
Rural revitalization: The National Rural Revitalization Bureau was officially listed

author:China Times
Rural revitalization: The National Rural Revitalization Bureau was officially listed

China Times ( reporter Yang Shi province reported in Beijing

At 16:00 on February 25, at No. 1, Sungong North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the sign of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau was officially hung. This is not only a sign of China's comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty, but also the starting point for comprehensively implementing rural revitalization and running towards a new life and new struggle.

The birth of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau will undertake the important mission of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization after poverty alleviation. The Central Rural Work Conference in December 2020 pointed out that after the victory in poverty alleviation, it is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, which is a historic shift in the focus of the "three rural" work.

"The establishment of the Rural Revitalization Bureau is very timely, and this year's two sessions will be a hot topic." Ye Qing, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics, known as the "first person in bus reform", told the China Times that the Rural Revitalization Bureau not only allows people in rural China to live a happy life, but more importantly, the internal circulation of the economy has a grip, and urban and rural development will be more balanced.

It has been learned that at the national work conference on consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively linking with rural revitalization at the end of last year, Hu Chunhua, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, stressed that conforming to the new requirements of the historic shift in the focus of the "three rural areas" work and doing a good job in consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively linking with rural revitalization is the first task in rural work at present and for some time to come.

On January 4, when Hu Chunhua went to the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office to investigate and investigate, he demanded: Use rural revitalization to take charge of all the work of the "three rural areas" in the new development stage, continue to support the development of industries, build infrastructure, improve public services, etc.; we must improve the normalization of the rural low-income population support mechanism, and do a good job in helping and assisting and providing assistance in a hierarchical and classified manner.

Zhao Chenxin, secretary general of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in December last year that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, relevant departments and localities will be united to further improve the follow-up support policy system in combination with the promotion of rural revitalization and new urbanization strategies.

This reporter combed through the local two points and found that when deploying the work in 2021 in the government work report, all localities put rural revitalization in the top priority position.

It is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

This reporter previously learned that the National Rural Revitalization Bureau was reorganized from the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office as a whole, managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and is at the vice ministerial level. The staffing, internal institutions and administrative relations of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau are basically consistent with the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, and the "three determinations" plan (departmental responsibilities, internal institutions, and staffing) has been initially formed and is to be announced.

At the Central Rural Work Conference in December last year, Xi Jinping stressed that after the victory in poverty alleviation, it is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, which is a historic shift in the focus of the "three rural" work. Qiushi magazine, published on February 16, published an article entitled "The Great Miracle in the History of Human Poverty Reduction", signed "Party Group of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau of the Communist Party of China", which was the first appearance of the party group of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau.

On February 25, the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was held in Beijing, and the director of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau was also announced on the same day.

According to the official website of the Rural Revitalization Bureau, Wang Zhengpu has served as a member of the Central Rural Work Leading Group and deputy director of the office in January 2021, a member of the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and a secretary of the party group and director of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau. He was formerly a member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Organization Department. In August 2018, Wang Zhengpu entered Sichuan from Liao, and after working in Sichuan for more than two years, he left Sichuan to return to Beijing.

After being transferred out of Sichuan, Wang Zhengpu appeared at two important meetings one after another: On January 26, Hu Chunhua presided over a plenary meeting of the State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development in Beijing, and CCTV news and television footage showed that Wang Zhengpu participated; on February 2, the "National Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Census" held a plenary meeting again, with Hu Chunhua presiding over the meeting and speaking, and CCTV news footage showing that Wang Zhengpu also attended the meeting.

Wang Zhengpu worked for many years in the former Ministry of Agriculture, and in 2010, as one of the 66 cadres selected by the Central Organization Department, he went to Liaoning to exchange posts, and in 2018, he was transferred to Sichuan.

If the nation wants to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. The party Central Committee believes that the work of "three rural areas" in the new development stage is extremely important, and it is necessary to persistently regard the solution of the "three rural areas" problem as the most important task in the work of the whole party and regard the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization as a major task for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"The time of the rural revitalization strategy is March 2018, and it is necessary to achieve the five major revitalizations of industry, ecology, culture, talents and organizations, so there must be an institution to promote the revitalization of these five major industries." Ye Qing said.

