
"Excellent Guangzhong Wonderful Story" "Liu Mengmeng" Liu Xiaojun: Zhang Is Relaxed So that students are no longer confused in the world of mathematics

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"Excellent Guangzhong Wonderful Story" "Liu Mengmeng" Liu Xiaojun: Zhang Is Relaxed So that students are no longer confused in the world of mathematics

Liu Xiaojun, a first-class teacher in middle school, a master's student of Central China Normal University, an outstanding class teacher in Guangyuan City, a mathematics teacher with remarkable results in the College Entrance Examination of Guangyuan City, a member of the teaching and research group of Guangyuan High School Mathematics Center, has won the first prize of Guangyuan High School Mathematics Quality Class Competition, the first prize of the Thesis Competition, and the first prize of the "Teaching Skills of Mathematics Disciplines in High School" competition for many times.

My Teaching Sutra:

In class management, we should be relaxed and create a good learning atmosphere; in mathematics teaching, we pay attention to the process of knowledge generation, the penetration of mathematical thinking methods, and the cultivation of mathematical core literacy, so that students are no longer confused in the world of mathematics.

Li Kang Cover news reporter Liu Yangu

Do not be shocked, watch the flowers blossom and fall before the court; go to stay unintentional, look at the clouds in the sky. When I first saw Liu Xiaojun, I only felt that his temperament was too indifferent, and the students said that he was like an "old cadre" who was extremely cloudy and breezy.

In school, his state is to prepare lessons, polish courseware, and attend classes; receive feedback after class, discuss with colleagues that can expand and extend knowledge points; when he leaves work, he will listen to music, brush up on math problems, write down classic problem types, and then share them with students the next day. Speaking of his cycle of daily life, Liu Xiaojun scratched his head shyly, "I am a person who is accustomed to peace of mind in life and accustomed to being serious in work. ”

Because of his baby face and the particularly cute tone when he spoke, he was called "Liu Mengmeng" by students. In the past ten years of teaching, "Liu Mengmeng" has always firmly believed that mathematics teaching needs to pay attention to the process of knowledge generation, the penetration of mathematical ideas and methods, and the cultivation of mathematical core literacy.

"Excellent Guangzhong Wonderful Story" "Liu Mengmeng" Liu Xiaojun: Zhang Is Relaxed So that students are no longer confused in the world of mathematics

Mathematics teaching goes back to the roots

"Mathematics often becomes a 'roadblock' for students, and people often ask, how can we teach mathematics well?" "Liu Mengmeng" smiled mysteriously and talked about his teaching "cheats" - a detailed analysis of the process of knowledge point generation, teaching students the ability to analyze problems.

"The proof of mathematical theorems is the best exercise; the proof process is the best process of comprehension and memory; the method of proof is the most classical and profound mathematical method." Liu Mengmeng explained, "In the high school stage, students need to master a lot of formulas, theorems, if you do not talk about the principle and derivation process, blindly let students rote memorization, not to mention whether it can be accurately applied to the test questions, I am afraid that all the memorization is not an easy task." Therefore, in the math class of "Liu Mengmeng", he will always elaborate on the process of knowledge point generation.

For example, when it comes to the sine theorem, students have mastered "the sum of the inner angles of a triangle is 180°, and the longer the edges, the larger the corresponding angles." But this is to understand the sides and angles of the triangle from a qualitative point of view, how to understand the relationship between the sides and angles of the triangle from a quantitative point of view? "Liu Mengmeng" will tell the students the story behind the theorem, tell them the background of the theorem, and at the same time do not rush to conclusions, but guide students to guess the quantitative relationship between edges and angles, and at the same time find ways to verify whether their conjectures are correct, such as equilateral triangles such as special triangles to test, and then guide students to strictly prove the conclusion through a variety of angles, until the theorem is deduced.

"Explaining the process of knowledge point generation and letting students derive on their own is to cultivate students' ideas and methods of learning mathematics; teaching students how to analyze problems is to cultivate students' logical thinking." "Liu Mengmeng" chooses variant teaching, so that students can master the ability to analyze problems, "the so-called analysis of problems, is to let students start from some iconic places in the problem, transform esoteric problems into familiar problems, find corresponding knowledge points to answer, a question is changeable, a problem is more than solved, so that students can learn to learn to learn from each other." ”

"Excellent Guangzhong Wonderful Story" "Liu Mengmeng" Liu Xiaojun: Zhang Is Relaxed So that students are no longer confused in the world of mathematics

Manage the class to be relaxed

In 2011, after graduating from Central China Normal University, "Liu Mengmeng" joined Guangyuan Middle School through recruitment. In the ten years of teaching, "Liu Mengmeng" served as the class teacher for seven years. "If you want to find Teacher Liu, you can't go to the office to find it, you have to go to the classroom to find it." "When it came to the end of class, Teacher Liu was either in the classroom or on the way to the classroom." His conscientiousness and responsibility have won unanimous praise from teachers and students.

