
The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

author:Historical Chronicles

Author: Yang Zheng

After the large-scale TV series "Yu Chenlong" was broadcast on CCTV, it set off a wave of enthusiasm.

For a time, topics such as "Yu Chenlong" and "clean government" became people's talk after tea and dinner, and the streets talked about it, and they were praised.

The first time I saw this name, I was still stunned, Yu Chenlong, who is also?

In the nearly 300-year history of the Qing Dynasty, there were not few officials known for their integrity, but the most famous of them, Dangtui, was once praised by the Kangxi Emperor as "the first honest official in the world".

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

Incidentally, there are two famous officials named Yu Chenlong in the history of the Qing Dynasty, one is the protagonist of this article, and the other is Yu Chenlong (1638∼1700), the character Zhenjia, the number is like a mountain, the Han army is set with a yellow flag, and posterity also calls him "less than Jackie Chan".

During his reign, Lord Yu also served the people wholeheartedly and did practical things, so many people praised him at that time.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, continue to learn for the saints, and open up peace for all the worlds", this is the Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Zai's hope for intellectuals, Yu Chenlong focused more on the second sentence, caring for the fate of the people of Li and putting the concept into practice. Yu Chenlong adheres to moral ideals, pursues independent personality, and has the courage to assume social responsibility, his ideals have never betrayed the soil under his feet and the disposition in his heart, interpreting Confucius's words of "soldiers are determined to be in the Tao".

"I didn't do anything at the beginning of my life, and after I was born, Han Zuo declined." At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji lamented that his life was not at the right time, and our protagonist Yu Jackie Chan was also born at an untimely time.

Yu Chenlong's ancestors were a rich family, and when his father Yu Shihuang was divided from generation to generation, he could only be counted as a small and medium-sized wealthy family, and his father Yu Shihuang only donated a nine-pin sesame official.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

The first half of his life was not successful, because the exams were always unsuccessful, and he was an authentic repeat student, which of course was also related to his resolute character. Therefore, Yu Chenlong is a late bloomer.

In the twelfth year of Ming Chongzhen (1639), he participated in the township examination and won the deputy gongsheng, but did not go out to become an official because his father needed to be taken care of because of his old age.

It was not until the age of 45 that he was elected as a Qing court official by the Ming Dynasty and was awarded the title of Zhi County, Luocheng County, Liuzhou, Guangxi. Since then, he has successively served as a magistrate of ZhiXian County, Zhi Prefecture, Prefect, and Daoist, and has always been the second division of the clan (according to the envoy, the envoy of the government), the governor of the chief, and everywhere he went, there was a political voice. In particular, he has always been honest and self-disciplined, and has done many good deeds, which is deeply loved by the people.

It is said that one day, the Kangxi Emperor asked the Qunchen during the early dynasty: I really want to leave the capital and go outside, and you will introduce me to a good place to go. What are some places worth seeing?

At that time, Yu Chenlong, who was directly subordinate to the inspector, stood up and said: Gu'an is worth going to his majesty to play. Look at the casual question, what are the places of interest and historical sites in Gu'an?

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

Yu Chenlong replied: There are too many wonders in Gu'an, such as the two views of the West Lake (here referring to the former West Lake and the back West Lake), the three princes, the ox head horse noodles (that is, the cow camel and the horse village), and the jade belt strip (hun river and daqing river). It is really worth a visit from Your Majesty. The Kangxi Emperor was very happy after hearing this, but he actually fell in love with Jackie Chan's plan.

Kangxi followed Yu Chenlong to Gu'an with great interest. Yu Chenglong first recommended to Kangxi which of the two jade belts to go first? Kangxi stood in front of Jackie Chan leading the way. Soon they came to the bank of a river churning with muddy waters, only to see that the fields and villages on both sides of the river were all submerged. The embankment had fallen into disrepair and was dilapidated. The height is uneven, the soil is loose, and there are many gaps.

Kangxi immediately darkened his face and blamed Jackie Chan: Didn't Ai Qing bring Yuan to visit the famous places in Gu'an? Yu Chenglong saw that Kangxi Longyan was furious, so he hurriedly knelt on the river embankment and said: The ancients did not see the scenery when they heard the clouds, and the scenery was even more sparse.

Isn't that what we see today expressed? His Majesty is a wise man, can't he still think of the mystery here?

The Kangxi Emperor seemed to understand Yu Chenlong's good intentions.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

So he was ordered to take charge of the management of this hun river, and if this river was not turned into the Yongding River, he would not come to Beijing to see me. Yu Chenlong replied one after another: He will certainly abide by His Majesty's holy orders, properly manage the Hun River, and let the people of Gu'an feel the majesty of His Majesty's imperial grace. After that, Kangxi stopped playing in Gu'an and returned directly to the capital in a very dismay.