Talking about rural construction, at the press conference of the State Council New Office on February 22, Tang Renjian, director of the Central Agricultural Office and minister of agriculture and rural affairs, said that after the completion of the goal of poverty alleviation in the new era, the focus of the "three rural" work should be historically shifted to comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

Rural revitalization invested 7 trillion yuan in 5 years

According to the positioning of the "Strategic Plan for Rural Revitalization (2018-2022)", in the five years from 2018 to 2022, it is necessary to achieve a comprehensive well-off in rural areas, and to make a good start for the basic realization of agricultural and rural modernization.

Giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas is a major principle that has been adhered to for a long time in doing a good job in the work of "three rural areas." "China is a big agricultural country, the proportion of agricultural population is high, the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, we must strengthen the construction of weak links in rural areas, so it needs a lot of capital investment." Wang Xiaoyu, deputy secretary-general of the Heilongjiang Provincial Food Industry Alliance, who has long studied rural markets, told the China Times reporter.

This newspaper previously reported that Han Jun, former vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs, revealed: After preliminary calculations, to achieve the goal of the 5-year plan of the rural revitalization strategy, at least 7 trillion yuan should be invested. "We must establish a diversified input pattern of fiscal priority, financial focus, and active social participation, improve the rural financial system that suits the characteristics of agriculture and rural areas, allocate more financial resources to weak links in rural areas, and meet the diversified and multi-level financial needs of rural revitalization." Han Jun said.

Where does the money come from? To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs proposed two major sources of funding: one is rural finance, and the other is social participation.

As far as rural finance is concerned, although the current rural financial system is very weak, in addition to traditional financial institutions such as the Agricultural Bank, postal savings, and rural commercial bank, the policy of relaxing the market access of rural finance and improving the rural financial system must keep up.

With the introduction of the new version of the Land Contracting Law and the revision of the Land Management Law, mortgage loans for farmhouses and contracted land are expected to be promoted nationwide. "These past sleeping assets, once the rural land trading market matures, will leverage hundreds of billions of dollars." Du Zhaoyong, a lawyer at Jingding Law Firm who has long studied rural land reform, told the China Times.

In terms of social participation, government-enterprise cooperation to jointly promote rural revitalization has been placed in an important position. For example, Shandong Linyi Lanling National Agricultural Park, subsidized by the government and invested by private capital, has built a total of 620,000 mu of park, integrating agricultural production, processing, tourism and other industries, including catering, accommodation, entertainment, health and other facilities. In this way, the government-enterprise cooperation project has achieved the goal of making the countryside beautiful, agriculture strong, and farmers rich, and can bring economic benefits.

In other places, government-enterprise cooperation projects are being explored, covering rural poverty alleviation and relocation, characteristic towns, pastoral complexes, modern agricultural demonstration parks and other fields, and the participation of social capital has also made rural revitalization have a stronger capital hematopoietic capacity.

In the interview, this reporter noted that in terms of funds, various localities are actively exploring diversified forms to help the development of rural revitalization. Tianyan found that many places actively explore equity investment services for rural revitalization, with the government guidance fund as the main fund of funds taking on the responsibility, and exploring multiple measures such as "guidance fund + parallel sub-fund + project library".

"Many local finances participate in the construction of funds and are handed over to professional investment companies for management." A section chief of the finance bureau of a certain eastern city told this reporter that in recent years, many localities have prepared to build a rural revitalization and development fund by increasing the integration of special funds. According to the data of Tianyancha, as many as 86 rural revitalization funds have been established.

Du Zhaoyong said that the No. 1 document of the Central Committee requires that by 2025, the modernization of agricultural infrastructure will reach a new level, the facilitation of rural living facilities will be initially realized, and the level of equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas will be significantly improved, which shows that huge amounts of funds are needed to achieve agricultural and rural modernization.