"Liu Mengmeng" likes to stay with students, but he does not deliberately "brush the sense of existence" in the classroom, and does not let students have the feeling of being "controlled". It is more in the place where students can see when they look up, not to say much and not to care much, to act as an invisible spiritual pillar.

"The academic pressure of students is very high, so in managing the class, I prefer to relax a little and be relaxed in order to create a good learning atmosphere." When it comes to class management, "Liu Mengmeng" is the head of the Tao. After each exam, he would quietly talk to the students and ask them about their current learning and psychological status. When he encounters a lot of psychological pressure on students, he will first investigate the reasons, if it is because of learning, he will work with students to analyze the learning difficulties he is encountering now, formulate a learning plan, and strive to break through the bottleneck. If it is due to factors outside the study, he will lead the students to do some sports, let the students' energy be slightly dispersed, and if necessary, he will also act as a "mediator" of family conflicts. Looking at the vibrant smiling faces, "Liu Mengmeng" is full of happiness in her heart.

"Simple things are done repeatedly, and repetitive things are done with heart. Repetition is not copying, but paying attention to whether in the process of repetition, whether you have memorized the methods and techniques, whether you have simplified the steps and adjusted in time, carefully felt the unexpected factors every time, fine-tuned, combing. Over the years, "Liu Mengmeng" has led by example and taught students with practical actions, saying that every time he does things a little better than the last time, that is, he is constantly improving, and one day he will reach a height that is unimaginable to him.

Teachers and students get along with patience and meticulousness

"When teachers and students get along, teachers must be patient, meticulous, and affinity, each student has his own characteristics, to understand the uniqueness of students, can not be generalized." "Liu Mengmeng" uses his patience and gentleness to constantly guide and encourage students.

There is a Wu student in the 11th class of the 2017 class, who came to the class of "Liu Mengmeng" when he was divided into liberal arts and sciences in the first semester of high school. When Wu entered the class, his grades were relatively low, the learning environment changed and he was also more greedy, and after a period of time, Wu's grades could only barely reach the undergraduate line. However, "Liu Mengmeng" found that Wu's math scores were particularly good, and the results of each exam were among the best in the class, so after a section of the exam, "Liu Mengmeng" quietly called Wu to the office.

After an exchange, "Liu Mengmeng" found that Wu was a flexible and very intelligent student, because he liked mathematics, he was willing to spend more effort on this subject, but he was not concerned about other subjects. "Can you be so interested in the subject of mathematics, and learn so well, it is also an affirmation of my teaching work, so are you willing to give more lectures to the students in the class, so that more students like mathematics?" 」 "Liu Mengmeng" patted Wu's shoulder and said with a smile. Wu's eyes widened in surprise, he originally thought that "Liu Mengmeng" was going to criticize him for being partial to subjects and persuade him to spend more time on other subjects. Looking at "Liu Mengmeng" did not mean to joke, Wu students focused on the head.

Then, "Liu Mengmeng" praised the novelty of Wu's problem solving method in the class, and encouraged the students to learn more from him, and Wu quietly blushed. The students in the class will ask him math problems between classes, and every time Wu can solve them perfectly, over time, it will lay the foundation for Wu's image of "learning bully" in the hearts of students. Later, the students who asked Wu questions not only asked math problems, but also other subjects. At the beginning, Wu students who could not answer the questions were somewhat red-faced, and then they calmed down to study other subjects, and their grades improved rapidly. In the end, Wu was admitted to a very good heavy book.

"Encouraging students with praise, even exaggeration of facts, may seem like the most common way, but it is indeed the most effective way to do it." Finding a point worthy of praise, enhancing students' sense of achievement, and building self-confidence can achieve unimaginable results. Liu Mengmeng said.

Scholars must seek teachers, and they must not be careless in their teachings. In the eyes of "Liu Mengmeng", teaching is a rigorous process, and the exposition of knowledge points should be "simplified into complex", and the test points should be pointed. "In education and teaching, we must pay attention to the spiritual communication with students, not only to teach students mathematics, but also to make them fall in love with mathematics, so that they are no longer confused in the world of mathematics."

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