
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

author:Jinan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

Do you know?

The Year of the Ugly Cow is only 354 days,

30 days less than the previous year of the ox and the next year of the ox;

And the Year of the Ugly Bull has only 23 solar terms.

(Want to know why?) At the end of the article, you will tell you the answer Oh ~)




The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

First day of work

We have the second of the 24 solar terms

It is also the first festival of the Year of the Ugly Ox

- "Rain"

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

"Rainwater" generally begins on February 18 and 20 in the Gregorian calendar and ends on March 4 or 5, which is a solar term that reflects precipitation.

"The Seventy-two Waiting Solutions of the Moon Order": "In the middle of the first month, the sky is full of water." Spring begins with wood, and those who give birth to wood will also have water, so the spring will follow the rain. And when the east wind is thawed, it scatters into rain. This means that before and after the rain festival, everything begins to sprout, and spring is coming.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

In the past 7 days of the Spring Festival holiday

Plum blossoms in Baotu Spring, Spring in Wulongtan, magnolias in Daming Lake, weeping willows in the moat...

All quietly brought us the news of spring.

Spring Festival meets spring, so this holiday adds more happiness!

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

With the arrival of the rainy season,

Snowflakes flying, cold air soaked in the weather gradually disappeared,

The spring breeze is blowing, and the sunshine and drizzle are coming to us.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

In ancient China, rainwater was divided into three seasons:

Waiting for the otter to sacrifice fish: On the first five days of the rain festival, the river melts, the fish surface, and the otters begin to catch fish in a big way, they display the caught fish at the water's edge, as if they are sacrificing to the heavens, thanking nature for gifts, so there is a saying that "jackals know the newspaper" (jackal sacrifice beasts, otter sacrifice fish).

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

After five days, the geese began to fly back from the south to the north; as the saying goes, "the seven or nine rivers open, eight or nine geese come", the rain festival is in the winter solstice after the seven nine and eight nine, the ice and snow melt, and the geese return.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

Three seasons of grass and trees sprouting: In another five days, in the spring rain of "moisturizing and silent", the grass and trees begin to pull out young shoots with the yang in the ground. Since then, the earth has gradually begun to show a thriving scene.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

The Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao said: "Spring should save acid, increase sweetness, and nourish temper."

During the rainy season, the weather is warm and cold, the moisture gradually rises, there is often dew and frost in the morning, it is cool in the morning and evening, and it is warm at noon, so before and after the rain, we must also pay attention to keeping warm. As the saying goes, "spring cover autumn freeze", clothing should be thick and thin, do not reduce clothing too early, and avoid getting cold.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

At the same time, the spring cold material is steep, with the increase of precipitation, the evil of cold and humidity is very easy to trap the spleen, diet and maintenance should focus on nourishing the spleen and stomach and dispelling wind and dehumidification. The diet is "less sour and more sweet", eat less raw, cold, greasy, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. You can eat more crucian carp, carrots, yams, millet, etc. to regulate the liver, keep the liver qi harmonious and smooth, and can also be appropriately supplemented, such as honey, dates, yams, white fungus, etc. are suitable for this festival supplement.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

Milk soup pu cai is a "most Jinan" special cuisine, Jinan soup vegetable industry "shoulder handle", soup color milky white, pu cai crisp and tender, fresh, with cool and detoxifying effect, as a representative of Lu cuisine won the CCTV "China ON the tip of the tongue II.".

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

Snow wild fish head soup is made of snow wild lake big flower silver carp, with a unique seasoning, slow simmering with firewood, stewed fish head soup meat is delicious, the entrance is fragrant, tender but not greasy, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, warming the stomach.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

The Longshan millet grains in Jinan Zhangqiu are round and large, the color is golden and bright, and it has a good spleen and stomach protection effect. Jinan's "tea soup" is made by grinding the fine longshan millet into powder and frying it, and then brewing it with spring water. According to the taste, add ground sesame seeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, walnut kernels, raisins and other ingredients to enhance the taste, when refreshments, warm the heart and stomach.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

After the rain, the spring wind sends warmth, and the pathogenic bacteria and viruses are easily spread with the wind, so the spring infectious diseases are often prone to outbreaks. Everyone should protect themselves, pay attention to exercise, strengthen resistance, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

In the eyes of ancient poets, what did spring rain mean? Feel the mood of the spring rain with the following poems!

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

"Happy Rain on Spring Night"

Don Du Fu

Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening

Dive into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent

The wild trails are dark and the river boats are alone

Xiao looked at the red wet place, and the flowers were heavy in the official city

▲The description of spring rain in the poem is subtle, delicate and vivid, and the sound is painted. The whole poetic mood is light and elegant, the meaning is quiet, and the poetry and the painting are integrated, which is a mysterious and unique Yongyu poem.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

"Spring Cold"

Song Chen and Yi

In February, the sun was windy, and the spring cold was not timid.

Begonias do not hesitate to carmine, independent in the drizzle.

▲ The poem describes that the spring cold is not over, and the delicate begonias, without sparing the bright red flowers, stand up and open independently in the cold wind and cold rain.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

"Early Spring Presents the Eighteen Members of the Water Department"

Don HanYu

The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close but not there.

The most is the benefit of spring of the year, which is better than the smoke and willow full of imperial capital.

▲ The poem describes the beautiful scenery of the early spring rain, writes the scenery is beautiful, expresses the sensitivity to the vibrant scene when spring comes and the joy caused by it, in order to induce friends to go out of the house and feel the information of early spring.

The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

"Spring Rain"

Don Lee Shang-yin

Lying in the new year white robes, the white door is rare and disobedient.

The Red Chamber looked at each other cold in the rain, and the bead foil lantern returned alone.

The long way should be sad and late in the spring, and the remnants of the night are still faint.

Yu Yu Zhen Za He Yu Da, Wanli Yun Luo a goose flying.

▲ In the poem, with the help of the misty spring rain, it is integrated into the protagonist's confused state of mind and vague dreams, constituting a seamless artistic realm, which has a considerable sense of beauty.

If "Li Chun" is a sonata of spring

Then "rain" is a variation of spring

The temperature rises and rains

After that, the day of spring blossoms is coming...

" Here comes the answer "

Why is the Year of the Ugly Cow only 354 days?

More knowledge points about the Lunar Year of the Ox,

Poke the map to understand!


The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...
The "variations" of spring have been played, and the warm flowers of spring are on the way...

Photography: Chou Yunjian, Dong Chenghua, Wang Qin, Li Feng, Zhang Xing, Chai Yan, Wang Xiao, Shao Kai

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