
What is the historical reality of Zhuge Liang? The truth may subvert your perceptions

author:Su Wangyu

As we all know, Liu Bei "Three Gu Maolu", Zhuge Liang appeared, served as a military division, assisted Liu Bei, and established the Shu Han regime. But the real history is that Zhuge Liang was a general in the military division, but this is not a real military division, in fact, it is just a logistics manager.

What is the historical reality of Zhuge Liang? The truth may subvert your perceptions

In the novel film and television works, most of the credit for the Battle of Chibi can be said to be Zhuge Liang's, especially trying to borrow the East Wind to burn the Cao camp and achieve a great victory. But the real situation is not like this, the Battle of Chibi and Zhuge Liang basically have nothing to do with it, it is Zhou Yu who is planning and commanding the entire battle situation, borrowing the East Wind is also Zhou Yu's special familiarity with the environment at that time, knowing that the east wind will blow up as soon as the season arrives, and only then will there be the final result of burning the Cao camp.

The Zhou Yu in history was not a small qi and was killed by Zhuge Liang, but a Confucian general who was elegant and Hongda, an outstanding military expert. Throughout the Battle of Chibi, Zhuge Liang's role was only to persuade Sun Quan and cooperate with Eastern Wu. As for the Confucianism of the Tongue War Group, it was also a figment of the matter, and at that time Zhuge Liang directly met with Sun Quan and proposed two plans to unite Liu Kangcao and claim subjects in the north. Sun Quan weighed it up and chose the former.

What is the historical reality of Zhuge Liang? The truth may subvert your perceptions

Some people may say that Zhuge Liang also has the merit of "borrowing arrows from grass boats". But you know what? "Borrowing arrows from grass boats" was not done by Zhuge Liang, and in real history, "borrowing arrows from grass boats" was done by Sun Quan. Moreover, the "straw boat borrowing arrows" did not occur in the Battle of Chibi, but five years after the Battle of Chibi, the Battle of Misaki. The novel film and television works are too deified zhuge Liang.

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