else and broke off my friendship with you." If you do such a thing, I swear not to live with you. ”

The psychological shadow area of this heavy festival is first bullied by the stepfather, and then beaten and scolded by the mother. So you should understand why I say that Ali Hu is not a fuel-saving lamp. In this kind of thing, instead of comforting the daughter but to blame the mother, it is really a brain circuit.

After this incident, Yan Liang was even more snubbed by Ali Hu.

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


Princess Chen dies tragically: Sharing a bed with a maid and being killed by a kitchen maid

There were many concubines in the harem, but the emperor had only one. Therefore, the lonely and timid concubines in the harem raised "fake children" in the palace, that is, they dressed up as men and accompanied themselves. There is a maid named Sheng Ge by Ali Hu's side, who is as tall as a man and is deeply loved by Ali Hu. The two were like glue, day and night.

Once, when the two were having sex together, they happened to be seen by Ali Hu's cook. This kitchen lady was not accustomed to Ali Hu on weekdays, so she directly informed Yan Liang of this matter. But this yan liang was very open, and these tricks for concubines had long been commonplace, so they did not take it seriously. He just told Ali Hu not to embarrass the kitchen lady, but Ali Hu was very angry and privately sent someone to beat the kitchen lady to death.

Yan Liang showed no mercy to those who disobeyed him, and when he heard this, he became furious and claimed to execute Ali Hu. However, the prince's birthday was approaching, so after the prince's birthday, Yan Liang immediately ordered Ali Hu to hang himself in the palace, and ShengGe drank poison to commit suicide after the matter was exposed.

At this point, the absurd and tragic life of Princess Chen Ali Hu came to an end.

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


Noble Concubine Dingge: Lonely and bold, fornicating with slaves

If there are timid people in the harem, there will be boldness, and the beautiful concubine Tang Kuodingge is a bold woman. Before entering the palace, she had an affair with the domestic slave Yan Qi'er, who looked exactly like Yan Liang. Therefore, after Dingge was left out in the palace, he made a small plan to put Yan Qi'er into the palace.

The fake boy is to dress up the palace maid as a man, so the real man Yan Qi'er has to dress up as a woman. DingGe asked Yan Qi'er to dress up as a palace maid and accompany himself day and night, which was inseparable.

However, if you want people to be ignorant, unless you do nothing. Brother Ding's palace maid Gui Brother was blessed by Yan Liang, and in order to attack Ding Brother, Gui Brother told Yan Liang all about Yan Qi'er.

After Yan Liang heard this, he killed Yan Qi'er and all the people associated with this matter in anger, but did not order Dingge to be killed. Why?

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


Noble Concubine Dingge: Two husbands, cheating into sex

Originally, Dingge was originally the wife of the Chongyi Army's emissaries. At that time, Dingge was beautiful and young, and the two hooked up before Yan Liang became emperor. Later, Yan Liang usurped the throne and became emperor, and gradually forgot about Dingge. Brother Ding was not reconciled, and a letter rekindled the old love between the two.

After Yan Liang read the letter, he quickly replied with a letter, which read roughly as follows: Since ancient times, the emperor can have two empresses, and if you kill the black belt, I will make you an empress. If you can't bear it, I'll kill your whole family." Dingge was very scared after reading it, so he drunk the black belt and strangled him to death.

When DingGe killed Wu Dai, whether he was sad or happy, we don't know, we don't dare to ask. It's just that after Dingge was not finally sealed, he was only named a noble concubine.

Therefore, Yan Liang still had feelings for Dingge, so he did not order Dingge to be killed. However, Dingge realized that he had no face in the harem and would not be favored by the emperor in the future, so he hanged himself.

The Golden Dynasty Emperor's absurd harem: the concubines' lives are more wonderful than one


The harem is as deep as the sea, and the woman is a light boat

Since ancient times, politics has been the battlefield of men, and the harem is the world of women. You sang and I appeared on the stage, and one good drama after another was staged one after another, leaving a charming stroke on the screen of history.

The generosity and forbearance of Empress Tudan, the absurdity and helplessness of Ali Hu, and the boldness and turmoil of Dingge are all their ability to survive on this sea, and the fierce wind that wants to knock them down is not only from Yan Liang, but also from the depths of their own hearts.

Planner: Fish and Sheep History Producer: Fish Boy

Author: Septuagenarian Pippi Production: Eat hard disk bar, developed mosquitoes

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