Since Kangxi left, Yu Chengshu has led the local people to fill in the old waters, and continue to excavate new roads and build embankments. Since then, the flood has also subsided. The Hun River was also renamed the Yongding River because of a sentence from Kangxi, and it has been used today.

He fulfilled the oath he took before he became an official at that time, what oath, Yu Chenlong said when he entered the career at that time: "This trip will never be based on hunger and cold, and vow not to be ignorant of the conscience of heaven." It can be seen why Jackie Chan can be from a small knowledge county why he can do it from a big member of a product, not blowing air, but doing hard work.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

Here's another story about him cracking a theft. One day, when he was walking outside the city, he suddenly saw several big men carrying a person who looked like a patient on a bed board to him, only to see that it was covered with a thick quilt, and the pillow was exposed with a phoenix hair. In addition the patient is lying on his side.

This is already a little strange, and even more strange is that two strong men carrying a woman can be exhausted and breathless, and sweat on their heads. From time to time, the two men also used their hands to tuck the quilt on the patient's body, pressing the protruding quilt under the patient's body, as if they were afraid of the wind blowing in. Yu Chenlong saw this and observed them for a while.

Later, the two men who were walking and stumbling changed into two men and continued to carry. Yu Chenlong was strange, so he sent soldiers to ask them about the situation. The soldier came back and told him that lying on the bed was the sister of one of them, who was sick and was sending it to her in-laws' house.

Yu Chenlong was still not at ease, so he sent soldiers to quietly follow them. Later, the soldiers came back and told him that when they reached the door of a village house, two men came out to meet them, and one of them looked for four weeks before closing the door. This further made Jackie Chan conclude that there must be something strange in this.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

He first found the county order of the county and asked if there had been any recent thefts, but the county order did not say it because of his face. Yu Chenlong privately sent soldiers to the city to investigate. Sure enough, a rich family was robbed. Yu Chenlong ordered the soldiers to bring him and asked him why he did not report the crime?

Who knew that the rich man said that the county grandfather would not let him report the case. You can tell the rich man that he already knows where the thief is. So he hurriedly sent soldiers to arrest the criminals. It turned out that a gang of robbers had conspired with a prostitute to put their stolen belongings on the bed, and let the prostitute lie on her side for cover, and then go to the den to share the loot.

In Pu Songling's "Liaozhai Zhiyi", there is a "Yu Zhongcheng", which is written about the story of Yu Chenlong's "good micro-line Jiong Jiong knows the people's hidden, and picks up the hair of thieves". In dealing with criminals, Yu Chenglong advocated prudent punishment, focusing on teaching, and adopted the methods of "treating both leniency and severity" and "curing thieves with thieves," and achieved good results. He was good at discovering the crux of the problem from some details that ordinary people ignored, and had investigated many major doubtful and unsolved cases, so that the wrong cases could be rehabilitated, and he was called "Yu Qingtian" by the people.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

Yu Chenlong's eunuch career for more than 20 years, the world is south and north, alone in the end of the world, without family members, and he did not see his wife for 20 years. After his death, the room was "only a raid on the robes in the sativa, and only a number of salts at the head of the bed", except for worn-out clothes and some necessities of life, the four walls were silent, there was nothing else, and everyone who saw it was in tears. For more than 20 years, the staple food of Yugong has been coarse bran and green vegetables, which are called "Yu Bran Porridge" and "Yu Green Vegetables".

The Kangxi Emperor called him "the first honest official in the world", and people still equate him with "Qing official", but this is actually incomplete. Yu Chenlong is not only honest and self-loving, but also has great achievements and is good at acting, and the goal of governance has always been to protect the land and the people, representing and safeguarding the interests of the majority of the people, and the people's nature is clear.

The character | Yu Jackie Chan: Xian is called a clean official, and the world's clean official is the first

There is another point that is very moving, that is, the performance of the local people when Jackie Chan died. We evaluate whether an official is doing well or not, and the people are the best evaluators. Yu Chenlong died of illness in Nanjing, and the performance of the people at that time was described in four words as the crying of the market, that is to say, the people stopped the market trade and cried bitterly on the street, which can be seen in Jackie Chan's prestige among the people of Nanjing.

Historical Chronicles: Excavate historical stories in depth and shallowness, folk history, ancient history miscellaneous talks, and narrate ancient and modern.

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