
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this

author:The old pig's broken thoughts

【The First Honest Official of the Great Qing Dynasty Yu Jackie Chan True Appearance Map】

Portrait of Yu Chenlong, Qing Kangxi

Collection of the Smithsonian Institution

Yu Chenglong, the character Beiming, the number Yu Shan, the Qing Dynasty Shanxi Yongning Prefecture people. In the eighteenth year of Qing Shunzhi, Yu Chenlong was appointed as the Zhi County of Luocheng County, and in office Ming ensured the Jia system, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and devoted themselves to cultivating the land. In the sixth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, Yu Chenglong was promoted to Zhizhou of Hezhou, Sichuan. Later, he moved to Zhizhou in Huanggang, Huguang, and successively served as the acting prefect of Wuchang, the envoy of Fujian, the envoy of the government, the inspector and the governor, the Shangshu of the Jiabing Department, and the university scholar. Kangxi entered Beijing for twenty years. He was later promoted to governor of Jiangxi, Jiangnan. In the 23rd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the imperial court ordered Yu Chenlong to concurrently manage the affairs of the two places, and he died shortly after. He was posthumously awarded the title of Crown Prince Taibao by the Kangxi Emperor.

In his more than 20 years of eunuch career, Yu Chenlong was praised as "outstanding" three times, and was deeply loved by the people with his outstanding political achievements and a life of incorruptibility and hard work, and was praised by the Kangxi Emperor. It is known as the first incorruptible official in the world.

It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this
It turned out that Yu Chenlong, the first honest official of the Qing Dynasty, looked like this

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